misc f@#$ it im drinking ;)

Grrrr...I really have to stop visiting this thread on nights when I can't decide if I want to drink or not, lol. I always end up drinkin'.

Although.....my vacation to go see my folks is coming up next week...& although my family drinks I can't drink as much as I usually do because we get up for early morning hikes. I found out last year what happens when you sneak booze after Ma & Pa have gone to sleep...& then pretend that you're not hungover on the morning hike.
That is probably a cure for a hangover. I find that if I am not feeling too swift, exercise or work seems to help me feel better sooner. Drinking some more of my Dundee's Craft beer case tonight.
Yeah you're right Jay. Occasionally I'll go to the gym if I'm not too wiped out w/ a hangover...but there's a big difference between exercising hungover in a climate controlled gym...& exercising hungover in the scalding Arizona red rocks.
Yea, I like their IPA, but really like all their beers. They aren't as bold/outgoing or crazy as some beers..but I think they make great intros to the world of better beer. Kinda like gateway beers. :lol:
Finishing off my six pack of Left Hand Brewing Company Oktoberfest. Then it's off to try to get a whole nights sleep...got a big day tomarrow.
I am about 15 deep into my case of Leine's Honey Weiss. You guys ever drink this stuff. Probably my favorite beer, I know I am an amateur, but dang it really starts to taste funny after about the 12 or 13 one. Hmmmm maybe just me drunk ass.....dunno.
Mmm, freshly ground dark roast for my morning coffee with whole milk, raw sugar, and a shot of my BihWhisky.

Good stuff..and definetly an eye-opener. :D

Went from groggy to wide awake in like .00001 sec..haha!

So far have had Ringsomethingorother Oatmeal Stout, Heavy Seas Hang Ten (which Ihated in the bottle but absolutely loved on tap!) and a Black Out Stout from Great Lakes.
rainbowberry said:
f@#$ it, I'm drinking too tonight, Stella Artois as usual. So it's your b'day on Wednesday Iggy :think: I always saw that smiley as a 'taking note one', not a thinking one as it's meant to be.

Damn... I was hoping you were going to hit the white wine. :lol:

imaguitargod said:
So far have had ... Heavy Seas Hang Ten (which Ihated in the bottle but absolutely loved on tap!)...

Heavy Seas is a line of beer from Clipper City brewing in nearby Baltimore. My favorite of that line is called Loose Cannon which is a very tasty double/imperial IPA with a lot of great flavor hops in the mix. You know, this is making me thirsty, so I am about to go pour myself a pint of my Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA clone (homebrew) from my kegerator... Be right back!
Stella o my good god..no .no. no Please R.B .no :(

