• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
You poor bastard! Im sorry man, but I'm still laughing a little bit. I just can't get over that. That reminds of one time I was in a tree stand bowhunting, I was all relaxed enjoying the evening when all of a sudden the fattest, biggest raccoon I have ever seen climbs the tree next to me. At first I thought it was a bear cub. Scared the SHIT out of me. Then I scared the shit out of him. When he finally realized there was a person in the next tree, he looked at me and I said "BOO" the fat frickin thing just about jumped out of the tree. Hilarious.
Added a new section below the garden to add more plants!

First c. chinense pod. Jellybean white hab.

one for the creepy critters page! Found this guy in the shed, after finding two in the garden crawling thru the leaves i covered it with. Also found another snake when i was making my rows. Here is the creepy...

Good guys around too! Sern a few larva already too!

And my little helper. She's a great dog!
Hi Jay
   Nice shots of those 2 brook trout. They're natives up here so we see them a lot. Browns don't have the red fins with black and white lines on the leading edges. Good thing you got the rabies shots after getting bit by that Raccoon... That must have woken you up in a hurry! A word in your ear... if you ever go float-tube fishing in a Beaver pond and they slap the water next to you with their tails it's time to get out of the water. People try to argue every year and get bitten. Have you seen how long and sharp a Beaver's teeth are?
Awesome looking garden too! Cheers!
Wow crazy coons!
I had to chase one out of my bow stand years ago, shot a beater arrow with a blunt at it, plus stuck two others from that stand. Wife was getting dog food, we keep it in a galvanized garbage can. One of us had left the lid off, coon was in it and came flying out, scratched the wife as it was trying to get out of there.
Glad to see you got your planting done!
Dont even get me started about raccoons. They help dig up my yard every year because of those nasty japanese beetles that invaded.
Is that a scorpion in the picture? You could do a side-by-side picture with a moruga scorpion and call it "good scorpion/bad scorpion"
Nice to see you expanding! It is an addictive hobby.
stc3248 said:
Haha...hope you're healing up! Crazy story! Too bad your little helper wasn't there to get after that coon for you! Already EXPANDING huh? Atta boy!
Eight shots total. Four in & around the bite. One in the arm. Two, on each hip/butt. And one in the arm. Then a tetanus shot in the other. Three more rabies shots over the next two weeks. Not fun!
Wanted to take her with me but was afraid she would chase and corner a bear. See black bears all the time, usually heading away from us which is good! Nothing scares ya like a bear dropping down a tree in a hurry, breaking branches left & right so its can run away, all happening in an instant about fifty feet from you. She has aready had her rabies shots though!

Jamison said:
Beautiful dog!   Sure is a looker!
Thanks Jamison. She's a Siberian Husky mix. Smart cookie too.

Spankyscolts said:
That Douglah a few pages bak was beautiful! I love outdoor grows cant wait to see how this one turns out! Good Luck !
Thanks Spanks! That one is still a beaut. Stay turned! I hoping i can turn this one out!

stickman said:
Hi Jay
   Nice shots of those 2 brook trout. They're natives up here so we see them a lot. Browns don't have the red fins with black and white lines on the leading edges. Good thing you got the rabies shots after getting bit by that Raccoon... That must have woken you up in a hurry! A word in your ear... if you ever go float-tube fishing in a Beaver pond and they slap the water next to you with their tails it's time to get out of the water. People try to argue every year and get bitten. Have you seen how long and sharp a Beaver's teeth are?
Awesome looking garden too! Cheers!
Thanks Rick! I didn't even notice they were brooks. Those are the two biggest brooks i have ever caught. Usually don't see them more than five or six inches up there. Usually if I see spots it's a brown trout.
I have walked up on a few beavers up there, but never had a run in. Definitely am not going to mess with one of them!

Devv said:
Wow crazy coons!
I had to chase one out of my bow stand years ago, shot a beater arrow with a blunt at it, plus stuck two others from that stand. Wife was getting dog food, we keep it in a galvanized garbage can. One of us had left the lid off, coon was in it and came flying out, scratched the wife as it was trying to get out of there.
Glad to see you got your planting done!
Thank you Scott. Glad I got to it.
I have the shoot and kill mentality now when it comes to raccoons. I know that one was just protecting some young, but damn!

