Fatalii smackdown

Fatalii Fever, Baby! Bring it....


Petey...that is gorgeous...mine suck after I had a great start...
Ugh I had a fatalii sprout but it had the seed stuck on and I screwed it up. F'in rockwool. Still have one more germinated seed in rockwool hope it pulls through.
the wind damage and now some sort of rust has hit them...they are definitely isolated from the rest of my plants...I am going to try and treat them with something as soon as I find out what it is...will post a few pics this evening after work...
Txclosetgrower said:
Ugh I had a fatalii sprout but it had the seed stuck on and I screwed it up. F'in rockwool. Still have one more germinated seed in rockwool hope it pulls through.

That's another thing I noticed about RW that I didn't like. The # of seed caps stuck on. Some eventually fell off and some I had to pull off. My subsequent rounds that I planted in Pro-Mix BX had zero seed caps stuck on. Not to mention rooting much, much faster.
AlabamaJack said:
the wind damage and now some sort of rust has hit them...they are definitely isolated from the rest of my plants...I am going to try and treat them with something as soon as I find out what it is...will post a few pics this evening after work...

Sounds like you need some copper application. Its easy, just a foilar spray for about 7 days should do it, but I'll wait for the pic for id. I sent you a pm. Humid, "splashy" condtions spread this stuff fast AJ, so be gentle when watering the infected ones.
bigt said:
That's another thing I noticed about RW that I didn't like. The # of seed caps stuck on. Some eventually fell off and some I had to pull off. My subsequent rounds that I planted in Pro-Mix BX had zero seed caps stuck on. Not to mention rooting much, much faster.

sounds like the rockwool is history..lol
Hotpeppa said:
sounds like the rockwool is history..lol

Have any of the RW users tried pulling a bit of that material in from the sides and down into the hole over top the seed after its dropped in? Ya know, like you would soil? Anytime I've gone the hydro route, this always helped with seed shedding.
Pepper-Guru said:
Have any of the RW users tried pulling a bit of that material in from the sides and down into the hole over top the seed after its dropped in? Ya know, like you would soil? Anytime I've gone the hydro route, this always helped with seed shedding.

Funny you should mention this, I just starting doing this this time around. And only 1 out of 3 have had seed caps so it is defintely an improvement. Hopefully that will be 1 out of 4 by the time i get home :)
Pepper-Guru said:
Have any of the RW users tried pulling a bit of that material in from the sides and down into the hole over top the seed after its dropped in? Ya know, like you would soil? Anytime I've gone the hydro route, this always helped with seed shedding.

actually, i love to use rockwool...

i have no problems with it...

almost all the seeds using rockwool germinated for me but took more time then i had expected...

i prefer rockwool over jiffy pellets...

but i am going to try something different next year...

straight into some kind of Pro Mix blend or coco coir blend i think..
Hotpeppa said:
actually, i love to use rockwool...

i have no problems with it...

almost all the seeds using rockwool germinated for me but took more time then i had expected...

i prefer rockwool over jiffy pellets...

but i am going to try something different next year...

straight into some kind of Pro Mix blend or coco coir blend i think..

Straight coco coir ftfw. If these weren't destined for the hydro system that is what I exclusively start seeds in.
PeteyPepper said:
Fatalii Fever, Baby! Bring it....



Holy shite Petey! That thing is massive! I feel like getting my climbing boots on man. Dude!

Sorry to hear of your continued troubles with the Fatalii's AJ. I know you'll do everything in your power to get them back. Good luck sir.
Hardening off - Arctic style!


We have gotten about 3 cm (>1 inch) of snow after I took that picture an hour ago...

I won't get a trophy, but maybe an honorable mention? :lol: