misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

yeah, i've been trashed enough to fall up the stairs too.....its amazing that your legs just happen to be underneath you at just the right time to keep you moving forward
Sickmont said:
yeah, i've been trashed enough to fall up the stairs too.....its amazing that your legs just happen to be underneath you at just the right time to keep you moving forward

It usually doesn't hurt though until the next morning, you just seem to be more relaxed when you fall when drunk. I've had the odd bruise the next day and can't work out how I got it, I know it wasn't from a passionate session so I guess I've walked into something somehow.
rainbowberry said:
It usually doesn't hurt though until the next morning, you just seem to be more relaxed when you fall when drunk. I've had the odd bruise the next day and can't work out how I got it, I know it wasn't from a passionate session so I guess I've walked into something somehow.

I only really worry about the previous night's drinking when i wake up and can't remember anything and i have rugburn on my knees and forehead.....
Ok, time to recount tonights drinking...in order:

Passow's Stoned Clone Stout
A shot/sample of Jolly Pumpkin's Stout
Ommegang Abby Ale
A half of a bottle of Harpoon's Imperial IPA
Weigerbacher Heresy Stout
Passow's Imperial Stout
imaguitargod said:
Ok, time to recount tonights drinking...in order:

Passow's Stoned Clone Stout
A shot/sample of Jolly Pumpkin's Stout
Ommegang Abby Ale
A half of a bottle of Harpoon's Imperial IPA
Weigerbacher Heresy Stout
Passow's Imperial Stout

I'm jealous! I just got back to GR dude. I f'n HATE O'HARE! I was at the airport for like 5 hours waiting on a damn flight. I fly out to Dallas tomorrow morn and should be back to Cleveland by 6p. Then it's time for some HOME BREW! later
I picked up a sixer of Shiner's Bohemian Black Lager last night....Thats some good stuff there. The store had a few more sixers so i'm going back tonight to pick up some more.
I'm drinking tonight. Only two though. Rogue Morimoto Soba Ale, and Fat Dog Imperial Stout. Hey if you can only have two might as well make 'em good right.
Only two? I am enjoying this Morimoto Soba. It is slightly sweet with a good hops finish. Very different kind of beer. It is a bit malty tasting, but very light , to drink. The ABV is only 4.8%, but it smells like a lot more. Overall, it is something I would buy again.
Tonight I'm doing my usual. Aktien Zwickl Kellerbier with Jagermeister. :lol:

Going back to Texas for a visit in a couple of weeks. I'm hoping I don't get too beer-snobish. I hear the Shiner 100 is pretty good.
I blew a snotload of money on two cases of Shiner's Bohemian this weekend.....i can't get enough of that good ole' black lager. And of course, now i'm completely out as well.
QuadShotz said:

I'm waiting until tomorrow for BEER!


I tried to wait, but got drug out to the bars with my buds... now... well... I'm drunk and it's not st. pat day FU*K! oh well... guess i'll have to go out again tomorrow lol
Are you f*n kidding me?????? haha It's the biggest drinking day of the year and this tread is EMPTY????? hahahaha k I'm drunk... and yes I took the day off, she made me lol (jk i made her)