misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

AlabamaJack said:
Bloody Mary with Defcon DMII......mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm goooooooooddd....

Dear GOD that has to be a killer. DM Mk II is a lot more than I can handle.. How much do you put in?

- Eric
Man, maybe it's the alcohol, maybe it's the habs.. I just put 3 huge red habs into a jar of kosher pickles, and then 10 minutes later had a pickle. Holy moly! Either these habs are strong as heck, or all the vinegar made it spread quick!

- Eric

P.S. Pics coming, once I sober up! hehe
DevilDuck said:
It's very crisp and smooth. I poured a glass for a dedicated Grey Goose drinker and he said that Monoplowa was better. It actually has more flavors happening than GG.

My wife drinks it with club soda and a lime wedge. It's a very refreshing drink this time of year.

Dude, no offense to your friend, but grey goose is the most over-rated piss-water on the planet.
I can't believe how many people fall for the hype and drink the stuff and think they're so sophisticated because of it.

As for your wife's drink, i couldn't agree more.
I feel ya Sickmont...

I'd rather drink Finlandia or Belvedere over GG any day, but some people can't be told any different.
elequin said:
Dear GOD that has to be a killer. DM Mk II is a lot more than I can handle.. How much do you put in?

- Eric

Not much Eric...usually I just take a glass stir stick...dip it in the DMII about an inch deep then stir the bloody mary with it....it is delicious and definitely kicks the burn up....I still use about 10 shakes of tabasco too...this is in a 16 oz bloody mary...
DevilDuck said:
I feel ya Sickmont...

I'd rather drink Finlandia or Belvedere over GG any day, but some people can't be told any different.

How do you guys rate Chopin? That's my favorite.
I only have $38 for the rest of the week. I know I need $10 to get out to the show on the 18th and back, which left me with $28.....food or beer...food or beer.....BEER!

I went out and spent $16 on a Beckenridge 12 pack sampler. I've already cracked open a Summertime ale (which was really good) and am now finishing off a Vinella Porter.

While I do like Stouts 10x more than I like Porters (yes folks, there is a large difference....I didn't know it at first, but have learned over the past 6 months), I do like porters...now that said, this one is hard to drink. WAAAAAAAAYYYYY to much vinella....and I still have two of them left...ugh.....

I figure if I drink four brews a night that leaves me with tonight and tomarrow covered. Wednesday I get free drinks at the show that I'm playing (Boston Brewing Company), and Thursday. Friday I should get my check but if I don't, I'll be breaking out the hard liquor.

That leaves me with 12 for food which isn't so much a problem because I have alot stocked up here.........so f-it, I'm drinking!
imaguitargod said:
I went out and spent $16 on a Beckenridge 12 pack sampler. I've already cracked open a Summertime ale (which was really good) and am now finishing off a Vinella Porter.
Just finished off their Oatmeal Stout...mmmmm....great aftertaste......I'm unusually sleepy so I may call if a night after the three Beckenridges and 1 Rolling Rock (I was desperate earlier today......)
V_TRAVES said:
I have tried that sampler pack. That vanilla porter really is terrible. It seems too artificial, doesn't belong in beer.
vanilla added is bad. hints of natural vanillyness is 100% acceptable; same for chocolate and coffee.

I'm a hop lover. Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop!! Mmmmmm HOP!
Hop Whallop, Hop Devil, etc. I love HOPS!!:onfire:
fineexampl said:
I'm a hop lover. Hop, hop, hop, hop, hop, hop!! Mmmmmm HOP!
Hop Whallop, Hop Devil, etc. I love HOPS!!:onfire:

If you like hops, than you should have Brekenridge Hopsicle. They estimate that the IBU's are around 270...even though the IBU scale only goes to 140 (I believe). The thing is off the charts hoppy and all the beer experts are saying it's the hoppiest beer ever created.

I had a littl eon tap at La Cave Du Vin last week...I could only take two sips.
imaguitargod said:
If you like hops, than you should have Brekenridge Hopsicle. They estimate that the IBU's are around 270...even though the IBU scale only goes to 140 (I believe). The thing is off the charts hoppy and all the beer experts are saying it's the hoppiest beer ever created.

I had a littl eon tap at La Cave Du Vin last week...I could only take two sips.
It's in my mental locker! Not sure what an IBU is, but i know a good beer when i taste one.

Last awesome beer i had was some IPA, but i can't recall what it was. It was on tap last summer at a bar i went to and put away 2-3 pints before calling it a night. Stone? maybe? i think it may have been Stone IPA.
fineexampl said:
It's in my mental locker! Not sure what an IBU is, but i know a good beer when i taste one.
IBU, International Bitterness Units. It's like SHU's but for beer.

fineexampl said:
Last awesome beer i had was some IPA, but i can't recall what it was. It was on tap last summer at a bar i went to and put away 2-3 pints before calling it a night. Stone? maybe? i think it may have been Stone IPA.

Stone makes excellent beer and they are 20x better on tap than in the bottle. I used to have a problem with stone being so hoppy but now that my Hop tolerance has increased, I really loooooooove all their beers. I just had their Russian Imperial Stout on tap, I actually held the glass upside down and licked the inside of the glass clean after it was gone.... :shocked: I've never done that with a beer before.
imaguitargod said:
IBU, International Bitterness Units. It's like SHU's but for beer.

Stone makes excellent beer and they are 20x better on tap than in the bottle. I used to have a problem with stone being so hoppy but now that my Hop tolerance has increased, I really loooooooove all their beers. I just had their Russian Imperial Stout on tap, I actually held the glass upside down and licked the inside of the glass clean after it was gone.... :shocked: I've never done that with a beer before.
It must have been Stone. They have a devil/demon logo? I do recall buying a sixer the next week and it wasn't as good. It was good, but you know what i mean.
fineexampl said:
It must have been Stone. They have a devil/demon logo? I do recall buying a sixer the next week and it wasn't as good. It was good, but you know what i mean.
Yep, demon logo is Stone. you'll always find that there is be differances in taste from on tap to in bottle. It has to do with the volume of active yeast and sugar per volume of fluid. (ie: keg vs bottle).
That reminds me...

At the last gig I played, the bar had something called "Mirror Pond Ale". It was a pale ale, nice dark amber color, rich and toasty malt, and the perfect hoppy bitterness. It was actually pretty refreshing for a pale ale.

The other cool thing.... Everyone in the band got two "drink tickets" for draft beer. My bass player can't have anything with wheat, so I got his tickets. The bartender (tender being the operative word...what a hottie!) kept looking at me weird when I would order a Mirror Pond.... So, when I asked her what was the matter, she replied, "You guys are the only band that orders something other than Pabst Blue Ribbon with your drink tickets. It's just weird."