Beautiful plants GH. Sorry to read about your back. Not many things are as bad as back pain. Maybe labor but you will never have to worry about those pains. Comparable tho. Congrats on the poddage too BTW.
Thanks Pia! Back is much better!
Sorry to hear about your back Jay...I like the plant pics but not that. Working with things close to the ground when your back's bothering you really sucks! Getting down isn't the problem, it's getting back up! Hope you feel better soon...Looking forward to seeing pics of your babies in the ground. Cheers!
Thanks Rick, I feel you on the getting up part. Feeling that way now.
Hey Jason. Hope your back gets better man. That does suck! Nothing to make it worse than bending and lifting and stuff. Plants are looking super awesome. Love the leaves on that Douglah... nice!
Thank you too Lourens! The douglah is a beaut!
Great photoging, I love the pictures and everything looks great cept your back, hope you recuperate fast …
Thank you also Ramon!
plants look nice and healthy... nice to see you have some early poddage
Thanks Dennis, Real happy on poddage!
Some absolutely gorgeous plants, Jason . . . as stated earlier, so sorry about your back, hope the cortisone injection works well for you . . . yum, Orange Thai!! and sending you lots of blue, healing beams for speedy recovery and please take it easy as you go (one of those do as I say rather than what I tend to do thangs), but after yesterday, my eager "get'er done" is on back-burner to "slow and steady wins the race."

Peace, Annie.
Thanks Annie. Im doing better so gotta give your blue healing beam a shout out!
I'm late getting here...but it's been worth the wait. Great grow list, lots of variety and heat, and your plants look fantastic.
Sorry to read about your back issues, it's not a fun thing, it sounds like you've been there for awhile and know what to do and NOT.
Take care
Thanks Scott. Hoping to get everything in the ground and watch those pods form! So far doing good, except for the 3+ inches of rain all day. And still raining! Hasn't let up in more than 12 hours!

Thanks for checking me out!
I have back issues too, so I feel your pain.
Very nice pics! The snake picture is especially cool. We have snakes up here, but I've never found one in my yard.
Oh Stefan! Sorry yo hear you to deal with back pain. Sucks for both of us! Thanks on the picts! Didn't think you had snakes that far north. Neat to know. I find little ones, like the one pictured, daily. Especially now that it has warmed up a bit. Usually the little ring neck snakes though. Thank for stopping in!
A snake in the garden is a good thing, a rattle snake in the garden is a bad thing... Spiders as well don't bother em unless their black widows..
I totally agree Portuge, I let them stay. I like spiders, just not the widows and anyone that wants to make a web and hang out inside the house. Traveling spiders can rummage thru the house, eating what they find or finding nothing and leaving. I'm ok with that, but no new roommate needed for the web squatters types!
Ok. First thanks everybody! Tryed to respond quickly and fill in the details here.
I had a cortisone shot on Tuesday, was sore and a bit better on Wednesday. Woke up Thursday morning feeling like a $100. Still have pain, normal pain that i can tolerate, but so much better!
It has rained all day, short break from 10am to noon, since late Friday night and still raining. The rain gauge was 3+inch at last look, hours ago. All the plants outside are beyond soaked!
So needless to say, no playing in the garden today.
So i decided to take a different route and pot up all the neglected plants on the bottom shelf inside. Potted up about 60 or so. Some were really root bound and the soil was compacted, so they should be much happier now.
Here is the bottom shelf, right and left shots!
Took this while doing so...
What is that stuff? Bugs?
Nope! Our friendly neighborhood Mycos!
I like to add a bit in the pots, and also spray the roots to get them just wet enough so the mycos sticks.
Just a little help for my friends, or from my friends for friends!
So i shuffled the plants around the shelves trying to make more room for each individual pepper plant. Here is how the middle shelf end up like.
So after all that fun, i thought i should do something with all those damn annuums i have been double neglecting.
This is where they were at.
Is that landlocked? Hooking up with a few friends? Six pack to go?
Sticking together is what they were doing.
So after another couple hours, back being over it all at this point, I got most separated and into smaller groups till the next pot up.
Here is the top shelf packed out with little ones!
A few plants...
My Peruvian white hab is totally wanting to flower. This was the only dampening off victim for me this year, if you remember. The H2O2 worked like a charm! I pulled back the soil and there are new, strong roots coming of the stem above the previous affected area. Happy to see that and still have her!
My reapers are gaining on the others! Growing like weeds!
I really like the two choc bhuts here in the center of this shot. So much so, that i took this photo so you could see them!
Ok. Way past my bed time! Hope you enjoyed my ten picts!
Till tomorrow, & still raining!