• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Mini review.

Choc big bang nagas.
Mentally i was confusing this with the black / king nagas. Then today i remembered the story from a member on here (potawie if i remember correctly). Seeds directly from India produced huge hot pods. He passed them out and the next generation grew out different. One ended up being brown somewhere in the story and these are descendants of those. These came from peter@semillas.de


All four plants have standing pods that fall over as they gain size. They turn darker on the side that faces out into the sunlight, and stay light brown on the undersides. I thought leaving them longer that they would color up even but they have not.
Taste. They are pretty sweet. Nice flavor, getting a bit bitter up the top most of the pod with all the placenta. That was also where most of the heat resided too. Only there did i get a good burn that made me pause. I went thru the bottom half, enjoying the flavor with my lunch, without much pause. Not a really earthy taste. Slightly fruity and sweet. Smell was definitely chinense but not overtaking the room.
A really nice pepper.

Up for tomorrow's pepper is a 7 jonah. I picked the first ripe one today!
Stefan_W said:
Every time I see a picture of a Jay's Peach GS it kind of freaks me out a little with the gnarl and all of that. How do they taste? I'm sure they are wicked hot.
They actually taste good. Very similar a bahamian goat pepper, just much more intense. I do like that flavor too. My newly discovered favorite! :D The heat kicks in though on the ghost scorps, and strongly. They are all crazy shaped. No two alike. That one i posted was one of the gnarlier ones for sure. I thought it has a cool face in it too.
Gorgeous poddage, and tons of it. Slugs are only an issue at this point on the more squat plants: they're just adoring Trin Scorp Perfume. (Rain? Yep.) But, I while I could go out and douse Sluggo Plus, that'd just encourage more grasshoppers.
Like it that you got a peach bhut to be true, but hard to say what the "blobs" could become if wanted to save seed and just see. Also love that Jay's Peach GS! BG7's nice!! Shane sent some and wow: sweet'n sweat! Astounding grow, man!
Dude!!! Very nice! Too much eye candy! :D.

Very nice review on the big bangs, I got my seed from another source, so I say that will be interesting to see any differences. I must say that the way you describe the pod development looksn like I'm gonna get the same. Here's a pic so you see what I mean. It's pointing somewhere lol.


So what's your overall opinion on it? Keeper? Powder? Sauce? Glad to know at least it doesn't taste like battery acid.

Those bubblegum you got are bada$$! I saw a pheno identical to #2, one on Facebook and the red calyx is just wicked red. I hope I can get that pheno from the ones I'm growing out. The ones Shane sent me where deadly, at least to me. I took a good half and straight out chewed on it and it had a good twist of sweetness and I thought it was a dud, big MISTAKE tho! It had me on milk and egg mcmuffins lmao. Worth the burn and I loved it.

Keep the juice coming :D.

, Walter
Wow, Jason, VERY nice work! Those are some beautiful pods! Congrats!
I grew the Yellow Devils Tongue a couple years ago, before I had really built up my super hots chops...They were so damnably hot I couldn't really enjoy them, but the plants were really pretty and the pods were huge and plentiful...But now that I can eat Nagas and such without dying, I'm wondering if I should break out those seeds again. How do you find the flavor, aroma, etc?
annie57 said:
Gorgeous poddage, and tons of it. Slugs are only an issue at this point on the more squat plants: they're just adoring Trin Scorp Perfume. (Rain? Yep.) But, I while I could go out and douse Sluggo Plus, that'd just encourage more grasshoppers.
Like it that you got a peach bhut to be true, but hard to say what the "blobs" could become if wanted to save seed and just see. Also love that Jay's Peach GS! BG7's nice!! Shane sent some and wow: sweet'n sweat! Astounding grow, man!
Thank youn Annie. I am just letting everything go. I see more snails than slugs, but that's just what i see. Mainly grasshopper damage recently. They love the BOCs. Had a hard time finding one without damage or a hole. Trin perfumes sound good, i would probably be on them too if i was a pest. :P
I am happy about the true peach bhut. The other two peach blobby ones look good. Might have experiment with them next season to see if color stays true. They are a prefect peach color. Loving them.
Thanks on the grow. One have had one bbg7 pod so far. Was way warmer than i expected. And built and built to almost panic zone.
Taste wasn't that bad.
Hope you get all those bhuts i saw in your glog to a yummy use!
Holler if need anything!
Vegas_Chili said:
Dude!!! Very nice! Too much eye candy! :D.

