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GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
Great looking list, Jason. Really looking forward to watching this one go, especially with them being all in-ground. Is that still the plan?
Very nice grow list! Looks like the heat will definitely be turned up in your kitchen this year :)
thanks stefan, lots of fire!

That's an ambitious list Jason. Good luck with your grow... will be checking in periodically. Cheers!
thanks Rick. Hopefully the stubborns will pop and that alive and kicking it list will grow. And will start the annuums in a couple weeks. Thats about 15 more to add.

Thanks for the shout out on the powders bro-ham. Keep 'em green, looking forward to some progress pics soon!
got ya some picts!

Here it an existing 7pot orange. I have barely been feeding the "indoor" start to keep them small until i got the home built. Started turning up the nutrients so they should take off. Given them some more light, it was the least that i could do.

And here are some seedlings. Labeled even.



To left of the mystery c. Chinese, above the og ghost, would be yellow devils tongue, but they are being stubborn too.


The empty spot on this one is peach bhut. Started a few more in the other tray. Notice the trin cherry that came up without any cotyledons. Its going to make it!

And one of my datils came up with only one cotyledon, now its got its first true leave.

The 7jxnaga morich was a new addition today btw!

Great looking list, Jason. Really looking forward to watching this one go, especially with them being all in-ground. Is that still the plan?
Thanks Brent. Going to have more in containers than last year. But the majority in the ground, until the garden is flul that is. I bought a few 5g root pouches too. So will be given them a try. Still planning on adding to the garden too. Be breaking out that tiller soon!
Love the little guys, Jason. What is the "Brown Egg?"

It a c. Chinese that i got from semilas.de. looks like a brown rocoto.

Looked interesting enough. So bought it.

I was going to ask about those too, and the Sunrise Scorp as well.

Great pictures!
These are the trin scorps that grow standing pods. They point up, versus the normal pendant pods on reg scorps. So someone called the sunrise scorpions. Or a variation of that. Don't remember where i got them. Will look that up.

First link no worky.
Brown eggs from semillas.de. photo property of semillas.de!

Sunrise scorps

Lookin good! Fantastic selection!
Thanks Steve. Filtering thru some new ones this year and trying to keep myself entertained. I have the room, so keeping it interesting. Just hope i can get the numbers of the specific ones that i want. The others, a plant or two is good. Thanks for coming by.
Got me a couple of 007s going, should be a cool pod.
Im looking foward to these. Hope to see how your turn out too.


Peach bhut breaking the surface. Yay!
Also a few more repeats, bringing up the numbers.
Now have 4 JHC. I can live with that if no others pop up.
Also got a few seeds in the mail today.
So planted a few of each.
Stoked that sepia serpent is now planted. One that i wanted to see grow out in person!
Also planted Georgia black. Another from semillas that i thought was a annuum until i looked it up again last night. Since its a c. chinese i figured i better get on with it. Bought it mainly because it said it was from ga usa. So a local chili? Or more likely sourced from here. Anyway... im growing it.
So in the second tray... almost filled up.
3 empty spots left. Wondering what to do. Hmmm?

Atta boy! Thanks for the pics buddy! Looking good, some of them sure can be tough cookies to pop! Stick with them and they'll surprise you. Had one pop after two months last year??? I had unplugged the tray and it was sitting unattended. Something told me to peek one morning and there it was! Think it was a chocolate bhut??? I got some no-shows too, it happens. Can't wait to watch this story unfold through the season. Ga weather is gonna treat them right here shortly!
Good stuff! Are you finding that the peach bhut seedling seem a bit more fragile (for lack of a better word) than the other ones? Mine seem to schock easily than the rest, and recover slower.
Atta boy! Thanks for the pics buddy! Looking good, some of them sure can be tough cookies to pop! Stick with them and they'll surprise you. Had one pop after two months last year??? I had unplugged the tray and it was sitting unattended. Something told me to peek one morning and there it was! Think it was a chocolate bhut??? I got some no-shows too, it happens. Can't wait to watch this story unfold through the season. Ga weather is gonna treat them right here shortly!
Thanks Shane. Last year i had three come up around three months. They were in pellets. I let the dry out completely after a bout two months. Then started keeping them moist again and they popped. And i have a few still popping every couple days.
Finally. Finally a madballz 7. And a douglah from pepperlovers. And i looks like a 7 pot brown is trying to break the surface. Im not wanting to give up on anything yet.
I do have an orange thai up in the new tray already. And two more coming up behind that one. 7 days exactly on the orange thai.

