• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Looking great!  You got a great variety and I can't wait to see if that BBG grows true.  I have a single seedling, which probably wont produce pods this season, but I know that there are a lot of people that haven't had the correct pheno.  Interesting to watch those that are growing them out, it isn't on many people's lists.  But everything looks happy, just waiting on some color!
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Awesome updates Scott. Hope yours bleed. Mine looks like its gonna bleed.
Hope yours does bleed red up the stem. Looks like my iffy one is going to also have the crazy calyces!

DocNrock said:
Those BGoats look great!
Another one for the tasting! for sure!

Vegas_Chili said:
Jason is the man! Lots of pods coming in, not to mention lots of nice varieties. Hope those Choco big bangs pod up nicely, mine are slow ATM, but they're loving the Vegas heat! Next year I'm starting a lot earlier, this is/was my first year and learning is awesome :party: .
, Walter
Walter, good to hear the choc big bangs can handle your heat there. It's always a learning game.
When to start is definitely different for everyone. I think i did ok, but each year is different so you never know how the spring weather will come.
Thanks on the variety! Trying to make it interesting this season.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Amazing shots. I need a better camera.
Thanks Denniz! Just a camera phone, with a macro setting. Have to put my hand behind the pods to keep the camera from focusing on the background. And need decent light or they are really grainy. I take a ton, and trash the crappy ones, so you only see the better ones. :)
stickman said:
Great looking pics Jay, your pods have sized up quick! How much longer before they color up do you think?
Thanks Rick! By the first of august, there should be lots of color. Some pods have seemed to sized up quickly. Waiting to so more color!
romy6 said:
 There must be something in that Ga clay ;)  . All you Ga. boys know how to grow em  :dance:
Amazing variety  :fireball:

Thanks Jamie! That red clay isn't hurting things. Hoping for a good selection! I crammed them all in, sacrificing plant size and individual harvest for the variety. I left more room for some though. Everything seen to be working out better than planned, space wise.
MGOLD86 said:
Looking great!  You got a great variety and I can't wait to see if that BBG grows true.  I have a single seedling, which probably wont produce pods this season, but I know that there are a lot of people that haven't had the correct pheno.  Interesting to watch those that are growing them out, it isn't on many people's lists.  But everything looks happy, just waiting on some color!
Thank you Matt! Definitely waiting on more color. Pulled another Peruvian wht hab and an orange thai today. Can't wait for more fresh pods!
It hoping one of the BBGs grow true. The mutated calyx is a trip though. Good luck with yours btw, and hope you are getting better quick!
stc3248 said:
Great pod pics brother...things are looking up! Those 7 Browns and Chaguanas are HUGE!
Thanks Shane! Enjoying taking the picts. You are correct though. Those pods are getting huge. There are a few others that i keep thinking that they can't get any bigger, but still have continued to grow.
I'm still having issues checking your blog on my phone. Have to go back to the default browser, something is crashing mobile Firefox, and it only happens once you have photos on the page. And now that you got Bonnie to switch image hosting, her blog crashes too. IDK why, but Firefox needs to fix that chit!

somewhat of an update,
That PI 441598 is almost completely peach. Was too dark when i got home to get any decent picts of it.
Looked at the BBGs. Grabbed a ripe orange thai and Peruvian white hab for lunch tomorrow. yay! Nice looking choc scorp pods. Two of the BOCs are putting out a mad amount of flowers. Definitely the most prolific looking atm. Saw a few baby p dreadie scotch bon pods, a yel 7 pod that i hadn't seen, & more douglah pods. My annuums are starting to take off. Yellow ghost, not yel bhuts from last season, are putting out some killer looking pods. Wondering what pollinated the, and if they will still be yellow.
Hoping to get more picts soon.
Here arw a few that didn't make it last night.
These are red scotch bon x trin congos, or something. Can't totally remember, but something like that.

And this ole thing. Again. BBG7


This BBG7 is not showing the large calyces.
stickman said:
You definitely know how to roll Jay... those are some great shots of your poddage. Keep 'em coming buddy!
Thanks Rick. Your rolling pretty well yourself! Raining all day do far. Hoping it lets up by the time i make it home this evening. And more rain forecasted for tomorrow. Hoping to get out there and shoot a few of the newly podded guys!
Still behind in a lot of glogs, I come here to read, look & catch up and whoa unbelievable poddage mon, love da colors, shapes, bumps and over all looks … simply incredible! Great job ^_^
Hope you get out from under the rain, Jason, and get to enjoy a proper July 4th!  Those pods are getting big!  Love the shape of the Chocolate Scorp.  Love the Peach PI!  ;)  Love yellow pods, but I'm thinking peach-colored pods are my new fave! 
WalkGood said:
Still behind in a lot of glogs, I come here to read, look & catch up and whoa unbelievable poddage mon, love da colors, shapes, bumps and over all looks simply incredible! Great job ^_^
So many good glogs! I'm having a hard time keeping up too! Thank you Ramon! More goodness to come!
DocNrock said:
Hope you get out from under the rain, Jason, and get to enjoy a proper July 4th!  Those pods are getting big!  Love the shape of the Chocolate Scorp.  Love the Peach PI!  ;)  Love yellow pods, but I'm thinking peach-colored pods are my new fave! 
Still raining! :(
Got one picture today and it started raining. Stay out there and inspected the garden and got soaked pretty good. Hope it lets up at some point.
The two choc scorps are a bit different in shape. Neither is making prefect scorp pods as of yet. I am liking that blocker shape the best so far.
Looking foward to peach pods! Saw pods on the peach bhuts and ghost scorps! Pick that peach PI 441598 today! Fresh pod for lunch!

The only pict so far today...
Busted this guy in the act.
I pulled the PI 441598 that had ripened peach.

Was quite good. More heat than i expected. Tasted great! Only had five seeds inside. Saved them!

Here are a few shots between the rain today.

First, an overview. On the left there is a row of sweet/milds not seen. But this is the pepper garden.

Both madballz 7 are putting out pods. Here is one of them.

This barrackpore is getting overgrown by the madballz in the lower garden section. Trying to give it some more room. First pod on it.

Infinity 7 pot.

Yellow ghost from last season's seeds.

BBG7. Calyx has started to split/tear. On the otherside it split also.

This is BBG7 #2. It has mutant calyces, just not as big as the other. Looks like pods will be much rounder.

Saw a thread questioning their douglahs from pepperlover because they were long shaped. Same source, this plant is making longer pods. The others from her are just podding up.

Peach Jay's ghost scorps

Still have a few more picts, but I'm crashing out! Good night to all!
stickman said:
Plants may not be stressed this year due to all the rain, but I'll bet they'll still open up a can of whoopazz on ya! looking good Jay!
Thanks Rick. By August it usually stops raining here. So plenty time for stressed plants! I should have the dripline in by then, as im going to need it! I guess too, that i will have plenty of fire soon!
Still raining today.

I just walked thru the garden and found a few ripe pods. Got a handful of orange thais. Saw this ripen pod!

White devils tongue


This is bali naga. Has grown straight up and final split. Almost no branching.

Keep trying to get a good pict. That was the best i could get this evening. Rain just started back and it is coming down!

Also noticed that that first BB yel douglah was showing a hint of color. I touched the pod and it fell off in my hands. I looked close and see a couple holes in it. :(
About to cut it open and see what's inside.
Really loving those pod shots man, gonna be a great season for you when those bad boys start turning. What made you chose that specific wild?