Very nice review on the big bangs, I got my seed from another source, so I say that will be interesting to see any differences. I must say that the way you describe the pod development looksn like I'm gonna get the same. Here's a pic so you see what I mean. It's pointing somewhere lol.


So what's your overall opinion on it? Keeper? Powder? Sauce? Glad to know at least it doesn't taste like battery acid.

Those bubblegum you got are bada$$! I saw a pheno identical to #2, one on Facebook and the red calyx is just wicked red. I hope I can get that pheno from the ones I'm growing out. The ones Shane sent me where deadly, at least to me. I took a good half and straight out chewed on it and it had a good twist of sweetness and I thought it was a dud, big MISTAKE tho! It had me on milk and egg mcmuffins lmao. Worth the burn and I loved it.

Keep the juice coming :D.

, Walter
Yep. Same thought on the bbg7. It got me good.
Not sure on the choc big bangs yet. Wanna eat another choc bhut to place it against. I'm know it's more practical than my choc bhuts for everyday eating, but the bhut make great powder and have more gnarl factor. Taste is awesome, thinking powdered would be great too. Not experience enough with sauces to call on that, but with them being so sweet i would think they could work.
I am interested to see how yours grow out.
I really did get those thinking about black nagas. I am going to score king nagas for next year im thinking. I have a ton of varieties this year and do not know how the choc big bangs fit in yet. Still so many i haven't tryed yet.
Will be watching your grow!
stickman said:
Nice Jay... ya got Dougies! And the rest of the menagerie looks great as well. Cheers!
Thanks Rick! I haven't had one yet. Gotta squeeze one in soon! I gave those three picture to a guy at work. Told him to report back on heat. :D
Not being cruel, he likes things hotter than i do. I did see oneof my choc scorps lay it on him though, and now that's his favorite. :crazy:
windchicken said:
Wow, Jason, VERY nice work! Those are some beautiful pods! Congrats!
I grew the Yellow Devils Tongue a couple years ago, before I had really built up my super hots chops...They were so damnably hot I couldn't really enjoy them, but the plants were really pretty and the pods were huge and plentiful...But now that I can eat Nagas and such without dying, I'm wondering if I should break out those seeds again. How do you find the flavor, aroma, etc?
My wife cam home with some peppers from one of her customers last year. Had a few jalapenos, trin scorps, butch Ts, and a bunch of yel devil's tongues. They reminded me of a lower heat Fatalii. So i ended up sowing some and kept two plants, gifting the others. Just pulled a few first pods and haven't tryed them yet. Will let you know how they treat me, and if you should dust them seeds off or not. It is fitting since i have white and a not white that's red. Three different color Devils Tongues! White has a nice flavor with lower heat. Take care Gary !
JasoninTN said:
Looking great as always those jays peach are something else I want to grow.

They are pretty tasty and :hot:

Going isolate one of the plants soon. ;)

Grasshopper damage.

Had my first 7 Jonah today. Really tasty. Fruity taste and only a hint of bitter up in the placenta. When i first cut it open, there was a pod in a pod. And after futher inspection, another pod trying to form in the bady pod.

Here is the baby pod removed.

After cutting in half i split the pod vertical, trying to get moew placenta on each piece. My friend and I took pieces and started to eat them. There was heat, but nothing major. As i finished the half, eating the top most part of the pod, i started to get warm. At this point the heat reallly came on and continued to build for almost ten minutes. I got some needling on the tongue and all over mouth burn. Around ten minutes it plateaued and slower went down leaving a good taste and warmth for thirty minutes or so. It ended up being hotter than a few other things, my buddy and i determined. On the top ten list maybe for heat, and up there on taste to.

