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pics FiveStar's Plants w/pics

looks like the wet spell did your plants well...all of them look great...
Thanks guys! I'm going to try to grab some more shots this afternoon weather permitting. Things hare really gotten going full force in the last week, and plants are really starting to put on the growth. This is by far my most successful year yet, and I'm very proud that most of my plants were started from seed. It's just about the most satisfying feeling I think I've ever had. Already planning for next year, and have nearly 5 times the number of varieties in my seed stash now.
Snapped a few shots this AM for an update. I don't know if anyone cares to see them at this point, as it's probly hard to see any progress from the interwebs, but I just like taking pictures :lol:

Front yard potted plot, with chocolate hab up front. This ProMix is no joke.


Chocolate Hab's leaves are getting rediculously big. Here's a shot with one in my hand. I'm a big guy, about 6'2. My hands are not small.


Here's a potted Fatalii. Looking like a good season in pots.


And here's my biggest plant. Some kind of unknown hab. Still dropping flowers, but it's also put a few pods on. Can you find the one that's growing straight up into the canopy?


Picked the larger leaves on the main stem off to let the side shoots get some more light. Getting plenty bushy now...


And now for some raised bed highlights. I'm having trouble getting shots in this sunlight, as all the colors look so washed out. Suffice it to say things look much greener and happier than the photos show.

Raised bed Chocolate Hab. Second shot with hand to show growth. This one seems to be growing faster than the one in the pot, yet it's leaves are smaller and it's shorter. More sun I guess.


Plants are looking very studly FiveStar, very studly. Kids will be building tree houses in them by the end of the summer. Hope you didn't plant them under any power lines or close to the foundation of your house. Can't get over the thickness of the stems, even the forks are thick.
Goat's weed. This one lives up to it's name, and has grown about six inches in the last week. I have no doubt this one will be a producer, and i haven't even seen a bud yet.


My best Bhut Jolokia. Just now starting to fork and bud. All my plants in the raised bed except my Goat's weed have their first set of buds now. I'm pinching what I can easily reach, and leaving the rest alone. Lazy man's gardening.


Last, here's one of three of my 7-pot Cappy plants. This one showing the most progress is also in the raised bed, and has it's first fork and set of buds. These things were started at least a month or two behind the other chinenses, and perhapse due to a better pot up schedule have absolutely grown like mad. This one seems to be putting on quite a bit of internodal growth as well, and is getting thick and tall while it puts on new leaves. After many sets of twisted strange leaf shapes, this next set looks like it may be nice and flat.

Thanks Patrick! I'm still amazed at what these things will do when you just stick them in the dirt and water them. They really can take care of themselves for the most part. I think constant attention and encouraging words don't hurt either! They seem to respond well to staring and picture taking. Inflates their leaves as well as their egos!
great looking plants...don't be upset if the lower larger leaves start to yellow and get raggedy...all of mine did that and I simply pulled them off...
Thanks for all the kind words everyone! I'll tell the plants they have admirers from afar.

AlabamaJack said:
great looking plants...don't be upset if the lower larger leaves start to yellow and get raggedy...all of mine did that and I simply pulled them off...

Yup, I'm getting a bit of that on my plants in the beds. Especially those that touch the ground. I'm not concerned with it in the least. Usually, they just yellow and fall off themselves. I'm very excited to see new growth and find them finally greening up. For a few weeks there it looked like it might be touch and go, but I believe they all concentrated on putting good roots down first, and then they go for the vegetative phase.

Thanks again for the compliments, and I'll update here as they progress. Podding in a month or so hopefully!
Your plants look perfect, good growing! Im growing choc scotch bonnet, the growing pattern are very similar, with those giant leaves, mine just bloomed, seems it well give some pods even though its placed in a window sill, early and good start for peppers seem to make them flower/fruit in even in the most unusual conditions for peppers to grow. :)
Beautiful pics and plants! I like the fact that you have some growing in the ground and pots. It will make for an interesting comparison as the season progresses.
Thanks bigt, and yes, having plants in the two spots is very interesting. So far, there's already a really striking difference in growth habit. The plants in pots are also in a spot where they don't receive sun until about 10:00 AM, and their leaves are growing much larger and "bubbly/bumpy" than those in the ground. The ones in my bed face full south and get full sun all day. They're producing smaller leaves, but are growing much shorter and compact, and are also growing faster as far as number of forks and leaves. Time will tell which is the winning combination.
Brought my triplets of fire up on the porch because of some nasty wind gusts we were having. They've been staked since their near death tornadoish experience, but I was still worrying. Perfect time for a photoshoot...

Unknown Hab....


This one's podding up nicely. I quit counting at about 50, with tons more flowers to come. Lots of pod variation, everything from normal hab shape, to almost 7-pot/scorpion shape in the smaller baby pods.


Potted Fatali starting to get burly. I've quit pinching buds at this point, as we're really hitting a growth spurt. I think this one will be fine to start podding.


Canopy shot of Fatali


Chocolate Hab. This one is really starting to branch from the base.


Chocolate Hab. Canopy. Don't get too close to the screen, that stake will poke your eye out!


Raised bed. Things are really starting to take off and bush out. I forsee a serious problem come harvest time with finding all the pods (Fingers crossed for pods!)

