misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

imaguitargod said:
3PM and I'm drinking already, excellent.

Hey, you're late, it's 1:25pm here and I just trotted over to the store to give the cute gal some SBPR and get beer. ;P

Both worked out well.. :twisted:
IGG...you need to make some pizza to go with that brouhaha.
I saw a pack of Hardy's 2005 at the local hippy coop store. I am kicking myself for not buying it. I have some 20 plus year old I'll be drinking with my daughter soon.
Cheers, TB.
texas blues said:
IGG...you need to make some pizza to go with that brouhaha.
LOL. I actually did. I mixed some Snake Bite into the pizza sauce and added shrimp, tomato chunks and shittaki mushrooms. Covered it with fresh cheese and then dumped a ton of Zesty Blend on it.....mmmm mmmm :mouthonfire:
Well, I'm doing it again. Got the pizza dough rising, have had a Witbier by Weyerbacher (sp?). Going to be drinking alot tonight and smoke a little bit. Then plug my amp and pedles in and see what crazy sounds I can get out of my guitar!
imaguitargod said:
Well, I'm doing it again. Got the pizza dough rising, have had a Witbier by Weyerbacher (sp?). Going to be drinking alot tonight and smoke a little bit. Then plug my amp and pedles in and see what crazy sounds I can get out of my guitar!

try a little pain2 as a pizza sauce IGG....its already got the olives in ;)
bentalphanerd said:
try a little pain2 as a pizza sauce IGG....its already got the olives in ;)
I'll mix it in the next time I do pizza (I just mixed in my own home made sauce into this one). That'll probably be in about two days. Tomarrow...I'm grilling!!!!!! :)
Just downed a Bells Pale Ale...god, I think I've officially had all of their brews and every single one of them were great! Can this brewery do no wrong? Oh well, back to reading my book.[/QUOTE]

I was in East Lansing a few years ago and went to a brewpub that served all the Bell's beers. It was in the fall and they had a beer called Oberon everywhere. It was Terrific.
I'm tired of trying to line up more movie gigs. People just don't want to pay in this town. I don't mind doing a few for experience, but damn....(long story)

I just shelled out almost $200 for a window in my wife's car....(Another long story)

I'm having trouble sourcing the peppers I want. Even if I could source them, I couldn't afford them.

...and I've been unemployed since July '07.

So, I'm having some beer...dammit.
JayT said:
It was in the fall and they had a beer called Oberon everywhere. It was Terrific.

It's out for sale again. Since this years release (which was a month ago I believe) I've had four of that and have one againing in the basement (bottle conditioned baby!).

DevilDuck said:
I'm tired of trying to line up more movie gigs. People just don't want to pay in this town. I don't mind doing a few for experience, but damn....(long story)
Welcome to the movie industry :rolleyes:

DevilDuck said:
I just shelled out almost $200 for a window in my wife's car....(Another long story)
I remember you futzing with that on Decoember 26th when I came over. So I take it the duct tape didn't hold.

DevilDuck said:
...and I've been unemployed since July '07.
Decemeber 22 for me.

DevilDuck said:
So, I'm having some beer...dammit.

My plans got screwed up tonight. I got a call about one beer into the night that people were eating tacos over a friends hour and they wanted me to come over to hang out and provide the hot sauce. So I went over and played chili-head for them for about an hour then I couldn't breath and had to leave.

They have 3 cats and I'm deathly alergic to cats, can't even touch them I'm that allergic to them. My friend failed to mention cats to me and I saw all of them right when I walked in the door...ugh...

Well, I've been back for about 45 minutes now and it was too late to start playing guitar (I know it's never too late, but for what I was going to be doing I would wake up the neighbors). I'm catching up on the beer though!

Currently drinking Jefferson's Reserve by Bluegrass Brewing Company.
Oh...The tape held......as long as the window was kept up. It's getting warm and she really likes to roll down the window.

Next up is the A/C repair, then the power steering pump. I could probably do the pump, but it'll take me all day. Nothing...NOTHING is easy to work on on that Isuzu.

I have a friend who works at the University and he gave me a heads up about a position coming up, but it's not for a few months.
Esh, a few months...here's to hoping you get something sooner!

Boy, anyone notice that we are on Page 12 already? That's alot of drinking!
DevilDuck said:
I'm tired of trying to line up more movie gigs. People just don't want to pay in this town. I don't mind doing a few for experience, but damn....(long story)

I just shelled out almost $200 for a window in my wife's car....(Another long story)

I'm having trouble sourcing the peppers I want. Even if I could source them, I couldn't afford them.

...and I've been unemployed since July '07.

So, I'm having some beer...dammit.

I hear ya mate, I've ben on SS/SSI for years and it gets old being poor sometimes. But, cheer up bro, ya make awesome sauce!

I find long's yer content, that's what matters. Things come harder for me than those with the $$$, but I feel I appreciate them more because of it.

I'll pop a few Carlsberg Elephant witcha. :D

imaguitargod said:
Well, I'm doing it again. Got the pizza dough rising, have had a Witbier by Weyerbacher (sp?). Going to be drinking alot tonight and smoke a little bit. Then plug my amp and pedles in and see what crazy sounds I can get out of my guitar!

Sounds killer..bummer about the cats though..I'd really hate being allergic to animals as I love 'em. (and i'm a Leo, so of course I like cats..lol)

Oh, my package from HippySeedCo came in today..WOOOT!
Neil, you are a killer bloke....


I popped opne a Carlsberg Elephant and got a nice chunck of Naga Morrich pod soaking up ATM for munching purposes. Never had 'em before..it'll be evil fun. :twisted:

Time to rock & rollllllll.

QuadShotz said:
Sounds killer..bummer about the cats though..I'd really hate being allergic to animals as I love 'em. (and i'm a Leo, so of course I like cats..lol)
Ya, if it has fur or feathers I'm allergic to it. I also have a shit ton of food allergies too. It sucks but ya learn to deal with it. But I think of some of them this way (food allergies). I'm eating alot healthier because of it.

QuadShotz said:
got a nice chunck of Naga Morrich pod soaking up ATM for munching purposes. Never had 'em before..it'll be evil fun. :twisted:

PICTURES! We need pictures! :lol:
imaguitargod said:
PICTURES! We need pictures! :lol:

Well, hell.

Just went to draw water to plump up the Morrich, and...nothing.

I knew they were doing work in the building today, but sheeze, I was gone for hours and it's stil off. Manager knows about it, but alas, no water.:shocked:

Sooo, lacking water for cooking or dishes, Im making a plain 'ol Red Baron Rising Crust pepperoni pizza and adding spicy cajun sausage/onions/jalapenos/shredded Meunster cheese, "Habanero Hotter Than Hell" sauce, my cayene/pequin powder and sticking to beer.

Pizza pic for ya.. ;)


It's actually not bad pizza, but not what I intended to eat.

I couldn't stand it, and opened the thermosealed bag containing the dried pods, each still in their own lil baggies....and took a big whiff. ZoMG...best thing I ever smelled. Even still sealed in baggies, those five bad boys give off an aroma that is crazy. Mommmm, I wanna eat it. NOW!

Drat #$@!&* water...

imaguitargod said:
Ya, if it has fur or feathers I'm allergic to it. I also have a shit ton of food allergies too. It sucks but ya learn to deal with it. But I think of some of them this way (food allergies). I'm eating alot healthier because of it.
Food allergies are horrid, I have more of an intolerance. I go bright red and blotchy, with swollen lips/face and a racing heartbeat when I eat seafood, nuts, and mustard (I think it's the sulphites in it).