misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

imaguitargod said:
Sam Adams Cream stout is pritty darn good.

TPBM is wondering if Iggy got a 12 pack Sam Adams sampler.

Wrong thread, boozer boy, sez she of the Rogue's Shakespeare Stout pint.
That's it..... Can't a guy sit in the closet and get drunk without being barraged with all this filth?!?!?!?

I have a 50 liter keg full of English Special Bitter on tap. ITs delightful i must say.

here is a pic to make you all thirsty...... for under $1 a pint i cant go wrong.........well i can but i wont :)


Thanks Pam.

Yeah i did

Made with imported English malts and hops and yeast!

Tied a bag of goldings on the keg dip tube for a bit of fresh hoppiness.

Its fantastic........ a bit too fantastic. ITs hard to stop.

Smuttynose makes some good beers. I believe I had a good IPA from them, but I can't recall the name.

You all have to forgive me and TB please don't revoke my mancard, but I am drunk on Rose wine tonight. You see, I worked hard laying block all day in the f'n freezin ash cold and came home and realized I had no beer. I did have a 3L jug of Almadin Rose in the garage so there we go. The little woman had two glasses and near as I can tell there is a 1/4 bottle left. I know that this stuff goes down way too easily in those little wine glasses we have. Kind of like a big shot only smooother. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
JayT said:
Smuttynose makes some good beers. I believe I had a good IPA from them, but I can't recall the name.

I'm really delighted that there's another beer I can buy here in SC I used to have to go up to upstate New York to buy.

You all have to forgive me and TB please don't revoke my mancard, but I am drunk on Rose wine tonight. You see, I worked hard laying block all day in the f'n freezin ash cold and came home and realized I had no beer. I did have a 3L jug of Almadin Rose in the garage so there we go. The little woman had two glasses and near as I can tell there is a 1/4 bottle left. I know that this stuff goes down way too easily in those little wine glasses we have. Kind of like a big shot only smooother. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

S'ok, we all slum sometimes. Watch those wine hangovers, though, they're vile.