Fatalii smackdown

Here's the first ripe fatalii of the year for me. This one is now slowly being devoured with cheese and crackers. Man, they even taste good when you burp them!

Leaning to the side a bit. It's getting top heavy, loaded with peppers. Second small harvest on the way

Small harvest from a week ago. Some fatalii's and Big Jims
all of my fataliis/devils tongues have finished with their first flush of peppers...I am thinking they are more sensitive to fruit set at high temperatures than my other chinense varieties...anyone else notice this? Hoping they start producing again when cooler weather comes...
I have not picked a ripe Fatalii in several weeks but my plants are again fully loaded with immature green pods. Just let them do their thing AJ, a little bit more vegetative growth and them bam more peppers. My Fatalii peppers don't look as big as the first go around. That plant is huge and fully loaded with Fataliis lee, gonna be a huge harvest.:)
Mine have produced a fair amount of small pods, but they are really starting to load up. Pods are still a little on the small side but most of my chinenses peppers are small this year.
2nd year plant

1st year plant
Beautiful stout plants there Potawie! Are those first year plants? I only ask because they seem so short and squat. Guess that could be from their time in that greenhouse though.
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Congrats PrairieChilihead those botton two Fatalii look ripe. Now go outside pick a pod bring it inside rinse it off and just pop it in your mouth right now!:mouthonfire:

They seem kind of orange-ish, actually. They're only yellow in the picture. Are they ready when orange? I don't want to rush things.
Actually I shouldn't have recommended you eat it whole sorry. As soon as most of the pepper is it final color I pick my peppers. Hottest at this point and no chance that a bird will chomp on it overnight. Get to eating my friend.
Alright folks here it is, my first ripe Fatalii!!!! Actually it was a tie as I have two of them. I'm so proud. If they had waited one more day it would have been exactly eight months since I first put the seed in the dirt.

So, what do I win?

Ain't they just beautiful?


I just love them. I'm going to keep them forever and ever.
I'm so happy right now! Ate it in 3 pieces, started with the tip, ended with placenta and seed loaded end. That last bit kicked my ass hard, leaned over the sink and drooled for a good 5 minutes. Very interesting flavor!
congrats you two on the first fataliis...they are a great pepper...
Silver_Surfer said:
Patrick wins two very nice perfectly ripe Fatalii pods to eat with his next meal. :D

Woo hoo! Two of them? Gosh I love these contests er uh comparisons we have. I get two of them!

I am working up the cojones to try one very soon.
I have two fatalii plants, one is 60-70 cm tall, it had a couple of flowers that dropped (to compact soil and to much water) but maybe 70-80 buds. I will get pods... I hope.

The other one is a freak. Planted at the same time as the other one when this smackdown started, and it grows... But it just gets more compact... Perfect size for overwintering I must say.


Yes. I do bring my plants inside during the night now. Temps at night are 8-10 real degrees :) or about 45-50 degrees farenheit I guess.
patrick said:
Woo hoo! Two of them? Gosh I love these contests er uh comparisons we have. I get two of them!

I am working up the cojones to try one very soon.

Congrats on the Fataliis Patrick. I hear you on working up the guts to eat them though. Had my first Douglah tonight. Well, 1/4 of a Douglah. My stomach still doesn't feel right.