Sanarda said:
woowza terrific looking stuff you got going on. I love a triple bumper update. awesomely terrific GA.
Thanks Pia! I'm about to turn up the heat here in hotlanta!
I am finding something new turning almost everyday!
Don't be a stranger now!
Vegas_Chili said:
Wow those white 7's look awesome, they look just like the ones KING sent me. I'm digging into that one tomorrow. That barrackpore looks interesting.
You make overwatering look like a myth.
Lots of good stuff, a winner in every update.
, Walter
Thanks Walter!
The 7 whites have taking forever, but now are ripening in succession. Love the look of then. Was happy to catch that one on the right as it was turning. Love to see the transitional phase of peppers, which each variety changing differently. Those are top down.

I have some container plant loosing their bottom leaves now. The temps are higher, so i think that has contributed to the problem. The garden, i built specifically with big raised rows, hasn't complained at all, but it does drain better.
Nice score on that box btw! Denniz is way cool to have hooked that up!
Thanks again!
stickman said:
I know, right? They caught me the same way last year... how can anything so small be so hot!
Everything's starting to ripen up quickly for you it seems. Pretty soon you'll be up to your eyebrows in pods unless you process them somehow. Cheers!
Seriously! They have to be up towards 500,000 scovs. I gave some to my boss, well put some on his desk. He is a chilli head, but didn't get to tell him about them before he went to lunch. He gave one to one of the other managers before trying one himself, thinking some little pepper, probably not that hot. The other guy popped a small one and was freaking out, and he said it can't be that bad, and popped a bigger one himself. It lit him up too! We alway talk the other guy into trying them and my boss always under plays the hotness to him. He is a bit cruel like that. So he was totally pissed at my boss thinking he knew they were way hot, but he really didn't. After the lunch he came by, laughing a bit, but was saying i should have let him know so even he could have prepared for them.
I did the same thing with my first. Just popped it. And oh damn!
I really like the JBs. Twice as hot as the Peruvian whites that i have, and they are twice as big.
Right on Rick. Swimming in pods soon! Haven't decided if that's a good thing or bad yet.
GnomeGrown said:
Looking real fine, Growhead.
Like the new avatar too.
Happy Harvests!
Thanks gnomegrown!
Looking foward to move harvest, atleast till I'm drowning in pods!
Still not sure about the avatar, but needed a change. So it will work for now. It does have a chin like peter from familyguy though.