misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Post #3561 that is crazy for a thread started by a thirteen year old boy that decided to have his first drink and ended up drowning in his family swimming pool. Way to keep a thread alive.:cheers:
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Post #3561 that is crazy for a thread started by a thirteen year old boy that decided to have his first drink and ended up drowning in his family swimming pool. Way to keep a thread alive.:cheers:

Wow.....that certainly is a buzz-kill.....

Are you back from the store yet AJ? I just made my first Bloody Mary and this time made it with Jamaican Hot Chocolate. Wow! this stuff packs a punch.
I posted about cap lover passing for the new members information a couple of weeks ago...

just got back from the liquor store...had to get some mixers and a couple of bottles I didn't have in my liquor cabinet...



Pina Coladas this evening for moi...they are gooooooood....

I am most of the time not a good influence for those on the wagon...will be making something with the Midori later I am sure..

I haven't had any southern comfort in 38 years since that kneewalking, camode hugging, bed spinning, episode....and it will only be used for mix in drinks that call for it...

this pina colada is out of this world...it's gonna be a tropical night here in Fort Worth
about a pint straight in about 30 minutes...
I'm guessin' it'd taste better! Not that I know for sure. Sadly, I did earn the boo on the Coors Light.

I'll try one of those good beers some day!
Mmmm Samichlaus... I have one of them waiting to be drunk. I am saving it for some reason. Maybe I will drink it for the throwdown. It's the original tho not the red label.
I got 3 bottles of the stuff. Drink all 3 and do 2 shots in a half hour and you're ready for a bum fight.....with you as "the bum" that is...
can't sleep so you all are going to have to put up with me tonight...drinking a melon ball...