misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Mornin Paulie!! I raise my last beer to you!! and blelieve me... without glasses on (only for work) its a challenge writing this post!
yeah... but...
a) its friday
b) i can turn up late
c) they all know I'm LEAVING!!!! what are they gonna do?? sack me/??
disappointing performance tonight aussies.. i think i'm off to bed soonll whats going on? its thursday night n the beginning of the weekend.. I am afraid the US guys are going to provide much more enterrainment... :P
problem is paulie.. you're in (and awake!) by the time I'm ready to head to bed!! hiccups are setting in.. work tomoz.. man... maybe i can work from home tomorrow???
f@#$ it I'm drinkin' ;)

as soon as I get back from the liquor store for some mixers and stuff....