Good stuff! Are you finding that the peach bhut seedling seem a bit more fragile (for lack of a better word) than the other ones? Mine seem to schock easily than the rest, and recover slower.
I have two up now. But both to young to tell. Will keep an eye on them though. Thanks for the heads up.
I have several peach bhuts that are thriving despite my crappy soil. I find that my seedlings don't like the fan. My crosses are giving me fits. The M.Goronong (spelling) sprouted one coytless and died out of six seeds. It's a dice game and all you can do is your best. Keep up the great grow.
Wow man, I love the pics of all the seedlings. Looking like awesome germ rates on those things. THem orange Primos sound cool. Wanna trade some seeds?
I have several peach bhuts that are thriving despite my crappy soil. I find that my seedlings don't like the fan. My crosses are giving me fits. The M.Goronong (spelling) sprouted one coytless and died out of six seeds. It's a dice game and all you can do is your best. Keep up the great grow.
Thanks Pia. We must roll those dice to play the game!

Wow man, I love the pics of all the seedlings. Looking like awesome germ rates on those things. THem orange Primos sound cool. Wanna trade some seeds?
Thsnk you Jamison, haven't really keep up with gern rates. But have done really well with some varieties. I looked and have 4 seeds left. There yours!

Awesome new additions, Jason! Glad to hear the Peach Bhut popped. But the Sepia Serpent...very nice!

Lots of additions. Knowing the serpents are only F4 its going to be cool to see what everyone's will look like. Look foward to seeing them!

I have my first red Jay's ghst scorp coming up! And a few other things in the second tray. With the replanting, i have a 7 infinity and datil up. And 4 Georgia blacks, and more orange thai spouts. I replanted a few more in the first tray two nights ago. There are a few things still popping, but just additions to what's already up.
I also filled up the remaining three spot in tray 2 with Bahamian goat, Trinidad red scorps and 7 yellow LRGs. Only have two 7 yel LRGs up and want 4. They were really good last year! And only have one trin scorp up, so same deal. And no goats, so gotta get at least one going or i will be bummed!
Going to start transplanting this week thru the weekend. And should have the new set up built by next week for them. That's the plan anyways.
Take care everyone, and thanks for the comments.
Wow sounds like you've been keeping busy there. Having some good germ rates also by the sounds of it. Looking forward to seeing the new home for these guys. Hope all goes/went well with the transplant.
Wow sounds like you've been keeping busy there. Having some good germ rates also by the sounds of it. Looking forward to seeing the new home for these guys. Hope all goes/went well with the transplant.
Thanks PJ,
Germ rates have been ok. Doing much better on the second round. Getting a few i didnt have before with the replant, so definitely a plus. Busy week. Have not had any free time to do anything. So hopefully get something done this weekend. Thanks for coming by!

Babies look great bud, keep it up man! :D Thanks for sharing the pic's. :)
Thank you & will do. Always nice to have a fellow Ga boy drop by!

So lots of new spouts in tray two. I really like the jiffy peat pellets. I seemed to do well last year, and have great success with them again. I think i got the temps and moisture figured out with them last year and seeds just seem to pop. I like being able to lift and more versus a tray with cells.
And im sure you have heard that your first instinct is almost always right. So when i thought the GA black from semillas.de was a annuum, i should have continues that thought.

One of kids is doing their own thing.... being a annuum that is.

It was apparent that it's not chinese when they hooked. Oh Well. Dealing with these now. I even went back and made sure i planted the right seeds. The pack is open and the seeds are a bit big. So will waiting this out to see what is up.

More seedlings.

Left to right starting on the top... that was...
Peruvian white hab, sepia serpent, fatalii.
GA black, BB yellow douglah, PI 441598.
Orange thai, 7 pot barrackpore, 7 chaguanas.

This is douglah from pepperlover.com. going to have a few dougies this season. :)

Three bubblegum 7s top left. With a scotch bonnet from refiningfirechiles hooking behind them.

And another 7 infinity to the bubblegum's right coming up with the first. That's 3 total now for them. There are 3 brown 7s up. Two peach bhuts, making 4 total. And two datils also.
Still waiting on peach jays ghst scorp, ts orange, BOC, ts green, jellybean wht hab, white devils tongue, bahamian goat, and wild brazil in the second tray.
I made a new grow list and will update at some point with what is actually up. But i think i am done with the chinese at this point, if none of these ever never come up, then it just wasn't ment to be. And will try again next season.
Deliriously tired... and still rambling off words...
Better end this entry with the first tray.. many seedlings. Transplant needed!

Take care everyone...