misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

DevilDuck said:
F*** it. 3 weeks at the new job and no paycheck.
REALLY! No check? That sucks. I had a feeling the job was too good to be true. Have you called them on it? Did they promise you a check within a certain amount of time?
It's a complicated issue. But as of right now, I'm "suspended" because all of our vehicles are in my wife's name. Until I get a notarized power of attorney stating that I am able to use my truck for work.

Also, I've put about $300 worth of gas in my truck since day1, and my paycheck might be $500. I can't live on that. I've been busting my hump daily. The last two techs f'd up some of these spas so bad, I don't know WTF is wrong with them. To top it off, corporate won't pay me to spend 4 hours on a spa that another tech has already been to. They have a pre set time limit on repairing certain parts, and if you go over, you have to call the corporate office and get "approved" for the extra time. Now.... I don't know about you, but when I'm working I want to get things done. I don't have time to stop, make a phone call, ask permission to get paid, and continue on. It's BS, and I really don't have time for it.

I hope this job comes through at the University of New Mexico.
It's sounding decidedly dodgy DD...Is there some govt. dept. that you can call to check out the company....they may do this to people often.

On another drinking note, just found this:

"In wine there is wisdom, in beer there is freedom, in water
there is bacteria." -Ben Franklin
Oh god, I've gone and gotten myself smashed. I had a bunch of good beers at La Cave (Laughanetas Gnarly Wine and Rogue's Russian Imperial Stout both on tap). Then I baught the ber they had on hold for me there....Rogue 2007 Imperial Stout. It comes in a fancy dancy ceramic bottle with cool seal top....and is 11 or 12% abv....

Needless to say that's what puched me over the edge. As I was sitting drinking this fantastic beer (it has a nice bitter back end, not too much to put me off, but just enough to make it's presence known) and circuit bending an instrument for my next show on the 19th, I noticed that I was having an increasingly hard time concentrating (more so than usual). Then I looked at my tulip glass full of the beer and decided to call it a night for that project...too many wires...tooo much beer....tis a nice thing when one realises it.

Going to have to drink a fair amount of H(little)2(large)0 in anticipation of the hang over tomarrow. I generally wouldn't care but half way through my drinking I got a call from the pepper farm I called about the interview I wanted to do with them tomarrow. They confirmed it, so I have to get myself presentable sometime between 9am and sundown....want to be there by 11am though. That way I can take the picks, do the interview, than head over to Willoughby Brewing Company for lunch..............................make your own conclussions about my alchol habbit............
It's not the beer...

imaguitargod said:
Oh god, I've gone and gotten myself smashed. I had a bunch of good beers at La Cave (Laughanetas Gnarly Wine and Rogue's Russian Imperial Stout both on tap). Then I baught the ber they had on hold for me there....Rogue 2007 Imperial Stout. It comes in a fancy dancy ceramic bottle with cool seal top....and is 11 or 12% abv....

Needless to say that's what puched me over the edge. As I was sitting drinking this fantastic beer (it has a nice bitter back end, not too much to put me off, but just enough to make it's presence known) and circuit bending an instrument for my next show on the 19th, I noticed that I was having an increasingly hard time concentrating (more so than usual). Then I looked at my tulip glass full of the beer and decided to call it a night for that project...too many wires...tooo much beer....tis a nice thing when one realises it.

Going to have to drink a fair amount of H(little)2(large)0 in anticipation of the hang over tomarrow. I generally wouldn't care but half way through my drinking I got a call from the pepper farm I called about the interview I wanted to do with them tomarrow. They confirmed it, so I have to get myself presentable sometime between 9am and sundown....want to be there by 11am though. That way I can take the picks, do the interview, than head over to Willoughby Brewing Company for lunch..............................make your own conclussions about my alchol habbit............

He spells like that all the time....

Uhhhhh. I can spell Dammit, and IGG does NOT spell like that all of the time.

I had just decided that he decided to use spell check for once.

The notion that he spells well only when he is smashed is too wierd to entertain!

Conclusions and tommorrow are the only mis-spelled words (unless I am too druck to tell myself;))

cheezydemon said:
Uhhhhh. I can spell Dammit, and IGG does NOT spell like that all of the time.

I had just decided that he decided to use spell check for once.

The notion that he spells well only when he is smashed is too wierd to entertain!

Conclusions and tommorrow are the only mis-spelled words (unless I am too druck to tell myself;))

I think you should look more closely....

Starkle, starkle little twink...
Am I who I think I ain't?

I'm not under the alcho-fluence of inkohol,
Some thinkle peep I am...

But the drunker I stand here
The longer I get.
DaveReed said:
I think you should look more closely....

I..errr...spell check in Word counts 9 misspellings.

DevilDuck said:
Starkle, starkle little twink...
Am I who I think I ain't?

I'm not under the alcho-fluence of inkohol,
Some thinkle peep I am...

But the drunker I stand here
The longer I get.

Ya IGG, hangovers aren't a problem when ya wake up still drunk eh? :shocked:

Ha, i hear ya about the H20, alrady down like 32oz adn still feel like crap. Fortunatly though, I'd made a rice/lentil pilaf sorta thing the night before with 4 kinds of peppers.

Endorphins rule.

Plus, I have lots of fresh-ground french roast. Bit of nutmeg is fun too. :D
Coffee would make me feel worse in the morning, I like anything salty like Salt and Vinegar crisps or Marmite on toast, I find 3pm the magic time when all hang-overs just magically disappear.
rainbowberry said:
Coffee would make me feel worse in the morning, I like anything salty like Salt and Vinegar crisps or Marmite on toast, I find 3pm the magic time when all hang-overs just magically disappear.

6am: I am never drinking again.

9am: I am never drinking again.

Noon: I am feeling a little better, BUT I'm not drinking for a really long time.

3pm: I feel better now. I guess it wasn't that bad.

5pm: HAPPY HOUR! Where are we going?:cheers: