PeriPeri said:
Great looking plants and pods man! That Jay's Ghost Scorpion Red is going to burn twice for sure!
I think im up for that challenge Lourens! Thank you on the plants. They are really start to take off. Finding new baby pods daily that went there before! Loving it!
DocNrock said:
Dude, everything is looking great! Love the DT Whites. The JGS, Douglahs, Madballz, and everything podding up. It won't be long now before your harvests are dwarfing mine! Love those Orange Thais and who could not love the Jellybean White Habs. Such a cool pod.
But I know you are really waiting on the yellow supers.
Thank you thank you thank you!
Hoping to get up there with you harvest wise. I'm not going to underestimate your grow though! You got mad plants too! So happy to start eating fresh pods again! Had one with dinner tonight. Needed a few more, but was so good! Those little white hab are quite yummy!
You know I'm waiting for some yel brains, 7s reg and LRGs, CARDI scorps, BB yel douglahs... and many more yellow pods! Wont be long!
stc3248 said:
Sweet! Your WB pods do look like my Charapitas! BG has all the right characteristics...but the calyxes aren't changing yet

...wonder if they take a bit after the pod is ripe to color up??? Your ghost scorps look like they were spawned in hell...careful with them suckas! Looking freakin awesome! More pics please!!!
Shane! Not sure ever BG with the crazy calyces will turn red. Cool mutation to have regardless. Hoping your does though. Maybe let one sit to see it will bleed up the stem. Agreeing on that ghost scorp. Was tripping when i spotted it, had no ideal it was even there. Shape is like a mid evil weapon. Danger! Danger!
Wasn't able to spend much time in the garden, but will in the morning. Will grab you some more picts then.
But here are a few i did take today...
OW choc bhut starting to really pod up.
Papa Joe's scotch bons are looking gnarlier by the day.
Bahamian Goat
The first PI 441598 starting to turn, peach colored ATM.
This was the first dark green pod on one of the other PI 441598s. Had it with dinner! Not a seed in it.
Perfect mouth burn and flavor. Needed more. I problem that i hope resolves it's self soon.
Have a great night!