Fatalii smackdown

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Hey Tony I think all your plants look uber healthy. You will get bigger plants with Pro-mix than you are used to if you fertilizer just right. I've seen some really nice big green plants that have have a hard time flowering and fruiting from over fertilizing. I think your plants have a nice color to them, they will be huge in 6 weeks. I'm happy to see you doing so well.

Thanks Cappy, I'm trying to keep my fertilizer real low to start off. I threw a little Osmocote in the 1st few and now the newer stuff with the Pro-Moss is mostly Tomato Tone and a pinch of garden lime. I'll try to stay on top of them and give them what they need as the season goes on. I have two of your 7 Pots and they are my biggest plants. I can see already they are going to scare me. :) Cappy, have you ever grown White Bullet Habs? That's a plant I'd really like to see you tackle as I have had decent results with it, but always felt there was so much more left in it.(they've only been in a relatively small 36" rectangular container with MG soil) I'm growing a Gold Bullet this year destined for a 5 gallon Pro-Mix, but it was a late start and is still only one inch even though it's been out in daylight for a week and is about 3 weeks old total.
More fatalli pods starting to pop up all over this 125 day old tree. Tony I am growing several of my 7 Pod and I agree my starts are beenstalks. I cherise White Bullet habs and am already eating fresh ripe pods off an overwintered plant. Got 4 new plants started. Never had the Gold bullet before but have a Golden Habanero growing in the garden.;)
I had 2 White Bullet and 1 Gold Bullet all in a 36" planter that I tried to overwinter, but they all died. I cut them way back and it appears they were over watered and had root rot. I love White Bullets for their size, flavor and consistent heat. The Gold are similar with a little more heat.
Holy hell, Fatalis in May? I need more lights next year! Plants look beautiful PRF. My 7-Pod Cappy plants are really taking off now. Grew head and shoulders faster than my other chinenses.

Oddly enough, my fatalis were the slowest growers at first, but have now far surpassed my Bhut Jolokias in size, and look greener and more compact than my Chocolate Habs. Funny how different varieties of one species can vary so much in growth habit.
FiveStar said:
Holy hell, Fatalis in May? I need more lights next year! Plants look beautiful PRF. My 7-Pod Cappy plants are really taking off now. Grew head and shoulders faster than my other chinenses.

FiveStar these plants sat in a sunny south facing window most of their young life, not really under the MH all that much. The mother 7-pod is still alive over 5 feet tall. I like what you named your plant helps me follow my strain.:)
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
More fatalli pods starting to pop up all over this 125 day old tree. Tony I am growing several of my 7 Pod and I agree my starts are beenstalks. I cherise White Bullet habs and am already eating fresh ripe pods off an overwintered plant. Got 4 new plants started. Never had the Gold bullet before but have a Golden Habanero growing in the garden.;)

Always nice to have early season peppers PRF. Extremely early in fact. Only thing with pods on right now for me is some Orange Chieros...never had them so I guess within a few weeks from now that wont be the case...:) Anyway, good looking back yard PRF !

edit: pay attention to your leaf spot, that can get out of hand before you know it....trust me
Looks like I am lagging behind everyone else but I do finally have pods on...no Chocolate Fatalii pods yet tho...

Red Fatalii



AJ, your choco plants were so far ahead of the others, but no pods? Were they the ones that fell off the ledge?

Great looking plants everyone.
millworkman said:
AJ, your choco plants were so far ahead of the others, but no pods? Were they the ones that fell off the ledge?

Great looking plants everyone.

thanks mwm...I think the reason they are lagging is because they are in the most unsheltered place in my yard and receive a full dose of southerly winds...since they have been where they are, they have seen 60 mph winds and it has blown them to bits...the other fataliis have seen wind too but not what the chocos have...
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Biggest Fatalli pod with the best shape. All my comparison plants have pods. I want to eat an unripe pod but I'll wait.:P

How are the plants you and AJ are playing with? Aren't you guys doing a potting up experiment or something?
Nice pod by the way.
Josh said:
How are the plants you and AJ are playing with? Aren't you guys doing a potting up experiment or something?
Nice pod by the way.

Here are some shots of the Fataliis, Red Fataliis, and Chocolate Fataliis...it seems the smaller containers have larger plants for some reason...could it be because the root ball is more compact? They have all been treated the same - really badly...



Red Fataliis


Chocolate Fataliis


and pods on Fatalii...these are growing like wildfire and the container is only about 7" in diameter and 8 inches high...it looks smaller than one gallon

I bet if you potted up one of the small containered ones now it would explode with pods. I'm noticing a similar thing with the chinese I kept rootbound longer than I would have liked. Comparable age to those too.
AJ what do you think is causing this? Could it be that in the smaller containers, since there are a lot more roots touching the wall of the pot, they are getting more oxygen?
Good observation AJ, I also have the same experience in that my best plants usually go through a gallon size pot up. My best Fatalli are the plants that were in gallon pots, then moved to their final containers. More compact root ball that finds the sides of the container quicker and starts top growth, or maybe the plant can dry the soil out quicker. Just don't have that many gallon size pots to do them all that way.
Here's 2 of mine with completely different growth structure. The smaller, bushier one on the right was babied and always given the best treatment and most light, and although it looks smaller I bet it will be my best producing fatalii.
I have just recently stopped picking the flowers off these and I just noticed a few pods started
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Good observation AJ, I also have the same experience in that my best plants usually go through a gallon size pot up. My best Fatalli are the plants that were in gallon pots, then moved to their final containers. More compact root ball that finds the sides of the container quicker and starts top growth, or maybe the plant can dry the soil out quicker. Just don't have that many gallon size pots to do them all that way.

I have also noticed my one gallon pot plants also took off with growth - especially vertical. They seemed to slow down when they were up potted to 5 gallon, but still remain extremely healthy. We seem to have a theme here. This is the 1st year I have ever used 1 gallon pots. Very interesting.