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pics FiveStar's Plants w/pics

My VERY modest setup... Tomatoes up top, Light stopped working last night, Ballast maybe?
Fan comes on 30 minutes a day 2x a day.

Chocolate Habs growin up nicely...


Top shot of Bhut Jolokia. Notice the little guy's cots look rough from trouble with the helment.


Top shot of rocoto manzano in the center. Notice small seedling with 3 cotyledons. Plant at bottom right is Pasilla.

Well, I'm running out of space under the lights. I reeeeallly hate to do it, but I'm thinking I'm gonna cull. There are 30 cells in that tray out of 32 with plants up, and every cell that came up, both seeds sprouted. First year doing this, so I think next few I plant I'll go one seed per cell.
BTW, any guess as to how long I can go before potting up in these cell packs? There are 4 per square, for a total of 32 cells per tray.
Yup lookin' good FiveStar the plants look happy in the window w/ floro. I don't usually cull till right before I transplant just so that I get the best seedling. Save room for one more seeds mailed yesterday.
Thats a great stand you keep your seedlings in fivestar, I wonder if they have them in Australia, it helps to keep the lights close to your seedlings, which are looking really good
This one came from Target. There was a thread here a few days back about them being on sale, and I had a gift card for 25$ there, so it just kinda worked out. I believe they were running $49.99 USD, but it's definitely worth it.
JungleRain said:
thanks five star we got target here, I'll go and have a look today

They were only on sale till the 13th but I still may have a raincheck for two of them if it will work for you over there. Looks really good FiveStar.

What a difference 5 days makes!

So either seedlings grow like a MoFo in 5 days, or there's something to this Kelp fertilizer, cause my plants are goin full force. I can't believe I've actually done this!

Here's Chocolate Hab

And a proflie of Mr. Chocolate

Bhut Jolokias. Leaves lookin a little wrinkley. Wuddaya think?



Please notice the Terrapin Rye Pale Ale 6pack box cut up for plant lables.
And lastly, an extremely S(^tty picture of what may be my favorite...

Rocoto! I may grow these hairy SOB's next year regardless of how well they produce just to watche the seedlings grow. They've absolutely taken off like mad!

They all seem happy to me in they're new pots, all except those wrinkley bhuts. There are 6 of each plant, and all look about like the ones pictured.

I swear I can see tiny leaves or something forming in the axils of the cotyledons too....

Stoked doesn't even describe it!
FiveStar said:
And lastly, an extremely S(^tty picture of what may be my favorite...

Rocoto! I may grow these hairy SOB's next year regardless of how well they produce just to watche the seedlings grow. They've absolutely taken off like mad!

One plant lasts a long time if you overwinter. They don't mind a little cold weather - the easiest plant I've ever had to overwinter. Just give them natural light and a little water. You'll probably get tired of eating the pods before it dies. :)
I've heard they can be tough the first year? I guess that must have come from inferior chileheads.

So plenty of pods all year huh? They'll produce in a sunny window during the winter?
FiveStar said:
I've heard they can be tough the first year? I guess that must have come from inferior chileheads.

So plenty of pods all year huh? They'll produce in a sunny window during the winter?

The one year I grew them they did flower for a looooong time, then I gave them some epsom salts and it went to freakin' town! I had a ton of them. To bad I moved before any of them ripened :(

Growing them this year again though!
IGG, did you give them foliar epsom, water with it, or just put it around the bottom of your plants?

Glad to hear they're producers. I'm thinking I may plant some of them in more protected areas rather than full sun. Read somewhere they like it a little cooler than some other species.