Fatalii smackdown

Here's an update on my dwarf plant :)



Real nice looking Fatalli lee! I've got buds on almost all my Fatalli and a one has a flower. Growth has slowed considerably while they get used to outside life but starting to pick up now. They look about the same since last update except for the open flower. BillyIdle your Fatalli wants to phone a friend, nice looking plant. Good job everyone with your Fatalli this year.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Real nice looking Fatalli lee! I've got buds on almost all my Fatalli and a one has a flower. Growth has slowed considerably while they get used to outside life but starting to pick up now. They look about the same since last update except for the open flower. BillyIdle your Fatalli wants to phone a friend, nice looking plant. Good job everyone with your Fatalli this year.

Thx PRF, :)
My fataliis are coming along slow but sure, and compact again this year. My #1 plant has struggled a lot due to pest problems but it seems to be doing alright lately. The plants have been stuck crammed in my greenhouse by the woodstove lately, with more rainy/snowy weather in the forecast:(



Pepper Ridge Farm said:
BillyIdle your Fatalli wants to phone a friend, nice looking plant.

The problem is that it's so bad ass, it just stole my phone, and it wont give it back! What you see in the pic is the plant bragging about its new gadget. I'm afraid it's planning to use it for gathering friends for a revolution!
Comparison Fataliis Took a Beating 04-10-09

I should have known better, but I didn't think the wind was going to blow as hard as it did....was gusting up to 45mph yesterday and I just left the plants out in it...

oh well...here they are...pretty sad looking I'd say...


and here is a closer view of my poor chocolate fatalii...hope it will grow some more leaves and put on some pods...this is the one that was blooming in one of my earlier posts..

Awww G wiz AJ...... thats a shame. THey were looking great.

Remember that timy little plant that wouldnt grow that i lost faith in....... well i forgot about it out the back... watered it now and then and the good old Aussie sunshine has it at a similat size to yours and buds soon to open :)

problem is its heading into winter..... not warming up. Rats!

Will post up a pic tomorrow if i remember

Well at least it wasn't the comparison Fatalli. That is pretty bad wind damage but some of that is the plant wanting to drop it's big indoor leaves and start growing smaller outside leaves. I have had a lot of lower leaves coming off lately. I think that plant will recover just hard to look at right now. Other plants on your front wall look just fine. That's a pretty good price you are getting for those plants.:P
Aww shit AJ that sucks. Hope they pull through. Did the wind just blow the leaves right off or dry them out and they just fell off?
Txclosetgrower said:
Aww shit AJ that sucks. Hope they pull through. Did the wind just blow the leaves right off or dry them out and they just fell off?

yup...the wind just ripped them off the plants...they will recover I am sure and probably be a lot bushier than they were before...at least that is what I am hoping...and being bushier means more pods.... ;)
Sorry to hear this AJ. I know they'll recover and be even more productive for you.

Now in the spirit of our little side chocolate fatalii comparison, welcome to second place. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :P:P:P:P
patrick said:
Now in the spirit of our little side chocolate fatalii comparison, welcome to second place. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA :P:P:P:P

just remember, this is your one and ONLY chance...the gloves are off now bro....
Since I'm out of the competition I'd like to offer my cat up as a mercenary. For the right cash I'll send her fuzzy little ass to the target of your choice. After lulling them into complacency with her cuteness, she'll eat everything green in sight!

Any takers? :lol:
Txclosetgrower said:
Since I'm out of the competition I'd like to offer my cat up as a mercenary. For the right cash I'll send her fuzzy little ass to the target of your choice. After lulling them into complacency with her cuteness, she'll eat everything green in sight!

Any takers? :lol:

Thats the funniest thing I've heard yet on THP.:lol: