• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
MGOLD86 said:
Really loving those pod shots man, gonna be a great season for you when those bad boys start turning. What made you chose that specific wild?
Thank you Matt. Waiting for color. Just getting a tease once a week is driving me crazy. If you are referring to the PI 441598, it was a freebie. Came originally for Silversurfer's garden, and the pods were creamy white. I have three, the one that turned peach, one the turned red, and one that hasn't ripened yet. Looking like they all got crossed by something, but still happy to have them.
Thanks for the kind words!

Forgot i didn't finishp posting picts from last night.

Here is wild Brazil.

Another peach Jay's ghost scorp

Tobago treasure.

The other Tobago treasure

both loaded up with pods!

Datil from peter@semillas.de. Different shape from the other datils i have shown, in which those seeds came out of pods from pepperrich in fl, via a buddy at work. These more represent the shape i first saw for datil. Which is more correct? IDK.

Red habs. These came from seeds from some of the best red habs that a buddy of mine grew last season. His had perfect 4 lobes that meet on the bottom like a bonnet would, minus the top. Great flavor and heat. These aren't showing that shape as of yet. Hoping the flavor is there.

My OW butch T final is setting pods. It's been dropping flowers like crazy. Just noticed this pod, and a grand surprise it was.

Aerial view of an orange thai. Really a great plant/pod!

Peach bhut baby pod!

I also picked up a UL/blacklight flashlight from wallyworld the other day. I found one decent size hornworm on a red bhut and quickly got rid of him. But wanting to hunt them properly i went with the blacklight. Went out tonight and didnt see any, but found a few bugs that stood out. thinking the white stripes they have will really glow, so that's what i was looking for.
Death to all hornworms!

Didn't find anything in that BB yel.douglah but rot. There were 3 holes, one on the side and two on the bottom tail section. For an unripe pod, she has some heat! I tested an unscathed side piece. And had a strong c. chinense smell, noticeable when i cut her open.
Dude, it's all looking fantastic!  Awesome ripe WDT!  Funny you posted the Bali Naga.  I'm growing it, as well (freebie from Grant, right?).  It gets to be a pretty tall plant.  Seems to be a frutescens.  Very productive.  I'll try to get a pic of mine up soon. 
Rain rain go away come back another day... Let mother nature soak up as much free water as she can... I see Pods everywhere, must be coming out of the ears already...
DocNrock said:
Dude, it's all looking fantastic!  Awesome ripe WDT!  Funny you posted the Bali Naga.  I'm growing it, as well (freebie from Grant, right?).  It gets to be a pretty tall plant.  Seems to be a frutescens.  Very productive.  I'll try to get a pic of mine up soon. 
Yep. Freebie. Strange growth for sure, just up so far. Wondering what pods will look like. Look foward to seeing yours!
Was excited to see that WDT. Trying to let it finish up for a few more days but the anticipation is hurting me. Going crazy :crazy:
Portuge said:
Rain rain go away come back another day... Let mother nature soak up as much free water as she can... I see Pods everywhere, must be coming out of the ears already...
Still raining.... The plants are taking it in though. Not complaining yet, but getting close to doing so. :D
Pods are appearing! Thank for stopping by Portuge!

I did get a small window of sunshine today. Maybe a half hour.


Looks like this right now.
Yea we have had a couple straight weeks of straight rain. Like nasty downpour. The pepper plants looked like they loved it, but I can see a bit of stress. I am gonna hit them with some tea in the beginning of the week, that should give em time to dry out and then get some yummy goodness.

Yours definitely look great, they are resilient as all get out. They just take it!
Hey Jason, the PI 441598 was red when I picked them at Silver Surfer garden. That is crazy that you have 2 different colors of them going right now. From what little info there is about them online, they are supposed to be red. They are a good little Pepper though.
MGOLD86 said:
Yea we have had a couple straight weeks of straight rain. Like nasty downpour. The pepper plants looked like they loved it, but I can see a bit of stress. I am gonna hit them with some tea in the beginning of the week, that should give em time to dry out and then get some yummy goodness.

Yours definitely look great, they are resilient as all get out. They just take it!
Thanks Matt.I need to bubble up some aact too. Been slacking. I also need to hit the garden with this fish stew that's been sitting for close to two months. Scared cause it smells like death died, lost his bowels and rotted. It's bad!
Rain everyday has been the norm. Getting those down pours too. Watching the lake levels climb again too. My container plants are starting to be over it. The garden guys don't even seem to notice. All i can say is, at least it's not a drought already!
Trippa said:
Everything on this glog = Just F%£*king marvelous.
Thank you Trippa! If I could only get you document everything for me, it would be so much better!
coheed196 said:
Hey Jason, the PI 441598 was red when I picked them at Silver Surfer garden. That is crazy that you have 2 different colors of them going right now. From what little info there is about them online, they are supposed to be red. They are a good little Pepper though.
Vincent, I just went back to silver's 2012 glog and i see that. But if you go to his 2011 glog he points out some light colored pod, creamy white looking in one of the table shots. Then also in 2011 i found this...
Here beaglestorm says they are peach.
So now i'm wondering if 2012s were a cross, and this year are the F2s, so that's why i am seeing variance? I noticed the plant with red pods is now putting out a distinct shape, possible the other parent?. The peach pheno shape looks like SS's 2011s, from what i can tell. I will try to get some good shots of all three pod shapes. Thanks for clarifying and possible helping solve this mystery, because did I missed that they were previously red.
PI 441598, this one has med green pods that haven't ripened yet. I think red, but time will tell.

