stickman said:
Hi Jay,
Nice pics as usual, and a surprising review of the WDT. Maybe as the summer gets hotter and drier it'll stress the plant and ramp up capsaicin production, but if not, nothing wrong with snacking peppers.
Agreeing with you Rick. I tryed to make sure I had more lower heat peppers this season, so one more won't hurt. And don't get me wrong, I really did enjoy that WDT. I just couldn't believe how muted the flavor and smell were. Very subtle. The least c. chinense tasting chinense i have ever tasted. And it did give me a decent burn at the end there. But had to wait for it after finishing the placenta. I looked at the other ripe one out there today, wanting to put it, but leaving it for a few more days.
I like leave a pepper on each variety to see when past ripe happens, for seed viability purposes. Just harder to do when you want to eat them.

Hoping they warm up a bit with the season and a drier period. It's rained almost every day for over a month and a half!
capsidadburn said:
Hate those maggot worm things! Very frustrating. Cool Clones. Your Peruvian Whites are monster pods!
Thanks Mike! The Peruvians are loading up along with the JB white habs too. Will try to get a shot with something for size. First year with them so not sure if they are larger than normal. Tasty little guys though!
I'm loosing a couple pods per day right now. I would like to know what that little worm thing turns into. Gotta be a moth or something, right? Over them already! Frustrating yes!
Hoping the clones work out. One of the guys at work gave me 3 reaper seeds that he purchased. All three germinated and are in the garden. He got one to germinate, but it died. So thought i would try to take those cutting and give back to him the reaps since he did buy the seeds. Return the generosity! I would have gave him one of the plants had i known before plant in. So hope they make it. Neither have podded up, so no ideal if they will grow true anyway. First time trying in the cubes. They still look good today, which is a good sign.
DocNrock said:
Thanks for the review on the WDT! Looks like a proper pod given the mature-looking seeds. Perhaps the heat will increase as the plant ages? Bhut and PWHs look great!
No problem Doc. Like i said to Rick, nothing like i expected. That one came off the plant from Jamison. One of the one's from Shane is pretty much going to be the same. Looking more identical now. Wonder if it will be hotter?
It's that third one with the more medium green I'm questioning now. Will ripen to what color? Wanna place bets?
Interesting pepper for sure. Look forward to seeing how yours turn out too, and your take on the flavor. Speaking of that, when is your flavor guide coming out? We need some reviews on your glog!

We have seen all those flavors!
Stefan_W said:
Cutting into a pepper and finding one of those worms is the worst. I hope he squished real good.
Very nice pictures

The peruvian hab is really loaded up and looks great!
Thanks Stefan! That worm was divided into equal parts and became lawn fertilizer!
I really like that Peruvian hab. Had to get an upskirt shot after i took a peek myself. Really starting to put on pods, she is a great looking plant. I'm really leaning towards the jellybean white habs though. They are pretty much the same, but the JBs have a bit more flavor and heat, they just are about half the size. I'll take either though!
Thank on the picts! I do try to get some good shot.