Dale, the plant you cut with a razor blade is dead. I've never had much success with 3 cotyledons plants, they seem to grow alright for a while and just putter out. Good luck with your huge garden.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:Dale, the plant you cut with a razor blade is dead. I've never had much success with 3 cotyledons plants, they seem to grow alright for a while and just putter out. Good luck with your huge garden.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:Dale, the plant you cut with a razor blade is dead. I've never had much success with 3 cotyledons plants, they seem to grow alright for a while and just putter out. Good luck with your huge garden.
thepodpiper said:OK, I have 18 Fatalii's up now and have not done anything to them yet except stick them under the fluorescents. In about 2 weeks when they are big enough to take an injection I'm going to start feeding them all sorts of sh*t(double top secret stuff). I also have a couple of other little experiments going on with them I took one with the seed husk on and cut it off with a razor blade, cotlyedons and all to see if it will grow something out of the top. If it does grow something then I am going to compare it to one that germinated perfectly with no husk on it. And the Fatalii with 3 cotlyedons will also be compared to the same good one through the season to see if it is inferior or superior to the normal one.
patrick said:AJ, I've got a couple of Chocolate Fatalii's growing myself. I'll take you on with a little something on the side. You game....old timer?![]()
pepperfever said:I have yellow and red fataliis but not chocolate, grow away...those who have the different kinds will just have to compare with someone growing thre same kind.
millworkman said:Major problems, all my plant seem mad at me....
Contest fatalii...
This sucks.
millworkman said:That room never gets below 60, do you think that is a problem?
Txclosetgrower said:I'm going with overwatering.
millworkman said:There was a substantial amount of water in the bottom of the cups. I wrung it out and we will see what develops.