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Florida Trippin'

so what

are we down to 6 now?

me, scovie, CJ, sic, sics lady, and bear?

if thats it i have to change the reservation like asap
im already wasted

Went swimming in the Gulf of Mexico, checked in to our hotel, swimmin in the pool.
Been prefunkin, and now getting ready to go to Darwin's. Sum's meeting us there.
Wow, what a birthday CJ is having.
Sorry Gemme, I can't get her to post, she can't sit still long enough to even sign in... (that's a good thing)

Ground rules for Darwin's, WHEEBZ.... DON'T GET FIRED TODAY.
Happy birthday, CJ!!!!
Sounds like you guys are having a blast so far!!!
Can't wait to see everyone tomorrow!!!
GIve me a drunk call ON MY CELL!!!!! (Don't call the house, SUM!!)
If I don't answer, I'm either passed out or coiting, in which case I'll call you back in a few seconds.

Friggin raining down here, dumping crap into the pool. I'm combating it valiantly. I just did crazy pool-work in the rain!

Have fun at Darwins. Don't order the Sea Bass, I hear it's really Tilapia.
Wow, what a birthday CJ is having.
Sorry Gemme, I can't get her to post, she can't sit still long enough to even sign in... (that's a good thing)
Agreed! Glad to hear the B-day is going so well!

Since we're putting in requests...... You guys called me at 11pm the other night - I get to be first this time!!! LOL
CJ's got a birthday thread going, she'd better at least see it before tomorrow!
So, the big question is....

Does wheebz still have a job????
Well, I just got off the phone with them and they were back at the hotel, wheebz was still employed and the question now is will they keep their rooms at the hotel.
Tomorrow they're heading south and I have been told that Bear, that guy, has left notice that he will be crea[ping in at some point.

On a side note I saw on the news that Miami's mayor has requested that the National Guard be placed on high alert and 30 minute recall for the balance of this weekend. I filed that report under "Things That Make You Go Hummmmmm"

Beers Y'all
So....I have (wisely) moved all of the breakables and valuables to an undisclosed location for tomorrow night.

I hope everyone involved has some party-libido left for another crazy night.
The plan is to get bear naked.
Not necessarily barenaked, though. But I wouldn't put it passed scovie...
Bear, that guy, wanted to go skinny dipping with CJ and LadySic in the hotel pool, but the management wouldn't let him. His hair clogs up the filter.

True Story!

Glad to hear wheebz still has a job. Prolly just long enough to pay off the damages~~~ :lol: But I did get a call tonight from Pennsylvania, so at least they haven't cut off his phone yet.
I guess I wasn't on the list for drunk calls again. You guys are nuts! When ya'll called,the other night, my wife said 'what in the hell was that?'. I had to tell her, ya know babe, I dunno!
It's 10am Eastern time now..... How are the FloTrippers this morning?

And are we taking bets as to how many have hangovers? :lol: