Fatalii smackdown

Dale, the plant you cut with a razor blade is dead. I've never had much success with 3 cotyledons plants, they seem to grow alright for a while and just putter out. Good luck with your huge garden.
AJ, I've got a couple of Chocolate Fatalii's growing myself. I'll take you on with a little something on the side. You game....old timer?:P
I have yellow and red fataliis but not chocolate, grow away...those who have the different kinds will just have to compare with someone growing thre same kind.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Dale, the plant you cut with a razor blade is dead. I've never had much success with 3 cotyledons plants, they seem to grow alright for a while and just putter out. Good luck with your huge garden.

Ever seen one with 4 cotyledons? I can't wait to see mine turns out, it's just now starting to get its first true leaves.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Dale, the plant you cut with a razor blade is dead. I've never had much success with 3 cotyledons plants, they seem to grow alright for a while and just putter out. Good luck with your huge garden.

Not so fast PRF, this one is tough.

thepodpiper said:
OK, I have 18 Fatalii's up now and have not done anything to them yet except stick them under the fluorescents. In about 2 weeks when they are big enough to take an injection I'm going to start feeding them all sorts of sh*t(double top secret stuff). I also have a couple of other little experiments going on with them I took one with the seed husk on and cut it off with a razor blade, cotlyedons and all to see if it will grow something out of the top. If it does grow something then I am going to compare it to one that germinated perfectly with no husk on it. And the Fatalii with 3 cotlyedons will also be compared to the same good one through the season to see if it is inferior or superior to the normal one.


Dale - I will be very interested in finding out if that headless seedling survives. What purpose does the first set of leaves serve? Are they necessary for the future survival? Don't they just drop off after awhile anyway? Good experiment.
patrick said:
AJ, I've got a couple of Chocolate Fatalii's growing myself. I'll take you on with a little something on the side. You game....old timer?:P

Old timer my butt...you are on...

pepperfever said:
I have yellow and red fataliis but not chocolate, grow away...those who have the different kinds will just have to compare with someone growing thre same kind.

and Jackie and I can compare reds...is that OK Jackie?
Major problems, all my plant seem mad at me....

Contest fatalii...




This sucks.
That does suck Millman, what's going on? Some find of fungus? Anything you can do? If you have to start over I've got some seeds for you.
Ive got enough fatalii seeds to start over, I am just kind of worried about the whole thing. Dont want to keep losing them.
millworkman said:
Major problems, all my plant seem mad at me....

Contest fatalii...

This sucks.

Don't feel bad, mine look similar. I think the room gets too cold at night and this one 40 watt Aquarium bulb sucks. Not enough natural light. I'm changing my whole setup and might have to start over. Hopefully I can get 2 of my 6 Fataliis to live.
Your planting medium does look pretty wet. Put some light on them--within inches of the top of the plants. Once you see the top beginning to dry out move the light back a few inches. Or just give it some time to dry out on it's own.

Good luck