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Fatali Gourmet Jigsaw

This guy is a master grower his bonsai projects have 40 pods on them at one time so his full sizers I guarantee get 100 pods in one harvest which he could harvest 3 or 4 times on 1 plant
I agree too, he has amazing plants on his website.

I didn't even mind the outrageous price because it looks really freaky hot.
Where I have an issue is for that price they should pop like freaking popcorn.
Or at least at 50%.... 1/10 is unacceptable at that price.... That's a $26 seedling.
Exactly stc you made a point there. I got lucky and got a trade for a couple seeds but I hate seeing people get hustled like that. He is doing five seeds per pack least he could do is sort through and get rid of all the bad seeds it takes 5 seconds

Chris I agree it looks hot but at least with the reaper for example there were reviewers showing video expressing their thoughts on the heat.
Yeah, and with the reapers, I actually had low germination, messaged pepperjoe, and he sent me another pack.
The second pack germed nicely. So I am very happy with that kind of service. In fact I ordered more stuff from him shortly after that.

These...terrible germination, super high price, and when I messaged Jukka, his response was "That's strange" then a story of his germination for his commercial grow....all fine and dandy, but I am dissatisfied...if he takes care of me, I will order other stuff from him.
If not...well...I won't be a customer...ever again....
I feel like if he honestly is selling seeds for the hobbyists then he would have replaced them no questions asked because he should recognize what bad germination can do for a hobbyists season
Nightshade said:
I feel like if he honestly is selling seeds for the hobbyists then he would have replaced them no questions asked because he should recognize what bad germination can do for a hobbyists season
The ironic thing is he says on the website that the seeds are for sale only to hobbyists...no commercial growers are allowed to buy them...lol

And since I asked about any guarantee he might have, I have had no reply.....
I did get an email from his newsletter though....geez....

Hopefully Sawyer gets better results than me... I sent him 3 of my 10 seeds, so maybe the cost will be worth it if his 3 germ ok......
But I am still peeved about the 7 that I sowed....lol
DesertChris said:
And since I asked about any guarantee he might have, I have had no reply.....
I did get an email from his newsletter though....geez....
I've got no dog in this fight, but ^this would peeve me, too. Hopefully you guys will get it all worked out, he'll make his money (which I'm all for, BTW) and so on.

But I agree that poor customer service coupled with marketing spam is a great way to piss off a customer. Been there. Nothing like feeling like a piece of meat.
my thing is how lately a vendors response are poor.... rather then attend to those having problems.. they cover it up
with.."WELL WE"RE getting good germ rates and others are as well... so it must be YOU"

focus on the unsatisfied customers and not the ones already happy... dont show us awards this and wards that,...
for some $2.60 a seed may not be much... but when you start adding it up.. mulitple... cmon.. for us HOBBY growers..
it gets to add up... for those that think he's prices arent much.. please.. order me 4 packs and send it my way...

my dealing with him has been disappointing... initially only wanted to refund the messed up seeds... then.. when he
decides to refund me for a full pack.. he sends back 8.90 euro(his new price) instead of the price i paid initially 9.90

i know this is not a vendors feedback.. so ill stop.. so far my lone plant is still alive...
DesertChris said:
I agree too, he has amazing plants on his website.

I didn't even mind the outrageous price because it looks really freaky hot.
Where I have an issue is for that price they should pop like freaking popcorn.
Or at least at 50%.... 1/10 is unacceptable at that price.... That's a $26 seedling.
Hopefully, that 1 is still alive.  I'll be home in about 12 hours and will see how things have fared in my absence.
dont worry... next years there will be a shitload of free seed trade on this forum !
with some cross to go with it!

who will be the first to have a Reaper Jigsaw cross! im sure some are already working on that
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
my thing is how lately a vendors response are poor.... rather then attend to those having problems.. they cover it up
with.."WELL WE"RE getting good germ rates and others are as well... so it must be YOU"

focus on the unsatisfied customers and not the ones already happy... dont show us awards this and wards that,...
for some $2.60 a seed may not be much... but when you start adding it up.. mulitple... cmon.. for us HOBBY growers..
it gets to add up... for those that think he's prices arent much.. please.. order me 4 packs and send it my way...

my dealing with him has been disappointing... initially only wanted to refund the messed up seeds... then.. when he
decides to refund me for a full pack.. he sends back 8.90 euro(his new price) instead of the price i paid initially 9.90

i know this is not a vendors feedback.. so ill stop.. so far my lone plant is still alive...
I think one should differentiate:
... If you get sent 3 brown/dead seeds - IMHO the seller MUST fess up - you have the right to get an OK product ... and dead seeds are not OK
the other scenario, no seller guarantees 10 plants out of 10 seedlings ... as a matter of fact, (assuming the vendor is sending GOOD seed) - its 98+% up to the buyer to convert seedlings into grown plants ...(the cake I made from your flour tasted weired)
how often would YOU replace seeds that Joe Schmuck is drowning the living daylight out of? ... once? ... twice? 4times? ad infinituum? ... and what would YOUR arguments be for not replacing ad infinituum?
You got stung (and I feel sorry about that) for being an early adopter ... now that there seems to be consensus that:
- the jigsaw is a dog to germ
- the seller is not bending over backwards to resolve problems (which may or may not be his guilt)
... well now that thats established, people can take a more informed decision and vote with their feet
(no vested interest on either "side")
- best of luck,
Sawyer said:
Hopefully, that 1 is still alive.  I'll be home in about 12 hours and will see how things have fared in my absence.
I sure hope the one is alive!! That would be a great thing.
Al-from-Chile said:
I think one should differentiate:
... If you get sent 3 brown/dead seeds - IMHO the seller MUST fess up - you have the right to get an OK product ... and dead seeds are not OK
the other scenario, no seller guarantees 10 plants out of 10 seedlings ... as a matter of fact, (assuming the vendor is sending GOOD seed) - its 98+% up to the buyer to convert seedlings into grown plants ...(the cake I made from your flour tasted weired)
how often would YOU replace seeds that Joe Schmuck is drowning the living daylight out of? ... once? ... twice? 4times? ad infinituum? ... and what would YOUR arguments be for not replacing ad infinituum?
You got stung (and I feel sorry about that) for being an early adopter ... now that there seems to be consensus that:
- the jigsaw is a dog to germ
- the seller is not bending over backwards to resolve problems (which may or may not be his guilt)
... well now that thats established, people can take a more informed decision and vote with their feet
(no vested interest on either "side")
- best of luck,
OK, but it wasn't 10/10, it was 1/10 (one of the 3 seeds I sent Sawyer popped)....that is a $26 seedling.
On his website he says 5 seeds is enough to get what you need..... Well it isn't apparently.
average it out, and 1/2 of a seed popped from each pack.

This year alone, I germinated well over 1300 seeds...yes, lost some plants to me dog pepperstomping through my potting table chasing a mouse.
And lost some to the voracious pepper eating rabnit in one of my garden plots...(Finally seem to be keepimg him out)
That being said, I have over 800 plants in the ground, and around 400 more going in soon.
ALL started from seed.

Then there is the fact that I sent him photos of my germination setup.
Peat pellets, in 72 cell mini greenhouses...Kept at 80-85 degrees....

Also, keep in mind there were crushed seeds in the packs as well, so the ones I thought were good, could have been damaged as well.

Here is my thought on replacement... A one time replacement is completely reasonable (especially for seeds this pricey) If they don't grow, well then they don't grow, and chalk it up to a loss.

The good news is that yesterday I emailed him again, and clearly asked if he would replace them. He agreed and asked me to verify my shipping address. So I am now more satisfied with the vendor. Serious points in his favor.
Because of that response, I may not order this variety again, but would likely order another variety in the future.
DesertChris said:
Here is my thought on replacement... A one time replacement is completely reasonable (especially for seeds this pricey) If they don't grow, well then they don't grow, and chalk it up to a loss.

The good news is that yesterday I emailed him again, and clearly asked if he would replace them. He agreed and asked me to verify my shipping address. So I am now more satisfied with the vendor. Serious points in his favor.
Because of that response, I may not order this variety again, but would likely order another variety in the future.
1st paragraph - sounds very reasonable
2nd p: glad things seem to "return to a sound center" for both parties ...
lets face it ... your cost were $26 --- his cost is about $0.50 ... and for that kind of money I wouldnt like my name to be tossed around on one of the most relevant places in this universe - just basic logic :D
cheers and I am glad for you
Here's some updated pics of the Jigsaws I have inside under light still excluding the couple outside hardening off.




I just checked and the one that had germinated before I left is still alive.  Looking moderately healthy, though not nearly as nice as Spanky's; it's just starting its second set of leaves.  That's it, though, the other two still haven't done anything.  I don't expect they will at this point, but I'll keep an eye on them just in case.  Too tired to put up a pic.
So, got my seeds today.
Only took a week, with a holiday thrown in for good measure.
7 seeds of the Jigsaw and Sunrise scorp---and one little piece of pepper in the jigsaw package.
Smaller than a seed.

First pepper to ever make my tongue go numb.
It didn't last long before the burn began, and all the way down.
I also ordered Black naga seeds and received 10 of them.

But also got a pack of Black scorp, Peruvian wild, and of all things----mustard. (the plant, not the pepper var.) thrown in for free.

Well packaged and seeds look good.

Now to see if I can hold them till next season.