event FREE SALSA @ Jungle Jim's 3rd Annual Weekend of Fire, Aug 1 & 2, 2009

Scott Roberts said:
I bet it's still no match for my heavy Missouri accent.

I guess we'll see when I get there. Apearently, according to lostmind, I have a funny accent too.

racecitysauce said:
Looking forward to finally meeting everyone! And becoming a vendor/patient at the DEFCON Pain Center:mouthonfire:

+1!!! I've been wanting to see what your sauces taste like so this will be the perfect opertunity!
I found out that since I'm a vendor I get to attend the open bar I Friday. TOTALLY THERE A DAY EARLIER NOW!!!!

Wow, I think this is a first, I driving four hours for free booze. :lol:
In addition to the Salsa contest on Saturday, the Bloggers Booth in conjunction with Intensity Academy will have a contest at 2 PM on Sunday. We're going to sign up people at the Bloggers Booth and have them see how long they can keep a Chai Thai 1.5 million SHU lollipop on their tongues. The person with the longest time will be given a prize Intensity Academy will provide. More details to come soon...
Searching for a hotel right now for Friday night. I'm going to get into Cinci around 4 PM it seems.

Scott Roberts said:
In addition to the Salsa contest on Saturday, the Bloggers Booth in conjunction with Intensity Academy will have a contest at 2 PM on Sunday. We're going to sign up people at the Bloggers Booth and have them see how long they can keep a Chai Thai 1.5 million SHU lollipop on their tongues. The person with the longest time will be given a prize Intensity Academy will provide. More details to come soon...

Hmmm....this is stupid enough I just might try it! :lol:
Man this looks like it will be a ball, wish I could be there. One of these years I will get there. Good luck to everyone going. I hope you have good weather, great attendance, cold beer, and Passow get's delayed so there's enough beer for the open bar to make it to the end. Creator, try not to kill someone on live internet...
JayT said:
Creator, try not to kill someone on live internet...

Who, little 'ol meeee?

Bad news, not gonna have the live hookup like I wanted, just not enough time to get things set up. Gonna try to have it ready for Zest Fest in Dallas in September.

GOOD news, the 2009 National Championship Deathmatch trophy JUST ARRIVED! Good GOD, it's 5 friggin' feet tall! Wait until you get a load of THIS thing. Gotta keep it under wraps until Saturday morning.

Man, this weekend is gonna be one for the record books. :hell:
imaguitargod said:
Searching for a hotel right now for Friday night. I'm going to get into Cinci around 4 PM it seems.

Well i have been making lotsa wing sauces and bbq sauces for the show (sorry john) ohhh.....spicy chocolate going to be there too..!!!!!
see ya there guys....
marcosauces;231360][QUOTE=DEFCON Creator said:
hey John, could you pm your phone i want to ask you few questiond about the show.

Yes, you will need sunscreen, SPF 99 I believe. Is that correct John?
DEFCON Creator said:
Who, little 'ol meeee?

GOOD news, the 2009 National Championship Deathmatch trophy JUST ARRIVED! Good GOD, it's 5 friggin' feet tall! Wait until you get a load of THIS thing. Gotta keep it under wraps until Saturday morning.

You could hide it in Michele Northrup's 5-foot tall spicy carrot.
