misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

ImpyChick said:
Aww, thanx QS :oops:

Your welcome. :)

Besides, pretty redhead gals who like hot stuff are kinda rare ya know?

It's a lost species I tell ya...

Omri said:
How 'bout polygons? :shocked:

*imagines QS watching computerized animated porn*

*shakes head*

*wants to drink beer, but too early...*


Or too late...

Alas, I'm about outa booze and I gotta install cable 'net for a relative tomorrow. Ugh.

Oh, isn't most p0rn computerized and highly "animated" tho? ;)


QuadShotz said:
Nice pic and cool outfit!

IMO, she's cuter than the avatar..I'm just not into pixels THAT much. :D

Omri said:
How 'bout polygons? :shocked:

*imagines QS watching computerized animated porn*

*shakes head*

*wants to drink beer, but too early...*


Yep it is to early lol well here anyways..Quad put ya pixels away my friend :shocked:
Had some really good beers last night. Our class played the staff in a softball game (we lost 4 - 14 and had to bear crawl around the bases) and we had some beers there. Since I drove, I only had a couple then resumed drinking once I didn't have to drive anymore. Had some Smuttynose IPA, Stone Russian Imperial Stout, Sierra Nevada 2008 Harvest Ale, and Berkshire Brewing Co. Smoked Porter. I'm pretty sure that is what the last one was called.

All of them were pretty damn good. Definitely give them a try.
I was in a cider mood last night so I picked up some Hornsby Amber Draft. I had never tried it before. It's not bad...not the best...but not bad. I'll probably finish the 6 pack tonight. Not sure what else I'll be drinking yet.
imaguitargod said:
Having a Yeti Imperial Stout...ugh, wasted my $3.75 on this? Bummer. WAAAAAAYY to high on the IBU's for me.

Blasphemy! I like the Yeti IS...and the oak aged yeti.

Didn't get to have any beers tonight unfortunately.. I'm still on call for my shift as OCS/OTCN Duty Driver. Basically it's a van that shuttles people around for non personal matters only. I hope nobody calls tonight since it was slow as hell all day. If someone that's drunk calls me at 4:30..I'll be pissed. :shocked:
ImpyChick said:
I was in a cider mood last night so I picked up some Hornsby Amber Draft. I had never tried it before. It's not bad...not the best...but not bad. I'll probably finish the 6 pack tonight. Not sure what else I'll be drinking yet.

I've had that, tis ok. Makes for a weird drunk tho..heh.

Aint wine, aint beer..oopsie.

But, i like how ya think ms. ;)
been on a cheap beer run lately.....been kinda broke, so i've been running on Miller low life for about a week now....good part of doing that is you REALLY appreciate the good stuff when you can afford it.

I wish i could afford Optimator every night....*sigh*
I hear ya man, I'm on the Natty atm...same boat..it's affordable.


Oh well, with a lil siriracha it's doable..heheh

Amazing how that stuff is in beer. :)
Ya, after my birthday this Wednesday I'll be doing two weeks of the crappy beer until my next paycheck.

Currently drinking: Sam Adams Octoberfest (last one in the 6 pack).
f@#$ it, I'm drinking too tonight, Stella Artois as usual. So it's your b'day on Wednesday Iggy :think: I always saw that smiley as a 'taking note one', not a thinking one as it's meant to be.
rainbowberry said:
It's probably the most expensive here too out of the standard beers, worth paying for though.

Not unless you're broke like the bunch of us.....then it's cheapie shitbeer like(insert your favorite panther piss here) till the next paycheck
rainbowberry said:
f@#$ it, I'm drinking too tonight, Stella Artois as usual. So it's your b'day on Wednesday Iggy :think: I always saw that smiley as a 'taking note one', not a thinking one as it's meant to be.

hmmm...interesting interpritation of a smilie. :think: