misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

3 eggs
300 ml cream
1/2 tsp coconut essence
1 cup Scotch
1 can condensed Milk
1 1/2 tblspn Chocolate topping

hmmm wonder if i can get that together before the boys b'day party tomorrow. make an interesting topping for the ice-cream cones.
Condensed milk, arhhhh! My Dad always used to buy a can and put it in the fridge just for eating spoonfuls from it as a snack, I loved it.
rainbowberry said:
Condensed milk, arhhhh! My Dad always used to buy a can and put it in the fridge just for eating spoonfuls from it as a snack, I loved it.

Love Love it and strangely now i fight with my youngest who sneaks in the fridge to :lol:
Went to a Samual Adams beer tasting event last night. I got to vote for which beer will become the newest in their line. It was between a Blackberry Wit and a Coffee Stout. Both were FANTASTIC....oh, and I also snuck off with an empty bottle of each....can we say collectors items!
imaguitargod said:
Went to a Samual Adams beer tasting event last night. I got to vote for which beer will become the newest in their line. It was between a Blackberry Wit and a Coffee Stout. Both were FANTASTIC....oh, and I also snuck off with an empty bottle of each....can we say collectors items!

Coffee Stout! Coffee Stout! Coffee Stout! Coffee Stout!

That'd be better than oxygen. Whoohoo! :D
imaguitargod said:
They were both top notch. I voted for the Cofee Stout ;)


I actually pour some espresso/coffee in my cheapy beers to give 'em flavor..lol

*yes I'm a weirdo.

Oh, if they allowed animated GIF's on here I could make ya Avatar RLY trippy....

I'm tad frelled atm, got free beer for helping load in produce at the bar. But, will work on that.. ;)

shall be fun.
QuadShotz said:

I'm tad frelled atm, got free beer for helping load in produce at the bar. But, will work on that.. ;)

shall be fun.
I have the layed document here somewhere I believe, shoot me a PM with your email addy if you want it.

Current drink: Moonshine.
Man oh man, four extremely large (and I mean big) shots of that 'shine....feeling REALLY good. I am wondering what proof this is....tripple distilled, probably at least 200....
ha, i did a Power SCrewdriver..wit a gal pal of mine...bottle of Everclear, and a can of OJ. I dont remember much, but wa hella fun. :>

bring it on igg...welcoem to my whirled. Be Afraid.

We used to say, an ounce of shrrom is a day you dont know how to know anymore...

it just is.

I found my ghost house..and it's fro sale. Ha, dogs bark at the house.
And nobody is there..that you can see. Wy it's been on market for sooo long.

Normals walk by, and they cant deal.

I walked alll around it..the latent energy is off the scale.

But, I can deal..it's full of old pain, and worse.

I'm well versed in pain and suffering..they already said hello. They will let me be there.

It was such a pretty house too b4 the murders. It's been vacant for years.

Hmmm. I like it.

I bet I can get it cheep. And, it has a big yard.
She used to love the Iris on the edges...I'l keep them.

It's WAY under price, like 25,000 under book... because nobody has ever stayed there sicne the bad things happened..but they want me. And i respect the dead.

If I'm meant to have it, I will. They wil see to it.

She smiled whwen I said I'd grow things there.

No, this isn't a drunk joke. ;)

I've always wanted this house....it's haunted 5 ways from Sunday..and it's lovely.

My fave shot

With some light...

It's a fine little house, well made and sturdy. it just needs peace.

When I walke up the lane and sat on the porch..all the neighbor dogs stopped barking.
At once, I felt decades of presence..some most terribly evil..but one over shadowed them all and was good. Eliza. She was the original owner many decades ago.

She said she'd love someone to take care of her garden again...I see the traces of where it was..and feel her love of the earth. No wondr she hasn't left yet.

They need me. I feel it inside too..this a a place where I can be home.

As a celt..I know that feeling. The earth binds us to it's heart, as surely as the peat frees us unto eternity. The spirits of the ancestors are our guides and benefactors. We just have to listen.

If i can, I'll love this place as she did, and set her free. Or, I'm willing to share...shes a tuff cookie with a hundred years of gardening experience...heh.