misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

I know a guy who's allergic to garlic and bright sunlight (no kidding!).

Go figure....

Sorry to hear about the water problem, Quad. The pizza looks tasty though.

rainbowberry said:
Food allergies are horrid, I have more of an intolerance. I go bright red and blotchy, with swollen lips/face and a racing heartbeat when I eat seafood, nuts, and mustard (I think it's the sulphites in it).

: gets funny image of a rainbow colored rainbowberry :

Sulphites (artificial ones, not naturally occuring ones) do something different to me. A few hours after a little exposure to them I get a major headache. A headache that's so bad I have to lay down qaand curl up into a ball and wish for death. I can't open my eyes or even move the pain becomes that bad. That's why I can't drink wine anymore (sigh) because all of them have introduced the artificial sulfites into them now.

bentalphanerd said:
mustard : that the same reason you don't like it IGG...are you allergic?

Nope, I'm not allergic to mustard. It's that bright yellow color that it comes in that just turns my stomuch. It's almost at a phobia level. If I get it on me I tend to freak. Actually the bright color is derived from artificial colors...so I guess I would be allergic to it. Hum.
Yep I do pretty much go rainbow coloured :lol: I think it's the sulphites in mustard that might be the problem as I get it with horseradish sauce and many other pickles/preserves, and get a bad headache too. I don't drink wine anyway, I'm dangerous to men after 1 glass.
imaguitargod said:
Sorry to hear about the water problem, Quad. The pizza looks tasty though.

Thx, it was aite for a cheepo pizza. :)

Still no water yet...so since I'm a coffee freak and NEED MY FIXXX or things get hurt!, I'm drinking beer again ala F-it. :D

9:05am, drinkng my last Elephant morning style..w/ v8 and sriracha. Beer store is open now too...hmmm..what to dooo.

Or, mebbe i'll just eat a Morrich..hmm

*i gotta say, Hippy's dried pods are the best I've ever had..full flavor and smell, eveerything. Reydrated genlty in just water, they are almost like fresh. He's a god. (at least a minor deity)

Careful out there, I have nagas, and I *will* eat them..muhaha.

PS, I blame lack of caffeine for everything. Mebbe I'll eat some beans. Irony is, I'd just bought 3 lbs of French Roast....

PPS, that means that chillis and beer will avert personal catastrophy in lieu of coffee. We hope :?:

rainbowberry said:
Yep I do pretty much go rainbow coloured :lol: I think it's the sulphites in mustard that might be the problem as I get it with horseradish sauce and many other pickles/preserves, and get a bad headache too. I don't drink wine anyway, I'm dangerous to men after 1 glass.

::pours a glass of wine::

Sit next to me! :)
Well, got the three day marinated Tri-Tip on the grill, had three beers (one good, two MGD...hey, I have two other really good beers left for tonight but not enough to cary me to happy town so I had to bite the bullet and drink my dad's really old beer stock because that stuff only last so long and it's way past that date....someone's got to drink them).

Boy, I'll tell you. NEVER EVER buy Whole Food's brand of natural wood charcoal. I'm all about using natural wood but that stuff is horrific. I went through half the bag trying to keep the fire alive. This stuff's like styophome it burns so fast. What crap! Plus there's a aftertaste that's not quite plesent. It looks like there are left obver pieces of molding turned into charcoal.
must admit a few drinks and im singing..the wife can drink me under the table anytime,if i ever come round for drinks guys..few beers and ill sing your praises for ever,throw some nice chili delcacies in to and ill make you into an urban myth..have guiness and well..ill be happy happy bunny :cheers::beer:
what would a nice chablis do for you RB?
Mmmmmm... drinking an Imperial Stout from Lagonitas Brewery. Came in a bomber. After this, I may go back to MGD for a few drinks and call it a night after the guitar season.
rainbowberry said:
White wine for me just turns the most foul mouthed arrogant man into a sexy polite adonis. I avoid white wine like the plague.

Damn, and I almost bought a few bottles of a nice aussie merlot today...

Ah well. :D
Maybe it's the cheap ass wine!? Try sth better and who knows.... any bum might turn into (name of the man of your dreams here)!
Chiliac said:
Maybe it's the cheap ass wine!? Try sth better and who knows.... any bum might turn into (name of the man of your dreams here)!
Oh God no, anything better and that would be a disaster, I can just imagine what kind of idiot I'd go for, I'd probably even try to chat up the lamp posts on the way home :oops: Lock your Grandad's away too.