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pics FiveStar's Plants w/pics

Just noticed that my last update was 4 days ago... Holy crap, things are really growing fast!

A nice bunch of Black Prince tomatoes. These are going to be real producers. Only two hands of flowers so far, but every one has set a fruit, and there are tons of flowers per hand.


Raised bed Chocolate Hab. Compare this to the pic a few posts up of the previous pic from the 13th. This is a weeks growth. Freakish...


Love this Goat's weed. She's got her first tiny bud...


Last, here's a pic of my biggest "Long Slim Red Cayenne" It's the longest chile I've ever grown, and so far has held up to the Long and Slim parts of its name. Cant wait to see the red!

Awesome plants! You have hit upon the right combination of nutrients, water and sun. And soil. Write it all down so I can do the same next year - I'm liking the potted specimens the most at this point. Time will tell what gets the best long-term results.
Quote: Chocolate Hab. Canopy. Don't get too close to the screen, that stake will poke your eye out!

I'm ok! It didn't hurt... (As I rub my sore eye!):oops:
caroltlw said:
Awesome plants! You have hit upon the right combination of nutrients, water and sun. And soil. Write it all down so I can do the same next year - I'm liking the potted specimens the most at this point. Time will tell what gets the best long-term results.

Thanks carol! It's definitely a neat comparison. I have to examples of both fatali and chocolate hab that were treated the same as far as potting up goes that are now in two different homes: The raised bed and the pots. Only nutrients I've given them so far have been a bit of neptunes harvest fish emulsion once, and I've side dressed the potted plants with tomato tone once. Can't wait for August to see where they both end up.
FiveStar said:
Raised bed. Things are really starting to take off and bush out. I forsee a serious problem come harvest time with finding all the pods (Fingers crossed for pods!)

Don't say you weren't warned. :D

Nice growth spurt FS.
Things are looking nice and green here on the 5th of July...




Can't get over the growth on these lemon drops and Bishop's crowns. These guys get BIG!

Here are some pods on a plant that's supposed to be a Chocolate Hab. They were growing next to fatalis in a friend's garden and I saved the seeds. The other Choc. Habs I've got seem to be showing the correct pod shape, but this one I believe must have crossed. It's being pampered in pro mix now, so if it proves to be a nice hybrid I'll overwinter it.




And here's a fatalii pod...


Bishops crown podding now...

Last, here's one of my first Bhut Jolokia flowers. Hope these get to podding so they'll ripen in time to burn my face off!

Thanks SS, yeah the 7's are doing great. I started them later, so they're not quite as branched as my other plants. The plant in the foreground all the way to the left of the pic you quoted shows where my raised bed 7 pot is right now. These seem to grow very tall rather than short and bushy like my other chinenses. The 7 is as tall or taller than most of my chinenses started months earlier, but it has only "forked" twice. They all have flowers open on them though, and my largest 7 was actually slowly potted up, and is now in a 3 gallon pot. If need (probly will be) I'll pot it up later in the season. The largest plant also has a hefty dose of Tomato Tone fertilizer mixed in with the soil, which seems to have made it very happy!
The Chocolate hab was grown next to a regular old Yellow fatalii. I really hope the pods on this one stay chocolate, but I have no idea if they will or not. If I had to guess, I'd say no? Simply because the chocolate fatalii that's going around now seems to have another parent besides chocolate hab. It would seem to me that if someone were trying to breed a chocolate fatali, one of the logical first tries at parentage would be a chocolate hab.

I figure someone's already tried it. However, with genetics there is always an independent assortment of alleles, so there's always a chance that the cross resulted in chocolate pod color being retained unless it's an extremely recessive trait.

I dunno, but I can't wait to see now! This is the fun of crosses I guess, as it makes that first pod a lot like Christmas!
Time for a quick update. Here's the front yard garden.

Murderer's row. There's a orange hab closest, then a fatalii, then a chocolate hab x fatalii cross. Plants are podding nicely now, and really nice and tall. The orange hab has given me about a pod a day ripe now. It's starting to look like more will ripen soon. need to buy a dehydrator....


Pods on the Orange Hab!



Pepper Hedge of Thai Hots. This is four plants planted in about 2 square feet, and more pods than I can count...


A few Thai Hots ripening...


A 7pot "Brain Strain." This one is in a 2 or 3 gallon pot and is the biggest 7pot brain I've got. It's really growing well since I gave it a ton of Tomato Tone mixed in the soil, but it will get pot bound soon, and will need a pot up. This may be the one I overwinter since it's so healthy. Just starting to pod up now....


And here's my little Pequin. It's taken its time, but is flowering now and has just started to set fruit...


Raised bed is an absolute jungle. Too many flowers and mini pods to count now. Everything is podding nicely, and I should get loads of heat from this little plot. I'll need a Machete to harvest this fall!


A couple of Bishop's crowns...


Long Slim Red cayennes are going strong. A few ripe ones are hiding, but they still need another day or two to be completely red...


And last, the scariest pod of them all... The 7pot "Brain Strain" THANKS CAPPY!!!!!

your plants are incredible producers! i love your thai hot and red cayenne. i hope to grow such healthy ones someday..
Thai hot would produce like this if you planted it in dog poo I believe! I've grown it 3 years in a row just because the little peppers are fun to eat, DAMN hot, and they produce like mad.

My girlfriend and I just sampled a couple of pods. She wanted to eat a whole one, and I love them. Theis years are HOT! She was screaming and crying, and I definitely got a bit of an endorphin rush for a sec. Crazy stingy burn on these guys... The perfect gardening snack!