Fatalii smackdown

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Tony you should know I don't use superthrive being these plants have been so well documented in this thread. This is as early as I've ever had pods patrick and it has to be these plants have been in the sun their whole life. Coastal South Carolina must be the right conditions for the Fatalli plant because they were some of my earliest pods I had last year also. A couple more weeks and we should have a ripe one!!!

RE: Superthrive - I didn't think you were using it, just the Neptunes. (which also worked great for me BTW) I just need some better starts next year, I have learned a lot from all you guys this season. That being said, this will be my best year by far anyway. Finally getting some sun today after a week of non stop rain. More rain tonight though.
Ahhhhh add a third to the list with chillis on their Fetalli plants


Also have about 6 small ones.


Its looking a bit down and flat at the moment as i just re/potted it the other night but it will come back.

My Best Fataliis to date:

Fatalii (scoville -Jan seed) and on right from (PRF-March seed)-both in 1 Gallon

and another Fatalii from PRF in a 5 gallon


My biggest plants overall are these 5 -
On top are the Nagas - L Bih (THSC), M Bhut (hotpeppa) R Dorset (THSC) and on the bottom are two 7 Pots (both PRF) - all are in 7 Gallon containers except for the bottom left which is in a 5 gal.
bigt I'm thinking you may be in for some serious pod collecting in a couple of months.

Thanks for the reply Cappy. I think I'm going to go through this entire thread and take some notes. I don't think I'll be coming close to pods in May, our last freeze date is the 15th of May, but I sure would like to see some by the fourth of July.

Some of you people around here could put the professionals to shame. Thanks for sharing everything.
tony05 said:
Ahhhhh add a third to the list with chillis on their Fetalli plants


Hey tony05 good looking devil tongue pod placed in your Fatalli tree. That little plant is not even big enough to sustain a big pod like that. I do agree your plant has a bunch of little pods all over it, but come on tell the truth. You all down under are growing during the summer months so that is not a fair comparison anyhow. Your Bhut and devil tongue plants out by your pool look fantastic. Not calling you out but something is not quite right here.:liar:
tony05 said:
Ahhhhh add a third to the list with chillis on their Fetalli plants


Also have about 6 small ones.


Its looking a bit down and flat at the moment as i just re/potted it the other night but it will come back.


Haven't posted any pics of my Fataliis in a while...

They have been sunscalded, aphided, winded, cussed and stranded...I put them out and said sink or swim...they look like bonzai Fatalii....actually they look like miniature thorn trees on the desert plains of Africa...


I have a couple of tiny tiny pods you can't see but if half of these buds/flowers polinate, I will have a lot of pods...

patrick said:
bigt I'm thinking you may be in for some serious pod collecting in a couple of months.

Thanks - that's the plan!

PeteyPepper said:
Hey bigt, those plants look great!


Thank you Petey, they are coming along now.

AlabamaJack said:
Haven't posted any pics of my Fataliis in a while...

They have been sunscalded, aphided, winded, cussed and stranded...I put them out and said sink or swim...they look like bonzai Fatalii....actually they look like miniature thorn trees on the desert plains of Africa...

AJ, you'll be shocked at how much those plants will grow out in a few months. It's still so early in the season for us, we're all way ahead of the game.
Little update on the Fatalii, first couple of buds start to open. I removed some leaves at the base of the stem.



Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Not calling you out but something is not quite right here.:liar:

Ahhhhhh yes someone bit :P

I thought i would have a stir for a bit of fun one arvo

I wouldnt say we are growing in summer months. Its almost winter here..... only 2 weeks to go. Id say you lot up there have the advantage.

I only really grew one for some fun and it will be interesting to see if it lives through the winter.

Im thinking of pinching off all the little chillis to keep it strong for next season.

Hey tony05 thanks for coming clean. This comparison only works when we are all being honest about our results. If you want the plant to continue growing over the winter pinch all the bud off. Sorry for calling you a liar but if I didn't it looks nobody else was going to.:rolleyes: Grow on.
Hey Tony I think all your plants look uber healthy. You will get bigger plants with Pro-mix than you are used to if you fertilizer just right. I've seen some really nice big green plants that have have a hard time flowering and fruiting from over fertilizing. I think your plants have a nice color to them, they will be huge in 6 weeks. I'm happy to see you doing so well.