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Fade's Grow Log 9 - 21 - 09


Well its been really windy here the past 3 days 25-30 MPH.
I've had to move all the potted plants in under the porch but the it has taken its toll on the in ground plants.


You can see the leaves have really taken a beating, and I've also had to put stakes on each branch to prevent damage.
But pods are starting to ripen so thats a bit of good news.


This one had a branch start to split in the middle, so I taped it up with some duct tape and tied a piece of rope to stabalize.
This happened 2 days ago and branch is still green and healthy so far.


My biggest most uniform plant 40" x 36" wide





These plants I have gave their first dose of bone meal and a little lime.
Hopefully this will solve the curling leaf problem some of them are having.
How were those peppers?
IT has been soo damn windy here everyday i havent been able to give sunshine to barely any of em, Did the bone meal and lime help with curl?

Still windy as all hell here to Nate, guess it may be from this hurricane traveling.
As far as the bone meal and lime, only time will tell.
I will be repotting a few and mixing in some beach sand to test.
Just messing around (I need a job). I just work with what I can get.
You've been quite an inspiration to us all lately.
Really I'm quite jealous of you living in the Bahamas. Is is possible to build a little greenhouse in Florida or down there, or is it too windy to stay in place?
not windy all the time here but why need a green house with average summer temps 0f 98 degrees.

oops t just started raining literaly. haha .Hard.Well my plants need a watering.
Thanks BurningMouth!

One could build a greenhouse if they wanted to I suppose, but would be a hassle with hurricane season every year.

Here is a pic that shows off some of the pods bumpy skin. Really need to get a updated camera.

Well the winds finally let up enough this afternoon to get my plants back out in the yard to get some sun.



This is one I have planted in the ground with a damaged limb.
Looks like its been through WW3


I dont know whats going on with these Anaheim and Jalapeno but they just get worse and worse.
New leaves come out shrivled and die.