misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

DevilDuck said:
Totaled - What an insurance company does to your car when it's wrecked.

You sir, are wrecked!!!
Yes sir! I am wreackedddd! But it wasn't my fault officener! I was drinking mah beer when the peyote started to take effect. I saw a walking cactus form of a man which caused me to swerve off the road and into this lake. SO you see it wasn't my fault./
DevilDuck said:
"Honest osssssiffffer....I was tooooo druuuuuunk to walk. I haaaaddddaaa drive!"

Ahhhhhh, drunken messages between freinds.

"Honestly, officener! If you want my ID, you'll have to hold my beer."
Wow, was I smashed last night. Boy, it's a good thing I know to drink a ton of water before I sleep or this hangover would be 3x worse than it is right now.
I drink loads of water before bed as well, it really helps. This must be your most popular post IGG, if you scroll down the page quickly all you get is a flash of green on the left hand side :)
rainbowberry said:
This must be your most popular post IGG, if you scroll down the page quickly all you get is a flash of green on the left hand side :)
WHOA, you're right. It kinda makes you dizzy doing that.
yea, the imort ale was pretty good. it's not my favorite style of beer..but it was definitely more enjoyable (to me) than others i have tried.

also..i find the lack of new beer reviews to be disturbing. :( i can't drink beer here..but at least i could tease myself and read about good beers.
I had a 'cinco de mayo' party tonight..

frelled. had good food..mate is a chef and had oodles of good. we kida got frerlled and playerd darts ad stuff.

lots of tequila shoits, kidna for how much ber I had, will recll tomorow no prob. Little police invovement.


*falls down npw*
Guess I'm drinking today since it is a rain day. Starting early. Eating my leftover Defcon 2 / DMMKII wings and having an Anchor Brewing Co. Christmas Ale 2006. Old Rasputin' and Weyerbacher Quad are on deck. Gonna have to take a nap later I bet.
Ok moved on from the beer now. Having a dirty martini with Lizard Eyes habanero olives and juice,some Polish vodka, and dry vermouth. Naptime is coming. I guess no one else drinks at this hour...
JayT said:
Guess I'm drinking today since it is a rain day. Starting early.

Wow! Is that your excuse :lol: We'd all be p*ss heads in England if we went by that rule. We probably are. Do Americans, Canadians, Australians etc drink pints like we do over here?
imaguitargod said:
Just had a World Wide Stout...can Dogfish Head brewery do no wrong?!?!?!

yes! it's called midas touch! :P that WWS is good stuff.. had one on my birthday last year. would like to try some that was properly aged also.
rainbowberry said:
Wow! Is that your excuse :lol: We'd all be p*ss heads in England if we went by that rule. We probably are. Do Americans, Canadians, Australians etc drink pints like we do over here?

Yes that is my excuse. I work outside as a block and stone mason, so if it rains I can't work. Not to say that every time it rains I get smashed, but I sure did yesterday. Continued on after the nap into the evening. Sure we drink pints here. I was having bottles yesterday though. Damn I wish I would have seen Omri's post before he edited it out!