Fatalii smackdown

I know all about ladybug, used them for years;) last year I went through well over 10000 ladybugs, but this year I've kept things under control without buying any. I do however have some neighbors supplying me with some small amounts(Asian variety). Personally I've never found that they work fast in my environment, especially not in the winter or with any sort of bright lights. Once the larvae are born, then the aphid feasting really begins

Hey Derek - So how did you do it this year? I had a bunch of plants survive this year, but it was a struggle. Any overwintering tips appreciated.
bigt said:
Hey Derek - So how did you do it this year? I had a bunch of plants survive this year, but it was a struggle. Any overwintering tips appreciated.

For me, its a tough battle every year:( I like to use regular dishsoap(no fragrance or antibacterial) and soak the soil and spray the whole plant before bringing inside to overwinter, and then its not usually a big problem until new growth starts.
When problems arise, I like to rotate between pyrethrins, soaps(safers soap or dish soap), and oils(neem or others) until I get started with ladybugs or other natural predators.
you may have pest problems Derek, but the plants still look very good...

I have a chocolate fatalii blossom...actually two....


the last two days have been very windy and my fataliis have taken a beating...but they seem to be enjoying the sunshine and are not too much worse for the wear...sustained winds of 25 mph gusting to 40....today, it is fairly calm and plenty of sunshine...that wind should make the stems very strong....I think they like their new home....

For me, its a tough battle every year:( I like to use regular dishsoap(no fragrance or antibacterial) and soak the soil and spray the whole plant before bringing inside to overwinter, and then its not usually a big problem until new growth starts.
When problems arise, I like to rotate between pyrethrins, soaps(safers soap or dish soap), and oils(neem or others) until I get started with ladybugs or other natural predators.

I think the treating the plants before you bring them in may be a big key. I have not done that. I always try to put out the fire after it starts instead of maybe preventing it in the 1st place. Good info. Thanks!
So old man, I see your chocolate fatalii has brought forth it's flowers. You have taken the lead--FOR NOW! Do not get too confident as I am right behind you and closing fast.

shit. How do I catch him now?
Wow AJ. Those plants really look great. They look like mine normally do in July, except it's still March. The Texas sun is just getting warmed up. You are going to have an incredible crop.
come on young Patrick.....KETCHUP!!!!! :lol:

thanks again gents...

as luck would have it, it will be 36F here Saturday monring, close to freezing Sunday morning then back in the 50s at night next week when I am gone...timing is pretty good...they will go in the growrage for the cold nights and out in the sunshine in the front yard during the daytime...
i think i have a good idea....

when you bring them in to overwinter, and after you cut them down including the roots, i think you should use coco coir instead of any soil..

that would eliminate anychance of bringing aphids in the soil into your house...

then, you simply go onto a very diluted nute regime..
Nice flower on your Chocolate Fatalli to bad it's not in the comparison. If you can shelter your plants when it gets below 50F, moving your plants outside really helps. I've got some big ol' tree Fatalli will get pics when it quits raining.
Fatalli living the good life outside. No flowering buds are still pretty small. It is up to mother nature now to do her thing. These plants hardened off nicely. I'm coming for you AJ.
I just found this on the fourth page! Where's all the smack? Let's hear some challenges in here.

I know all you people can't think you're winning this "comparison" (that's a chickenpoop word if I ever heard one). I found one of my fatalii's trying to hump one of the cat's! That's one big mean plant!

The big chocolate fatalii is into rap and has started packing a nine. SOB scares the hell out of me. If I don't show up with his dose of ferts every morning he threatens to carve his initial in my arse.

Somebody else got a fatalii they think can take mine? Bring it on!!!
dreamboat said:
I haven't even planted mine, but one of the seeds told me that Patricks fatalii's like to knit and watch ice-dancing!dreamboat

Have you lost your marbles? If any of them see this I'm doomed, doomed, doomed! Sssshhhh quiet, they're still sleeping this morning, its pretty cloudy out today. Maybe I'll get lucky and they won't wake up at all today. A man can dream can't he?
just kidding.... You've probably all noticed, those aren't fatalii's. Those are my wife's sweet banana peppers.

No flowers on my fatalii's yet but they are coming along nicely. Can't wait till it warms up here!
Wow those are coming along nicely.
Here's my healthiest looking one which is being grown under less than optimal conditions. The fert is really amazing. Slow but sure.