annie57 said:
Gorgeous poddage, and tons of it. Slugs are only an issue at this point on the more squat plants: they're just adoring Trin Scorp Perfume. (Rain? Yep.) But, I while I could go out and douse Sluggo Plus, that'd just encourage more grasshoppers.
Like it that you got a peach bhut to be true, but hard to say what the "blobs" could become if wanted to save seed and just see. Also love that Jay's Peach GS! BG7's nice!! Shane sent some and wow: sweet'n sweat! Astounding grow, man!
Thank youn Annie. I am just letting everything go. I see more snails than slugs, but that's just what i see. Mainly grasshopper damage recently. They love the BOCs. Had a hard time finding one without damage or a hole. Trin perfumes sound good, i would probably be on them too if i was a pest.

I am happy about the true peach bhut. The other two peach blobby ones look good. Might have experiment with them next season to see if color stays true. They are a prefect peach color. Loving them.
Thanks on the grow. One have had one bbg7 pod so far. Was way warmer than i expected. And built and built to almost panic zone.
Taste wasn't that bad.
Hope you get all those bhuts i saw in your glog to a yummy use!
Holler if need anything!
Vegas_Chili said:
Dude!!! Very nice! Too much eye candy!

Very nice review on the big bangs, I got my seed from another source, so I say that will be interesting to see any differences. I must say that the way you describe the pod development looksn like I'm gonna get the same. Here's a pic so you see what I mean. It's pointing somewhere lol.
So what's your overall opinion on it? Keeper? Powder? Sauce? Glad to know at least it doesn't taste like battery acid.
Those bubblegum you got are bada$$! I saw a pheno identical to #2, one on Facebook and the red calyx is just wicked red. I hope I can get that pheno from the ones I'm growing out. The ones Shane sent me where deadly, at least to me. I took a good half and straight out chewed on it and it had a good twist of sweetness and I thought it was a dud, big MISTAKE tho! It had me on milk and egg mcmuffins lmao. Worth the burn and I loved it.
Keep the juice coming

, Walter
Yep. Same thought on the bbg7. It got me good.
Not sure on the choc big bangs yet. Wanna eat another choc bhut to place it against. I'm know it's more practical than my choc bhuts for everyday eating, but the bhut make great powder and have more gnarl factor. Taste is awesome, thinking powdered would be great too. Not experience enough with sauces to call on that, but with them being so sweet i would think they could work.
I am interested to see how yours grow out.
I really did get those thinking about black nagas. I am going to score king nagas for next year im thinking. I have a ton of varieties this year and do not know how the choc big bangs fit in yet. Still so many i haven't tryed yet.
Will be watching your grow!
stickman said:
Nice Jay... ya got Dougies! And the rest of the menagerie looks great as well. Cheers!
Thanks Rick! I haven't had one yet. Gotta squeeze one in soon! I gave those three picture to a guy at work. Told him to report back on heat.

Not being cruel, he likes things hotter than i do. I did see oneof my choc scorps lay it on him though, and now that's his favorite.
windchicken said:
Wow, Jason, VERY nice work! Those are some beautiful pods! Congrats!
I grew the Yellow Devils Tongue a couple years ago, before I had really built up my super hots chops...They were so damnably hot I couldn't really enjoy them, but the plants were really pretty and the pods were huge and plentiful...But now that I can eat Nagas and such without dying, I'm wondering if I should break out those seeds again. How do you find the flavor, aroma, etc?
My wife cam home with some peppers from one of her customers last year. Had a few jalapenos, trin scorps, butch Ts, and a bunch of yel devil's tongues. They reminded me of a lower heat Fatalii. So i ended up sowing some and kept two plants, gifting the others. Just pulled a few first pods and haven't tryed them yet. Will let you know how they treat me, and if you should dust them seeds off or not. It is fitting since i have white and a not white that's red. Three different color Devils Tongues! White has a nice flavor with lower heat. Take care Gary !
JasoninTN said:
Looking great as always those jays peach are something else I want to grow.
They are pretty tasty and
Going isolate one of the plants soon.
Grasshopper damage.
Had my first 7 Jonah today. Really tasty. Fruity taste and only a hint of bitter up in the placenta. When i first cut it open, there was a pod in a pod. And after futher inspection, another pod trying to form in the bady pod.
Here is the baby pod removed.
After cutting in half i split the pod vertical, trying to get moew placenta on each piece. My friend and I took pieces and started to eat them. There was heat, but nothing major. As i finished the half, eating the top most part of the pod, i started to get warm. At this point the heat reallly came on and continued to build for almost ten minutes. I got some needling on the tongue and all over mouth burn. Around ten minutes it plateaued and slower went down leaving a good taste and warmth for thirty minutes or so. It ended up being hotter than a few other things, my buddy and i determined. On the top ten list maybe for heat, and up there on taste to.
And pulled this guy tonight with a flashlight while taking the dogs out. Not as ripe as i thought once got inside. Looks like it's my lunch special for tomorrow. Big ass pod though!
Mustard hab.