This PI 441598 is about the same color. They are different shaped. Kinda bell/tear dropped shaped. Nit as long as the previous. This ine had the baby pod that ripened red.

This PI 441598 has light green pods that ripen to peach, as seen on the pod i harvested. Great flavor and good heat. I like this plant. Not a lot of vertical growth at all.

Finally a jamaican hot choc pod set.

Got a mystery plant last season from pepperlover. Wasn't anything i bought. Seeds from the peppers are making different plants than the parent plant. Wondering what this pod will mature to.

Choc big bang nagas

Two lobed red brain

One of the madballz

7 chaguanas

Different plant, same pod shape.

A few more to go.
And wanted to say...
peach bhuts. I have some with standing pods and some with pendant pods. Both from the same source, same pack of seeds. Is normal?
Thanks Doc!

Brown eggs!

So i saw two BOC pods looked wrong. Futher investigation lead to touching and the pods dropping from the plant. Both had holes, but one bigger than the other. So i riped them both open, only to find something in the one with the bigger hole.

So he was escaping the rain, or slugs eat pods too.

Doc! First sepia serp pod!

First 007 pod!

A volunteer coming up in front of the BB yel douglahs. Never noticed him till today.

My first yellow 7 pod. Not normal shaped, but cool nevertheless.

Sunrise TS.

7 Browns. Seem a little light colored to turn brown. hmmm?

Have a couple other browns, so will be waiting to compare

Cool choc scorp pod

An orange primo

Still some BBG7 picts left.
Pod shapes are looking great, my friend!  Serpent pod!  Yay!  The calyces on those BBGs are crazy.  Looking awesome at the Growhead Manor!
DocNrock said:
Pod shapes are looking great, my friend!  Serpent pod!  Yay!  The calyces on those BBGs are crazy.  Looking awesome at the Growhead Manor!
Thanks Doc. Stoked on the sepia. That is the container one. Lots of flowers on the ingrounds, but haven't seen one stick yet.
Those calyces are straight out of sea creature's palms. A bit freaky!
Things keep progressing here! Need to hit everything with some fertilizer. Starting to see the signs. The containers are way ready. Thinking all this rain has flushed them clean.
Trying to keep the ingrounds organic. Going to hit them with a mixture of chicken/cow maure, worm casting, and organic fertilizer, along with some aact i need to start brewing!
Just need the rain to give me a moment to get out there. :pray:
GA Growhead said:
Thanks Doc. Stoked on the sepia. That is the container one. Lots of flowers on the ingrounds, but haven't seen one stick yet.
Those calyces are straight out of sea creature's palms. A bit freaky!
Things keep progressing here! Need to hit everything with some fertilizer. Starting to see the signs. The containers are way ready. Thinking all this rain has flushed them clean.
Trying to keep the ingrounds organic. Going to hit them with a mixture of chicken/cow maure, worm casting, and organic fertilizer, along with some aact i need to start brewing!
Just need the rain to give me a moment to get out there. :pray:
Awesome, man!  Hope the rains let up for you so you can do your deeds.  Its funny, my plants needed fertilizing as it has been over a month and I've seen many chlorotic leaves.  I broke down and did it yesterday, but I am scared.  I know its a good problem, but I can barely keep up with the pod production!
I need to put some worm casting "mulch" in each of the containers.  I hear it makes the plants increase production of chitinase which repels whitefly and aphids!  Bonus! 
Keep it green, buddy!
Very nice update, Jason. Great looking pods. I hate to say it to you but slugs do eat pods :( Last year they were very found of my Jalapeno's and just took tiny bites off and went on to the next one... hate their guts  :flamethrower: The 7 Brown looks a little to light indeed to be turning into brown, but then again the MadballZ 7 do to and they ripen off to a rusty brown :)
Great updates:) The 7 browns look massive! 
Have you grown the Tobago Treasures before? I am growing them this year for the first time, and I was under the impression that they are not very hot. Then I found a web site that refers to them as "medium heat". How hot are they?
Well I think you get the "Update Of The Day" award. If I see something specific I want to comment on, I always try to remember it and wait to the end to start the comment, but today it was like, oh this, that, and this...lol.

It's cool to see the pod shape on the Chiguangas, what is the seed source? Will those Big Bang nagas drop when they get heavier or continue to grow vertically? Nice find on the 007! Also, I have seen cream colored pods turn red, I wouldn't say that they couldn't go brown, I just haven't seen it.