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Fatalii smackdown

cool Nova...good for you...now prepare to get your arse kicked... :lol:
I was doing some thinking today.

I have my plant..... my one lonely dodgy plant out in the sunshine. You would think it would love the Aussie summer sun wouldnt you?


I have also noticed that my other plants have sort of stopped growing up and are flowering like a florist on speed!

Now, my thinking is that the light produced during the seasons changes. In spring and early summer its more blue and promotes plant growth.

As it heats up (its over 40c here ATM) the light is more red, promoding flowering.

Is that close. THese are my presumptions and im wondering if its why we who are using late summer sun have small plants?

Maybe i should pull my finger out and get it under some lights in the 6500k mark

I don't know Tony...none of my Fataliis/Devils Tongue started producing until September last year when the temps came down and that is 6 months after I moved them outside...they produced until the first freeze the first of December...
tony05 said:
I was doing some thinking today.

I have my plant..... my one lonely dodgy plant out in the sunshine. You would think it would love the Aussie summer sun wouldnt you?


I have also noticed that my other plants have sort of stopped growing up and are flowering like a florist on speed!

Now, my thinking is that the light produced during the seasons changes. In spring and early summer its more blue and promotes plant growth.

As it heats up (its over 40c here ATM) the light is more red, promoding flowering.

Is that close. THese are my presumptions and im wondering if its why we who are using late summer sun have small plants?

Maybe i should pull my finger out and get it under some lights in the 6500k mark


Hmmm, it would appear that you are saying smart things, I think I'm going to need a layman to interpret.

[some time passes]

Okay, now I get it. I would assume that the sun pumps out the whole range of light, visible and otherwise. I would think that the leaves would absorb the light of the wavelength that they require for the stage of life they are in, similar to how an alcoholic absorbs different drinks depending on the time of the day. I cant see how the sun pumps out different wavelengths at different times of year, otherwise plants that flower in winter, for example, well, they just wouldn't.

Then again, I'm guessing on most of this, feel free to rebut.
tony05 said:
I was doing some thinking today.

I have my plant..... my one lonely dodgy plant out in the sunshine. You would think it would love the Aussie summer sun wouldnt you?


I have also noticed that my other plants have sort of stopped growing up and are flowering like a florist on speed!

Now, my thinking is that the light produced during the seasons changes. In spring and early summer its more blue and promotes plant growth.

As it heats up (its over 40c here ATM) the light is more red, promoding flowering.

Is that close. THese are my presumptions and im wondering if its why we who are using late summer sun have small plants?

Maybe i should pull my finger out and get it under some lights in the 6500k mark


I think you're on to something here Tony, but if I remember correctly it's something this: what colors from the sun that hits the ground is dependent on how high in the sky the sun is. The angle the sunlight hits the atmosphere with changes the light, because of refraction, diffraction, absorbsion, reflections, etc. In the middle of summer the sun is at it's highest, and the effects of the atmosphere on the sunlight are different than spring/autumn. From what I remember about physics from school, the light will be less modified the higher the sun is in the sky, because the above mention effects are almost none when the light hits the atmosphere at 90 degrees.

If my above rambling is correct, the light in the middle of summer should be closest to full specter, and the seedlings should grow just fine.
Fatalli update.:cool:

PRF...you are walking off and leaving me...your plants are getting huge and to think that is 24 days from seed....WOW!!!
*makes mental note to mail a box of kittens to AJ & Cappy*


Sure they may be cute now, but they'll grow in to plant devouring beasts!
bigt said:
Those look great Cappy! How long before they go outside and then into their final container?

I'll start hardening off my plants about late March and in their containers April 15. TCG those kittens are cute, I'd take one if we lived closer. On a sad note we have Norway Rats where I live and a neighbor was poisoning them and not using traps and killed my cat of 7 years after she ate one. I'm looking for a big black snake to put in the yard.:(
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I'll start hardening off my plants about late March and in their containers April 15. TCG those kittens are cute, I'd take one if we lived closer. On a sad note we have Norway Rats where I live and a neighbor was poisoning them and not using traps and killed my cat of 7 years after she ate one. I'm looking for a big black snake to put in the yard.:(

Oh how sad. {{{hugs}}} It's so hard to lose them.
Sorry to hear about your cat Cappy. That really sucks. I'm a cat lover myself and currently have 2. TCG is right about their appetite. This years score is Boscoe 1, Purple Tiger 0. Boscoe is still undefeated. He probably would be itching for some of that Norway rat action. We could have a kitty-norway rat WWF style smackdown. PETA would step in though. :)
And finally the first fatalii broke the soil! The game is on!


As soon as I saw the little hook, I put it straight under my DIY LED panel. Found this styrofoam box that I used for transporting aquarium fish lying around. Nice and white, so it should be perfect for the job:

My Falaliis look like sh*t, but so did my orange and red habs that I almost threw out. Now I almost have to fight them to get to the computer.

Of course you can't eat the large amount of fruit that they will produce since the fertilizers I use isn't natural. Maybe I'll just dump my stoma bag on them - that is natural? Right?
LOL! Funny man! I do not care about what methods others use, and what additives they use. I just don't want to :)

How many of the fatalii seeds have you managed to germinate?
BillyIdle said:
How many of the fatalii seeds have you managed to germinate?

2. I'll probably be able to send you a few thousand back so that you can try with the organic method next year!

(Lite mÄste man ju fÄ brÄka?)
And how many did you sow? 2? :)

I've got three plants going, since I started two before the competition started. We'll see who gets most fruits!

(Ja, det er klart!)
I sowed 2. I seem to have some kind of magic fingers:)

The Penispepper won't rise though, if enyone have seed to spare I'd like to give it a jank.. try, Send me a PM;)