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pics FiveStar's Plants w/pics

Here are some of my contributions to the girlfriend's flower garden! These are labeled "Thai Hot" at my local nursery. I've grown them before, and they make nice mound shaped bushes covered in tiny christmas light sized chiles. I love them for garden snacking, and drying, and they look really cool, so I planted 4 about 8 inches apart to make a nice little shrub. They're taking off now, and starting to bud out...




Here's my plumpest Manzano. If I could keep the slugs and grasshoppers off her, she'd really look nice. I think this one is starting to really take off though, and will soon grow enough rise above the pests...


A few other Manzanos that forked in their pots, and started to look sad, so I just planted them. They're greening up now, and starting to sprawl. These are really close together, but I'm just kinda experimenting with them, maybe see if I can overwinter them since they're so sheltered here...


Here's my tomato bed. Whole bunch of different colored heirlooms, most of which I've forgotten the names of. I don't have a single red tomato this year, all yellows, blacks, pinks, oranges, and even a green...


Here's a fun one. It's an oriental bittersweet I dug up and chopped all the branches off to practice bonchi. It's started to leaf out, so I moved it to a bonsai pot. It's invasive as hell, so I didn't mind if I killed it, but now it looks pretty cool.


My Brugmansia is really putting on some big leaves... Come on Flowers!



Last, I tried to get some shots of my first two plants from seed to fork. These are both chocolate habs, and you can see a bud forming on at least one pic. These are destined for pinchdom until they get a bit larger...

Aphids wont cut me any slack either...

One a bit happier and greener...


That's all for now. Think I'll go watch my babies soak up this new rain. Cheers!
Great pics, gotta love this time of year planting the garden. You have some nice raised bed that I'm sure all you plants will be huge. The Bhut that forked early is fun to play with but probably won't be one of your larger plants, the branches grow to close together when that happens. I will visit Asheville soon and will trade some chiles from my garden and share a few beers. The 7 Pod will grow to be a big tall chinense that will demand a big 5 gallon container. Do you know what type of hab you bought because it's huge not like my Orange habs. Hope you have a bumper crop FiveStar.
PRF, I've got no clue what kind of hab this is. It was just labeled "Habanero plant" on the barcode. Maybe one of the 7 pots will make it into my enormous container then, since this bhut is likely not to do much. We shall see.
FiveStar said:
Appreciate it man! I'm thinkin you're right about the wrinkles. Maybe I've got Benjamin Button Bhuts or something.

Is it ever too early to start epsom salt foliar feeds folks? Is this recommended this small?

Hey I saw that movie!;) I have only used epsom in the dirt! Just never did foiler feeding.
Picture perfect plants FiveStar. It's been a week and time to update. :)

One question; since you obviously have a green thumb and those plants will soon be huge in that raised bed, how will you fit between the rows come harvest time? :D
Thanks SS, but honestly there isn't much to show in the way of updates. The washed out looking plants in the bed are only now starting to produce nice green leaves up top, though I do have one fatali and one Chocolate hab starting to fork nicely. Also, my lemon drop is my only baccatum thriving at the moment. It's nice and dark emerald green, and has also started to fork and produce buds.

As far as harvest goes, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Right now I'm just glad to have enough sunshine to finally get things growing, as the rain was kinda holding them back for a while. Will update this weekend possibly, if there's anything to see.
Hey Fivestar you are doin a fine job with your peppers and maters.Looks like your on your way to a good harvest.

Yep, the three planted close together only get direct sun for maybe an hour or two, and the rest of the time get filtered sun. the larger one gets sun for maybe the last four or five hours a day, and is getting indirect sun/shad the rest of the time. They're doing quite well, and the plants that all got potted up a second time before hitting the dirt are really starting to take off. I'm gonna go take a few pics, and show what a weeks worth of rainy weather looks like progress wise. Theres good, bad, and ugly.
Alright, here are a few pics. After nearly a week straight or rain, we're finally getting some sun, and has been nice and sunny for the last 3 days, with only afternoon showers in the forecast. Here's the raised bed...

Check out my Lemon Drop. It's the nice green one third from the left in the back. It's looking really great and is starting to fork and bud. The next plant to the right of him is a bishops crown that was potted up the same time as lemon drop, and it's starting to green up nicely on top, but the rest of the plants to the right of those two are also bishops crown that didnt make it to larger pots, and are only now starting to look a little greener. I think there really is something to potting up frequently for happier transplants.


Also, notice in the second row from the back, the plant all the way to the left. It's a Bhut Jolokia that was potted up one more time than the rest in the row next to it, and it looks much happier and greener than the others. Here's a pic of the only Chocolate Hab that got a pot up as well, and it's now one of my healthiest looking plants, also starting to fork. Buds have been removed from this one. The sun makes the color look much lighter than it really is.


Lemon Drop is nice and green, and ready to bud out. I think I'm just going to leave the buds on this one and let nature sort it out, unless someone here can convince me otherwise.


Long Slim Red Cayenene is starting to pod. This plant is now growing slower than the other that just started to pod, so I may or may not eat it soon to encourage more growth.

Here's my oldest Manzano that was transplanted during the early spring just to see if it would live. It gets more sun than the others, and is turning into a monster slowly but surely, especially now with the oregano cut down in front of it.


And here are my other Manzanos, that get shade most of the day, with only scattered sun and full on light for about an hour. They also look happy, and are sprawling like mad.


More pics to come, as the evening sun is a killer on the color of things. Will update pics of the tomatoes and my potted plants next...
Everything is looking great. I can't wait to see that raised bed in August. It is going to be a pepper forest.
Here's a little more porn for y'all. First comes my potted Chocolate Hab, and then my potted Fatali.



Here's the monster hab, still going apeshit making blooms and new leaves, but not a damn pod has set. That's alright though, as there's a lot of summer ahead, and plenty of time to make fruit.


The thai hot pepper hedge is filling in nicely, and they're starting to flower, with a few pods setting as well...


Last but not least... The tomatoes! continued...
Got these guys all staked up Florida Weave style. They're really getting going now, and are lush and green, all with a full hand of flowers. Those stakes are 7 feet tall, and with any luck they'll be at least that big. Last years grew to six feet before snapping my bamboo stakes in half. These got in earlier and are already looking better than those beefsteak hybrid jobbers I planted last year. If needed, I can post the varieties, but suffice it to say, they're all heirlooms except for 2 lemon boy hybrids.


Here's the first mater of the season. It's a Granny Bradley. How ugly and wrinkly is this puppy gonna be? Can't wait for the first tomato sandwich of the season!

Plants are really starting to take off now. My big hab is starting to hold a few pods and the raised bed is starting to green up nicely, as well as most every plant starting to fork, including my Bhut Jolokias!

Here's a quick pic I snapped of one Cayenne plant starting to produce. I left buds on this one for earlier pods, and they are really starting to come on nicely. Had to pick a green one today, as the temptation was too much to bear. It was by far the hottest cayenne I've ever eaten, and wasn't even ripe. That being said, the only others I have them to compare to were farmers market buys, and usually they don't look so hot. I munched her whole, and she actually had me sweating pretty good for a minute or two. I can't wait for the rest to grow up! Will update this weekend if weather cooperates.