And pulled this guy tonight with a flashlight while taking the dogs out. Not as ripe as i thought once got inside. Looks like it's my lunch special for tomorrow. Big ass pod though!
Mustard hab.
windchicken said:
Wow, Jason, VERY nice work! Those are some beautiful pods! Congrats!
I grew the Yellow Devils Tongue a couple years ago, before I had really built up my super hots chops...They were so damnably hot I couldn't really enjoy them, but the plants were really pretty and the pods were huge and plentiful...But now that I can eat Nagas and such without dying, I'm wondering if I should break out those seeds again. How do you find the flavor, aroma, etc?
I grew bothe Devil's Tongue Yellow and Yellow Fatalli's last year. They are extremely similar in heat and taste. They turned out to be two of my favorites. They are bothe sweet with a slight citrus tone and lots of heat. Very very good and worth growing. I ate them with just about everything. They are both delicious and HOTTT.
Sanarda said:
I grew bothe Devil's Tongue Yellow and Yellow Fatalli's last year. They are extremely similar in heat and taste. They turned out to be two of my favorites. They are bothe sweet with a slight citrus tone and lots of heat. Very very good and worth growing. I ate them with just about everything. They are both delicious and HOTTT.
Cool, thanks Pia! 
Keep it going man!
Loving what you've got going on!
My boss walked into my office today after two of us ate some Reaper slices, the one guy had ice in his mouth, and I was kinda, you know tongue hanging out. You know where you aren't ready to talk yet..so I offered him some...LOL
He said no but did carry off some Red Bhut-Reaper hot sauce. Can't wait to see him Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Jamison said:
Pods look amazing brotha, and they taste even better. Them BOC's are allllll placenta man! I was struggling this morning eating those with breakfast!
Thanks Jamison! Hope you enjoy those pods. The BOCs are quite impressive. I wasn't sure what i was getting, but dude in Denmark knows his chit. Placenta like made, serious burn and that taste. Did it remind you of a Bahamian goat? The two of mine taste the same with the BOC being way more pungent, to me anyway. I like em! And the plants are quite productive at that.
That's definitely one warm breakfast you had. :D
Matt should have a review up soon. Sent him a couple too. Keep an eye out for that.
Devv said:
Keep it going man!
Loving what you've got going on!
My boss walked into my office today after two of us ate some Reaper slices, the one guy had ice in his mouth, and I was kinda, you know tongue hanging out. You know where you aren't ready to talk yet..so I offered him some...LOL
He said no but did carry off some Red Bhut-Reaper hot sauce. Can't wait to see him Monday!
Have a great weekend!
Scott, that's pretty funny. I have been bum rushed at my lunch, eyes tearing up, mouth on fire, to answer a work related question and could barely talk. Hope your boss knows what he's got.
I am still waiting on a reaper. The plants are really setting pods. It has been the wettest, mildest summer that i can remember, and plants are covered in pods right now. The reapers have flowers everywhere on top of the pods. I'm kind of impressed. Haven't seen the hint of color on them yet, but shouldn't be to must longer. Waiting to taste them and see how hot they are, hype and all.
No work today. Gotta pick some peppers and continue the processing. There is a ton to pick. :D
Bodeen said:
You have a great array of peppers.
This one looks like a monster.  I can't tell if its a mutated creature from Land of the Lost (70s version) or Weaver's baby in Aliens.
Thanks Bodeen! You got a nice selection yourself.
I thought that pod was smiling for sure. I wanted to photoshop that one, but haven't that far. The ghost scorps are making some cool shapes. I know i read somewhere on here, someone saying even with them being F4s that they are producing stable shapes. That made me laugh cause no two pods are the same. The are looking like the previous generation in that aspect, so i understand the point, but really all over the place with shapes. Cool looking pods regardless.

Back to sleep before time in the garden. Hope everyone has a great Saturday!
annie57 said:
Jason, when ya gonna taste test that Jay's PGS? :dance:  We don need no stinkin' grasshoppers! (Blazing Saddles kinda day . . . already. "Twoo, twoo it'zo twoo.")
I have eaten one so far and it was a scorcher. I know i mentioned it somewhere in here but definitely didn't get it it's official review. Try to brave up and eat another ine soon, so i can give fresh details. I have eaten so many different pods they start blending together, and i only keep the details of most recently ones in my head.
I found another hornworm today. Looked it up and it had (note had!) seven stripes and a red hook stringer which makes it a tobacco hornworm. RIP tobacco hornworm (as the horns play).
Hope you have had a wonderful Saturday!

