Fatalii smackdown

I did the same thing last night. i seriously overwatered. i will have to get a new spray bottle so i can just mist them from the top like i used to do back in the dizzle. I was more concerned about the mold from the shitty chia cilantro seeds. We'll see how they fare later today with the added light and warmth.
There were tons of holes in the bottom of all the cups, but I had the holed cups sitting directly in regular cups with nothing separating the bottoms so the soil just sat in the water. I nkow better now.
Ahah! *pats self on back for calling it*

You guys could always switch to coco.......and never ever worry about overwatering again......

Sorry i'm a whore for the stuff, i know.
OK TCG...you better get your S*** together 'cause I am ready for your game...me and you brother...who ever gets the first ripe pod, the other buys the first and last round of the night when we meet...whacha say....

Bwaacckkkkk Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkk????
AlabamaJack said:
OK TCG...you better get your S*** together 'cause I am ready for your game...me and you brother...who ever gets the first ripe pod, the other buys the first and last round of the night when we meet...whacha say....

Bwaacckkkkk Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaackkkkkkk????

I don't have a sprout yet but I accept your challenge!

By the way, under no circumstances would I ever consider using my income tax return to get a 400W HPS and finish out my grow room....never. ;)
Txclosetgrower said:
I don't have a sprout yet but I accept your challenge!

By the way, under no circumstances would I ever consider using my income tax return to get a 400W HPS and finish out my grow room....never. ;)
I have perhaps 3?? not sure. i was hoping my bhuts would have hooked, but nothing yet.

I wish i could use my tax return to buy grow stuff. Unfortunately i have to express my undying love for my girlfriend and pay for a stupid wedding. :lol: I'm telling you, once this is in the past, i'm going all out. heheh:hell:
Txclosetgrower said:
I don't have a sprout yet but I accept your challenge!

By the way, under no circumstances would I ever consider using my income tax return to get a 400W HPS and finish out my grow room....never. ;)

you could have the sun in your room and not beat me on this

:hopes TCG knows I am ribbing him:

fineexampl said:
I have perhaps 3?? not sure. i was hoping my bhuts would have hooked, but nothing yet.

I wish i could use my tax return to buy grow stuff. Unfortunately i have to express my undying love for my girlfriend and pay for a stupid wedding. :lol: I'm telling you, once this is in the past, i'm going all out. heheh:hell:

When are you getting married?...that is an honorable thing to do with your tax return...
fineexampl said:
I have perhaps 3?? not sure. i was hoping my bhuts would have hooked, but nothing yet.

I wish i could use my tax return to buy grow stuff. Unfortunately i have to express my undying love for my girlfriend and pay for a stupid wedding. :lol: I'm telling you, once this is in the past, i'm going all out. heheh:hell:

You're overlooking one small detail: By then you'll be married and already have someone to spend all your money for you lol. :lol:
Txclosetgrower said:
You're overlooking one small detail: By then you'll be married and already have someone to spend all your money for you lol. :lol:
nah, she makes more than i do. :lol:

And honorable? i don't know. we'll see how it goes. November is when. I should have my harvest completed by that time.
and a lot of Product for the reception?
AlabamaJack said:
you could have the sun in your room and not beat me on this

I'm working on designing a more efficient sun that runs cool enough for indoor use.:shocked:

*adds extra layer to foil hat*
Txclosetgrower said:
I don't have a sprout yet but I accept your challenge!

By the way, under no circumstances would I ever consider using my income tax return to get a 400W HPS and finish out my grow room....never. ;)

Ok, are you guys growing indoors or outdoors? ...:?:

If you are having this grow off outdoors and this is a contest that will be over after this season coming up, then mind if a new comer grows along?
I think most of us have started seeds indoors. The down under group are preparing to grow building inside grow areas and those of on the right side of the equator will be planting outside...some may continue to grow inside I suppose....we all started seeds on the 12th and I assume it is open to all...just grow your Fataliis and we can compare each others methods...of course some of us have the "first ripe pod" mentality...
millworkman said:
There were tons of holes in the bottom of all the cups, but I had the holed cups sitting directly in regular cups with nothing separating the bottoms so the soil just sat in the water. I nkow better now.

A little trick I learned last year..if you have one cup with holes in it for drainage you can set it inside another cup but put a wide rubber band on it first...keeps the bottom up out of the water. I just bought a bag of the wider bands, still have plenty left for this season.
Good idea Jackie with the wide rubber bands. Another thing I've learned is that one big hole like 1/4" is way better than 3 or 4 smaller drill size holes in the bottom of your cups. The small holes just doesn't drain water like the one big hole. It is all trial and error, but success is in the details.
AlabamaJack said:
I think most of us have started seeds indoors. The down under group are preparing to grow building inside grow areas and those of on the right side of the equator will be planting outside...some may continue to grow inside I suppose....we all started seeds on the 12th and I assume it is open to all...just grow your Fataliis and we can compare each others methods...of course some of us have the "first ripe pod" mentality...

I think someone has pre-mature pod-envy. Don't blame you though. :cool:
18 Days From Seed 30 January 2009

Here is a pic of my best 4 Fatalii seedlings at 18 days from seed...the two on the left are from Tomato Growers and the two on the right are from what I grew this past season...


Chocolate Fatalii getting ready to put on its third set of true leaves...


anyone else got pics of their smackdown fataliis?
Well, I'll be honest. I haven't started a single Fatalii seed yet...lol Maybe I should. Ok I'm going to start them today...its the 30th of January.

But don't you (AJ & TX) count me out. They'll be huge real soon:cool: