capsidadburn said:
Sweet pods and plants Jason! Nice mantis too!
Thanks Mike! Was excited to see a mantis! First of the season. Hopefully he will hang around!
romy6 said:
Great growing Jay. Plants are really loving the heat and rain !
Thanks Jamie! Over did it a bit, but loving the selection. Plant have really taken off, they are loving the weather right now. Thanks for rolling in!
stc3248 said:
Great first harvest! Seems like those little white pods take forever to ripen. I got some White 7's that I think may be done, but I am giving them an extra week to be sure. Plants are looking great! Good decision on the home-made containers. Buckets, totes, tubs...they all turn into planters once the right holes are put in them! Keep 'em rockin brother!
Thank you Shane! Was excited to get my first pod, even with the size. I'm wondering about the white 7s myself. Also have 3 giant white habs. Plus the devil's tongues and the saved Peruvian white. I didn't know if the one i pulled was ripe, but the seeds looked mature, so i think it was close enough. Going to let the next one go longer to see what happens. The PI 441598, that has more pods than leaves (almost

) also turn creamy white, so another one to guess on ripeness until I figure them out.

Was stoked on the tub. cheaper and with handles! Plenty of root space for the two OWs that got those.
Trying to catch up with ya! Moving in quick, better stay on them toes!
Devv said:
Congrats on the harvest, now the fun starts!
Every time you look more to pick.
Love seeing those Mantis' in the garden!
Thank you Scott. Like i said to Rick, i need about twelve more! I still a few weeks from consecutive pulls, but won't be long. Surely an orange thai will ripen next. Fingers crossed!
grantmichaels said:
Lots of cool stuff here, varieties I've not seen previously etc ...
Thanks Grant and thanks for checking in. I really went overboard, right around 100 different types this season. I dialed back on some annuums to make more room for the c. chinense. Should be interesting when pods start rolling in, something new to try daily, for weeks. Will highlight my favs, and dis the underachievers. Looking forward to the many different pods!
Pepper-Guru said:
Are those White Bullets? Mmmm one of my favorites. These storms are crazy right?
Now THATS a leaf.
Those are grant's (junglrain) jellybean white habs. Not sure if they are related to bullets. That one pods was delicious, one was just not enough!
Crazy storms for real! One after another after another. Plants haven't minded, and haven't watered anything in weeks! Got a few blown over last week when that crazy strong storm blew thru. Looked like being in a hurricane, white out, rain going sideways but no real damage to the plants. Need to stake a ton this weekend to prevent future attacks of nature. But Yes... crazy torrential storms keep blowing through!
I'm still saying that leaf is prehistoric, as mentioned by the Doc! It's stupid huge.
Did i mention that I'm liking this yel BB douglah pod?