Few photos....

This is a mystery pepper from seeds last season grown. It was either a trin cherry, trin scorp sweet, or a 7 pot brown but grew to be neither. It grew very plain, went orange before red and had medium heat. I decided to grow it again and i am glad i did.
Assuming that it was trin sweet cross last year, showing F1 dominant expressions. This year being F2 i get the variances from the both parents in the cross. I am assuming trin scorp sweet because this year the pod grow standing/pointing up like the trin scorp sweets. I have no idea about the other parent but they are ripening to a crazy color.


Here are a jamaican hot choc, ga black, Jay's peach gs, a yellow DT, and the mystery pods.

Georgia Blacks

Handful of douglah long phenos in sun peeking throw the plants. Yes, mid crawl thru the mess.

7 pot infinity. Cool shape on this plant. Blocky frankinpeppers

Big a$$ peach bhut blob pheno!

Scott, didn't i just say i should have one ripen soon?

Love this rooted cutting.
I think i can, i thank i can!

More later!
Looking great man, some if those pods are nasty huge for superhots! And gotta love the triple podception haha.

Bummer on the bad crawlies. Bastards they are.

And that clone putting out flowers so small is just hilariously awesome. That's what I call willpower!
Lookin awesome as always! I am gonna review the BOC tomorrow, I am pretty freaking excited about it. I think the fact that there is like no reviews of it up (all I have seen is THSC) makes it all the better. I pulled some seeds and cut a pod open yesterday and I was like a single wall of placenta! Great aroma as well, gonna be a good one!

And great shape on that Infinity! Are all the pods coming off like that?
Spicegeist said:
Douglah Long?  Looks like Douglah x Choco Bhut...
Yep. They do. Seed are from judy @pepperlover. They smell, taste the same as a regular douglah, but just grow elongated. I had the same thing show up from a different seed pack from her last season. I grew out some of the next generation from last years long phenos and they are growing the same. Another plant is making huge red pods out of this years seed pack. I think out of five plants only one from that pack is making truer shaped pods. I gave away a few other plants to friends but haven't seen pods from those yet.
Peptacular said:
Looking great man, some if those pods are nasty huge for superhots! And gotta love the triple podception haha.

Bummer on the bad crawlies. Bastards they are.

And that clone putting out flowers so small is just hilariously awesome. That's what I call willpower!
Thanks Peptacula! That little guy isn't playing around! Dirt scraping pods in no time.
MGOLD86 said:
Lookin awesome as always! I am gonna review the BOC tomorrow, I am pretty freaking excited about it. I think the fact that there is like no reviews of it up (all I have seen is THSC) makes it all the better. I pulled some seeds and cut a pod open yesterday and I was like a single wall of placenta! Great aroma as well, gonna be a good one!

And great shape on that Infinity! Are all the pods coming off like that?
Looking forward to the bhut orange Copenhagen review! They are seriously coated with placenta! The last one i ate still had me tripping on it. And it taste so good. You might want to do that review twice cause it taste that good. ;)
And it's the first north American review of the BOC! Get your popcorn ready folks!
I have three or four infinities going. That one came off the potted one. All the pods are blocky shaped that come down to a point, some with more pronounced tails like that one, but basic that overall shape. Another plant is making the most perfect shapes with a few off shapes inbetween. But really awesome shapes. Will highlight them when they ripen up.
Bhut orange Copenhagen

Sweet papa joes scotch bonnet

BBG7s. All three phenos.


So one of mine brown 7s is kinda brown. :D

Again in the middle. Madballz 7 of the left, sunrise scorp on the right.

Sunrise scorps. Better shaped pods.

Giant white habs

Sepia serps F4s

Yellow 7 large from pepperlover. These are huge.