Stefan_W said:
Dont even get me started about raccoons. They help dig up my yard every year because of those nasty japanese beetles that invaded.
Is that a scorpion in the picture? You could do a side-by-side picture with a moruga scorpion and call it "good scorpion/bad scorpion"
Nice to see you expanding! It is an addictive hobby.
Yes Stefan, a little brown scorpion. Was only about 1.25" long (+3cm ?). Would love to do a side by side. Im only going to eat one of them though.
Had to expand. Ran out of room in no time and I have the space. Didn't claim this area last year, as the garden was as big as the fence i bought. I just threw some chicken wire around the extension. I still need to mulch everything & get the raised beds cleaned out for the other veggies. Rained off & on all day, so didn't happen today. But the rabie shots would have slowed me down too. Soon i hope!
A bit of bad news. :(
most of my extras and a few of the potted plants got beat down. Rained so hard the water overflowed the gutter and smashed them, completely washing out the soil on some and just destroying leaves on others. Sucks.
My lighter green 7 white got beat up pretty bad.

I left sitting in a vulnerable spot. This sucks.

more carnage!



I started to fill back up with soil. Hope they all pull thru. Most of the extras already had homes. :(

My choc barrackpore got beatdown too. And a few of the ones i was going to keep in containers.

Great story Jamison, hahahaahaha
@GA love the update of the good stuff: “Added a new section below the garden to add more plants!, jellybean white hab, benificials and scorp. When I was a kid, I had a tank full of scorps, you’d be surprised how many bad bugs the ones down here eat. That said, I don’t like the pics of the plants without soil, the carnage ;)

BTW I hate racoons, dem eat up or killed 3 of my baby MoA's :/ I would have had 6 big ones now if it wasn't for dem -_-
stc3248 said:
I ain't likin that post! Give them some fresh soil and they should pull through. Damn...that does suck though. 
Portuge said:
A pepper gardeners worst nightmare... Like STC said put some fresh soil up in the pots and they should be good to go...
Thanks guys! Looks like all but one are not even phased. The one still might make it.

WalkGood said:
@GA love the update of the good stuff: Added a new section below the garden to add more plants!, jellybean white hab, benificials and scorp. When I was a kid, I had a tank full of scorps, youd be surprised how many bad bugs the ones down here eat. That said, I dont like the pics of the plants without soil, the carnage ;)
BTW I hate racoons, dem eat up or killed 3 of my baby MoA's :/ I would have had 6 big ones now if it wasn't for dem -_-
Thanks Ramon, Looks like all will be well. Raccoons do suck and are on my hit list now! Sorry they wrecked your plants.

Devv said:
I'm in agreement, new soil and they will just go. They won't be pretty for a week or two, but should take off, the damage can be trimmed.
That must have been some rain, sorry to see the damage.
Thanks Scott. It was water running over the gutter on a two story section of the house. Had major force as a serious overflow. Already looking better.

DocNrock said:
Nice browns, but man that coon story sucks!  Especially the rabies shots.  You're smart to get them, though.  The outdoor shots look good, but sorry to see the carnage in the pots.  Hopefully some fresh soil will do them up right. 
Thanks Brent!
Got my second shot yesterday. Really the tetanus shot caused me the most greef. Never have been this sore from one. Had to be safe, rabies is no joke. Hope all is well.
Little update.
Plants in ground are starting to take off. Got my second c. chinense pod on the peruvian white hab. Its in a container and doing well. The other potted plants are showing new growth. The lighter green white 7 is starting to look happier even after it's beat down. My overwinters are starting to open their flowers. They are starting to branch out more. Looking foward to seeing if the mystery plant in a brown 7 or red douglah. Want it to pod up already!
I meet up with fellow THP member Harris yesterday to give him some extra plants i had. Was really nice to meet him. A very nice guy! I really enjoyed talking about peppers and growing them with him. Wish i had more chileheads to converse with.
Hope you get to enjoy a ton of pods from those plants John!
Will try to get some picts of the gsrden up soon. Haven't made it home in time to get any picts, and have had enough time in the morning yet this week. But...
A few picts from inside.

Still a few plants inside under the T5.

cool98010 said:
Awwww Such A Cute Dog :D 
Thanks Cool98010!
She is the best dog ever! She's my girl!

Here is some lovely variegation!

Some mystery plants with my two refining fire chiles scotch bonnets in back that have finally started to grow!

Sweet choc bell starting to flower. The Plant is only 4" tall.

The choc 7 barrackpore that could. You can see the growth coming out of the closed off, fused q-tip growth that i had to split open.
Nice to see the brown Barrackpore x 7 cross made it through surgery. It looks like you'll need to stake it for support though. All looking great Jay! Will you be planting the last of your babies outside this weekend?