misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Christ Quad, that house gives me the heebies just looking @ it. It LOOKS haunted.

So, here I am @ 5:15am. I haven't had anything to drink (booze wise), I'm just up waiting for my bro & his GF to get here so we can head to the airport. We're going to Sedona, AZ for a week to visit the folks. And I just remembered how good the beers of the Oak Creed Brewery down there are. Anyone had any of these? Something to look forward to, yay!
ayyyyy - Well i survived the boys 9th b'day party yesterday. Good to see no other family members or parents of school pals turned up lol. Anyway that was yesterday...recovering today with a 30 pack of tooheys new, jukebox cranked up & 'chronic' on ham & salad rolls.
Now if that stoopid glowing orb of a sun would just go down I could settle in.

bentalphanerd said:
ayyyyy - Well i survived the boys 9th b'day party yesterday. Good to see no other family members or parents of school pals turned up lol. Anyway that was yesterday...recovering today with a 30 pack of tooheys new, jukebox cranked up & 'chronic' on ham & salad rolls.
Now if that stoopid glowing orb of a sun would just go down I could settle in.


Kids eh? You got to be p*ssed to conceive them and then it continues from there. Your boy's at a lovely age though Bent, still young and kind of innocent and not quite at that 'Speak to the hand, because the face ain't listening' stage.
Quad -- Dude...That house is baaaaaaaaad news. I'd sage the crap out of it, throw sea salt in every corner, and besom the crap out of the doorways. And that would be just a start.

I guarantee you that there's something else in that house besides....whatever the ladies name is.

Oh yeah...beer.

Having a few Shiner Bock this evening. Because I just got accepted into the movie union (IATSE Local 480) and can now work the BIG budget flicks. Today, I had to take an OSHA class for it.
DD..what no pee test too? Congrats on the Union 'thang and Happy B-Day. Ahhh Shiner Bock...oh the memories. Only a couple stores here have it off and on.

Quad...get yourself to Mississippi and find you a Mojo bag.

Cheers, TB.
DevilDuck said:
Quad -- Dude...That house is baaaaaaaaad news. I'd sage the crap out of it, throw sea salt in every corner, and besom the crap out of the doorways. And that would be just a start.

I guarantee you that there's something else in that house besides....whatever the ladies name is.

Oh yeah...beer.

You are correct, there is. But, she's the dom in there. She owned it first.

And, I brook no trouble, but...you havent met me son...I pack a big fuking stick of the ages long past. I've fought demons and worse..no simple lost souls can touch me.

When I stepped up and sat on the porch..all of the other noisy idiot spirits left.

Then was very still, and I heard her..the real owner. We talked awhile..she just wants a caretaker for her roses and garden. Heh, like my mother would have. She's very nice. The nasty ones,..pfft, I'm no stranger to spirits. I'm ancient Celt. *I* scare them.

I can do things to them beyonnd all worlds if I have to. And they know it. I am all I need to be in any dimension.

texas blues said:
DD..what no pee test too? Congrats on the Union 'thang and Happy B-Day. Ahhh Shiner Bock...oh the memories. Only a couple stores here have it off and on.

Quad...get yourself to Mississippi and find you a Mojo bag.

Cheers, TB.

TB, I know about that stuff, and no thanks. I'm good. ;)
I've had a thousand years of being me...Druid trumps your swamps my friend.

No soul left on this planet nor any spirit can scare me. I am an eternal being now. The body dies, but that is nothing.

Many of you 'dream' past lives..you just cant accept it.

I walked past the house again today..it's still, and quiet.
Nobody even sees it's there anymore. I can bring it life again.

She wants it to be so. After 120 years, I heard her..and listend. That is all she ever wanted..someone to care for her flowers, her garden. And wash away the the stains of what happened after her. Those screams are what most feel and hear..and they have kept her alone for decades. I knew better.

You Think perhaps she wa the killer....perhaps she was. I'd be amused.

My father was a coroner, and i'm a Celtic heathen... perhaps she shoud be afraid of me. Dead, or not.

But, we talked...and the house, and us, will be at peace. Not all spirits are bad.

She was alone for over a century..but still polite, I sense no evil in her. That is tellng. It's a crappy nieghboerhood nowdays..but there's hope.

Tip, the temp on that porch raised about 20 degrees after her and i talked. Its nto cold now..to me at least. It wasnt her. it was the evil ones who'd come afterwards.

Ha, let them come...I'll send them to worse places than hell. I still have my magyck.

Yes Duck, I know candles, sage, and all that the wiccans purifying rituals learned from us. And much we never taught them. My amulets of mind and memory invoke far more elemental, frightening and older things. I shall be fine.

No spirit or demon on this plane can hurt me. I, can hurt them. With a few words.

I like her..she'll love gardening with me. I feel that potential. I belong there.

We are both lonely and dangerous. She's just a few hundred years younger. But, we love the earth. If I do get the house, it'll be hers and mine..until she's ready to go on. If she stays, I'm happy..she's an excellent conversationalist.

And no, she's very grandmotherly..it's not like that...
ImpyChick said:
Christ Quad, that house gives me the heebies just looking @ it. It LOOKS haunted.

Thats because it is. Many times over. :)
One reason that I want it. That, and it's 2br, 1bath 1896 house wih yard front and back for 80k. Well, it was 30k in 2002, 40k in 2004...get the idea?

Something happend there..which explains the screamers..dumb lost idiots. Easily dispatched. Duck is right abotu that much...a simple ritual cleansing and the will of the owners to dispell....me, and Eliza. (she needed a human will, she is too old... her will is still strong..but she cant even materialize physically)

And they would be gone forever as they should be. They fled when I sat on the porch.

if I grew new green things and brought back her roses (there are gnarled evidences of roses stil there on both sids of the house), loved it as she did...then it would be complete. The darkness over that house would be broken.

Then she could rest.

I walked around the place as much as could, loads of iris 4' high, other flowers run amok...it looks liek nobody has gardened there fro a decade at least.

Its somethng my mother woulda loved.

Shoved four fresh Naga Morich pods into a beer bottle the other and finally tried it today. all I can say is - HOLY **** OF **** WITH **** **** **** GOD!!!1... was a bit hotter than my Tabasco sauce. ;)
Oh man.....

I went to Chama River Brewing Company (Passow, we took you there.) for my B-Day lunch and they have a new Porter. "Voluptuous Porter".

Very nice, toasty malt perfectly blended with hops...not too bitter. There's a good chocolate overtone with a slight cinnamon undertone....a few notes of coffee. The finish is classic porter in the fact you want more and more and more.

The beer comes in at 5.8% ABV so you can have pretty much all you want without getting too tipsy.

I bought a growler.
DevilDuck said:
I went to Chama River Brewing Company (Passow, we took you there.)
I remember. Freakin awesome green chili cheese soup that we had. Great stuff. I still dislike their beer though............>....
Well, I'm pretty sure they have their CO2 mix right. But, I really think you'd like this beer.

On a side note... I picked up a copy of that beer newspaper you had with you...I can't remember the name of it. Here's this great little paper with all of this info about all of these great beers.....

....... and there was a Budweiser ad on the entire back page.
DevilDuck said:
On a side note... I picked up a copy of that beer newspaper you had with you...I can't remember the name of it. Here's this great little paper with all of this info about all of these great beers.....

....... and there was a Budweiser ad on the entire back page.

It comes out every two months, be sure to grab it every time it comes out, great reads.