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pics FiveStar's Plants w/pics

FiveStar said:
IGG, did you give them foliar epsom, water with it, or just put it around the bottom of your plants?

Glad to hear they're producers. I'm thinking I may plant some of them in more protected areas rather than full sun. Read somewhere they like it a little cooler than some other species.

Eh, grow it in full sun. I gave it direct LA sun and it loved it. And I did both foliar and around the base.

May put one in a big-ass 6 gallon pot to bring in this winter.

Manzano Rellenos in December sounds like HoHoHo to me.
Everything looks great. Nice and green. I am sure the wrinkly leaves are no big deal. They look healthy. The rest will probably be normal.
Appreciate it man! I'm thinkin you're right about the wrinkles. Maybe I've got Benjamin Button Bhuts or something.

Is it ever too early to start epsom salt foliar feeds folks? Is this recommended this small?
Hardening off Update!!

Alright boys and girls, here's the update that's LOOONG overdue...

Here are my C. chinenses... Top row is Bhut Jolokia, middle row is Chocolate Habanero, and bottom row are Fatalii. These are recovering nicely from their overfertilizing fiasco...


Next up, is everything else! Two on the very left end on top are Goat's weed, and the bottom row are Rocoto, plus a Brazillian Starfish baccatum. The Rocotos took the fish emulsion overload the hardest, but are starting to perk up and have begun to split up top. The remainder of the tray are Aji Lemon Drops and Bishop's Crowns.


Here's the Monster Hab start I got for $2.50 in it's new home... It's covered in buds. Should I pinch them???

This a Rocoto that looked like death warmed over, so I planted it outside in a place that gets afternoon sun, completely without hardening it off. It's doing well now, and starting to split...


Last, we have something that's not a pepper, but a close kissing cousin. It's a double white Angel's trumpet (Brugmansia). This one should be about 5-7 feet tall come fall, and be loaded with foot long double white flowers (If I do everything right... Supposed to give it 20-20-20 every week according to the tag it came with!)

Plants are all looking great FiveStar. I have noticed that you have a real green thumb and care very much about the biology of your plants. Glad to have you here at THP and so close to home. Hope to get together in the fall. Nice plants.
Cheers PRF, and thanks for the compliments. I do love my plants, and can't help but get all biological about them. Spent 4 years of college studying biology. Would you pinch the buds on that hab? I'm still new to this game, so just looking for some advice.

Thanks guys and gals...
FiveStar said:
Here's the Monster Hab start I got for $2.50 in it's new home... It's covered in buds. Should I pinch them???


If you leave that beauty in your front yard someone else will likely pinch it for you. :lol:
Looking good there.
SeeYouJimmy said:
If you leave that beauty in your front yard someone else will likely pinch it for you. :lol:
Looking good there.

If that plant disappears, someone will pay with their life..

PeteyPepper said:
Good stuff, man. Plants look great! What type of Rocoto?


They are Manzano oranges I believe, but I can't be sure. The seeds were harvested from peppers found at a local flea market. I've got plenty more if you'd like some. They're available in the trading post pepper seeds thingey place... Thanks!

millworkman said:
Man those plants are working it. My rocotos are finally starting to take off like crazy town too.

Glad to hear those seeds came up all right. They are really hardy plants, and were my fastest growing variety until the baccatums showed up. Damn those puppies grow fast. The ones pictured were planted about the time of my last update, and they're growing like weeds.
You won't need pots to put them in down in Florida my friend. You may not need to fertilize them so heavily either. They are beautiful plants though. Yours may reach the size of trees, as I'm sure you know. The few times I've been to FL, I remember seeing them in people's yards and thinking they looked like something out of a science fiction film.

Here's what the flowers on mine are supposed to look like...

Plants in the ground!

So this past wed., I took advantage of a few nice sunny days in a row to get my plants in the ground. Here they are nestled happily in their raised bed...


EDIT: Wow, the plants really look yellow as hell in this pic, but it's just because they're wet and the sun is reflecting off of them. They're a little on the lime green side, but not as bad is this pic shows...

Cayennes and a couple of chocolate habs up front, chocolate habs and fatali next row, Bhut Jolokia and fatali next row, then a goat's weed in the back left, followed by brazillian starfish, lemon drop, and the rest are bishop's crowns.

Here's my nicest/weirdest bhut I've got. All my plants got a little pot bound, hence the not so green look, but I did have enough pots to pot a few up a week or so before they hit the dirt, and this Bhut really started to expand. All these plants have had a dose of fish emulsion, and are starting to green up already. Weird leaf shape on these...

Here's my monster hab I got for $2.50. It's hit the tomato tone mixed in that promix I believe, and is really going nuts.


Here's a quick shot of the enormity of bud production on this guy...


A few plants potted up. The one in the big pot is a fatali, smaller brown pot is a pequin that's turning a horrible purple color with all the sunlight, and the two in smaller pots are 7 pot (Thanks Cappy!). Once the 7's fill those pots, one is going in the raised bed, and one in a 5 gallon...


My poor pequin looked fine before the pot up, and had been hardened off with the rest of the plants, but I think it wasn't quite ready for the big bad world. Hopefully she'll bounce back...


This Bhut started to fork when it was very tiny. I think this one is going into a monstrous container, so big I can't imagine how many gallons it is...


