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favorite Favorite seasoning peppers.

So I'm new to the wonderful world of peppers (besides the run of the mill jalapenos, bells etc) and I'm looking to order some plants form a site called chileplants and I was wondering what people's favorite seasoning peppers are.

I like to cook Mexican and Indian foods but as yet I'm kind of a heat wusseh so I thought I'd start mild and work my way up.

Tell me oh gods of chile's, what should I buy.
Jalapeno is my goto. Great flavor, and as a seasoning (powder I assume) you can vary the heat.

7 POT is wonderful also, but not for the meek.

Homegrown paprika is WAYYYY better than storebought. Worth the trouble.
My favorite pepper for powder is texas chile pequin. Such a wonderful taste. Only problem is they are tiny so you need hundreds upon hundreds of them.....But luckily one large plant will provide you with more than that :)

I use it on EVERYTHING. Probably my favorite use so far is mixed with alfredo sauce on pasta. Holy crap.

Oh yeah, I have like a thousand seeds from my plant should anyone want them. Sucker is going on like its 5th or 6th year.
cheezydemon said:
Jalapeno is my goto. Great flavor, and as a seasoning (powder I assume) you can vary the heat.

7 POT is wonderful also, but not for the meek.

Homegrown paprika is WAYYYY better than storebought. Worth the trouble.

I'll try a paprika.

I was actually wanting good peppers for making sauces and such.

Some for sofrito:

1. 3 bags garlic (peeled)

2. 2 packages of recaito

3. 2 packages of culantro

4. 3 large red onions

5. 3 red bell peppers

6. 3 green peppers

7. 1 bag of ajices (dulces not spicy)

Blend everything in a food processer or blender ad a cooking spoon of cooking oil.And just blend, place in microwaveable plastic bowl's(like the one from the chinese places) and freeze and when you are ready to use just defrost in the microwave.

And some to dry to roast and put into sauces later.

Ooh, and salsas too.

(long post is are loooong)
There are lots of great mild to medium Mex/Numex types that you'd probably love.

Try: Chimayo, Guajillo, Cascabel, Anaheims, Chilacas, Poblano, Serrano
There are lots of great mild to medium Mex/Numex types that you'd probably love.

Try: Chimayo, Guajillo, Cascabel, Anaheims, Chilacas, Poblano, Serrano

I like the flavor of the guajillo but the tough skin is kind of a pain in the butt when you reconstitute the dried pods and put it in the blender.

I quite like pasillas also.

How about some suggestions for some medium heat for spicier dishes?
Most of the large types need roasting to remove the outer skin, but its worth the effort

It's just a pain in teh tuckus to scrape the flesh off the skin after they've been dried and reconstituted.

(Lazy Kat is are lazy)

That's quite a few good suggestions.

I have about a dozen aji dulce plants coming and I'll try a couple of other seasoning peppers to compare.

And probably a couple of hotter peppers.

Anyone know a good source for plants?

It's a little late to be starting seeds and thechilepepper.com has a minimum order of twelve plants and I don't need that many.
Don't listen to Omri, he tried to get me to poison some guy i'd never even met with weapons grade biological agents. Yes, that is how it will be remembered. Quite the little devil.

Anyway, I asked the same question not long ago, search for threads I authored, should get you the good advice I got. Here is my list of pods to grow next season, since I think I'm too late to get it this season. I'm not a heat junkie. I dip habs in hummus, but well, you get the idea.

Sweet Datil --- Seeds were all defunct this year
Venezualen Sweet Habanero
Aji Umba
Lemon Drop
NuMex Suave Orange
Pimento L
Champion C00774
Pink Habanero
Jimmy Nardello's
St. Lucia Seasoning --- Sprouts are tiny tim'd too bad to keep this year I think
Kolosca --- Queen of paprikas I'm told.
Mini Red Bell
Corno di torro Rossa
Pimento de Padron --- Sound very exciting
Pimenta de Neyde
Chocolate Habolokia --- I think I may have to do some favors to get these.
Honduras Wild
Aji Limon

And about guajillos, get a food mill. Cut the dried pods up with scissors, rehydrate, then run the stuff through the mill.

With the food genres you mentioned (Mexican and Indian), I would recommend Jalapenos, Serranos, Poblanos, Anaheim type, and chiluacle (SP) for mole. I particularly like the red ripe Jalapenos and will make my own chipotles that I like to season with.

For Indian, you need to go ahead and advance up the Scoville scale. I will recommend the Caribbean Red or one of its many cousins. I also like the Thai chiles as well as the rat turd (love that name). These peppers do great in curries and also stir fries.
Also Champion,Criolla Sella,Aji Cito,Piri Piri,Orange Thai,Grenada Seasoning,Arivivi Gusano,Pimenta De Neyde :)