misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Well, Been drinking all day and am now finally catching a nice buzz. And speakin of buzz.......I've got a nice other buzz going on too. Definitly helping with the pain in my shoulder.
I know its not a super rare special beer that you all enjoy, but the wife got me a 6er of Leine's Honey Weiss tonight. Life doesn't get any better for me, that stuff is great.
Burrrrp... excuse me:P Just ate 2 whole Naga pods in total. How? I sliced them up into chopped up pieces with the aid of sour cream on jatz dippers. A few stubbies later Im feeling pretty good:onfire:

DevilDuck said:
I almost picked up a bottle of Chamy Grand Reserve this evening........ but I didn't.

you should have DD that is a fine beer. I pretty much love all Belgian beer. I think if memory serves the Grand Reserve is the blue lable right? That is my favorite one of the Chimays.
I...ummm...I didn't drink for 3 days.

as in previously.

And now, I am here,

In the drinking thread.

And it should be said,

On my second last beer.

bentalphanerd said:
I...ummm...I didn't drink for 3 days.

as in previously.

And now, I am here,

In the drinking thread.

And it should be said,

On my second last beer.

There's...there's just so many things wrong with that post...
Most of you guys will appreciate this. I've seen you people talking about Shiner Bock so many times and I had never had one. I went and picked up a six pack yesturday (on sale for $6.32) for Schwartzenegger night and I must say, they are most excellent. I actually got the Shiner Dunkelweizen. Having the last one right now.
I'm stuck drinking cheap canned beer (Coors Extra Gold) far cry from the Samichlaus I was drinking the other night. That beer may very well be the best beer I have ever had. 14% abv.
bentalphanerd said:
I...ummm...I didn't drink for 3 days.

as in previously.

And now, I am here,

In the drinking thread.

And it should be said,

On my second last beer.


I may have had one too many, but does that rhyme in reverse, and out of order, or something?