• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GA GH's Garden 2013

Seeing people already starting seeds gave me the bug. & I just didn't think watching our southern hemisphere friend's grows was going to fill that void. As my season comes to an end, i needed to do something. What? I am not sure, but here i am.

Say hello to orange primo from peter@semillas.de

Note: Updating this thread verses creating a new one. Growlist for 2013's outside down below
The Jonah Naga cross is so interesting.  I forgot you were growing that one from earlier in the season.  Have you tasted it?  Whats the heat flavor if you have?  Its a cool looking pod.
Wow nice one Jason - absolutely amazing selection and plants man! Your glog just keeps going from awesome to awesomer with every passing day - well done mate!
That's a fine harvest and thanks for the offer on the seeds. We definitely will do a swap later this season when I have harvested some also :) I got the PI441598 seeds last season. How did the orange MadballZ turned out, still orange or red? A orange pheno would be cool also :D
Damn, man!  I can hardly keep up!  Looks like your harvests are starting up the steep part of the curve.  Those plants look loaded up!  Keep the pics coming, man.  Great to see shots from the garden of a master grower!
stc3248 said:
Dude...everything is looking so killer. That Wild Brazil is a freakin monster! I may have underestimated the size pot I need for that thing!!! I may sneak it into an inground spot in the front yard...Shhhh :shh:  All those cool varieties, and such healthy looking plants. Man, you're killin it!
Thanks Shane! I think the front yard sounds perfect, and i won't tell. ;) I'm happy the charapita is different for ya. I am like the WBs. I must have eating ten tonight since i got home. Picked a hand full more today. I just keep snacking on one as i walk by the basket full of peppers. Pretty yummy!
A few are looking like they need a feeding again, others are kicking ass. It's starting to look like a jungle out there. I will be crawling thru the rows in no time. :doh:
Sanarda said:
The Jonah Naga cross is so interesting.  I forgot you were growing that one from earlier in the season.  Have you tasted it?  Whats the heat flavor if you have?  Its a cool looking pod.
It is pretty cool looking. Taking it to work tomorrow for lunch. Will report back. I'm guessing it's :hot:
wahlee76 said:
That's a very good first harvest. Pods are looking yummy. And some good looking plants with pods too.
Nice going :P
Thanks Wahlee!
MGOLD86 said:
Damn man, you really got some nice looking pods turning color.  It is that time of year!
Thanks Matt! Great time of the year it is! Saw a few more things coloring up.
PeriPeri said:
Wow nice one Jason - absolutely amazing selection and plants man! Your glog just keeps going from awesome to awesomer with every passing day - well done mate!
Thank you Lourens! I'm hoping it keeps getting better! Also hoping to have full table shots like someone i know down in south africa. ;) Hope you got seeds a germinating as i type. Looking foward to seeing what you end up growing this year. I definitely will add king nagas next season after seeing yours.
meatfreak said:
That's a fine harvest and thanks for the offer on the seeds. We definitely will do a swap later this season when I have harvested some also :) I got the PI441598 seeds last season. How did the orange MadballZ turned out, still orange or red? A orange pheno would be cool also :D
Always down for a swap!
Your PI 441598s could be crossed too, unless they came from SS's 2011 grow. They were light peach in SS's 2011 glog. They were red, crossed by something, in his 2012 glog.
The madballz was looking red yesterday. Didn't look today. Will have to take a peak in the morning. It was full orange, then started going red from top down. Orange would have been cool. Oh well.
Seeing more color, the next harvest is going to have some new surprises.
DocNrock said:
Damn, man!  I can hardly keep up!  Looks like your harvests are starting up the steep part of the curve.  Those plants look loaded up!  Keep the pics coming, man.  Great to see shots from the garden of a master grower!
Thanks Doc! There are a couple hundred pods right around my corner. Hope i can be prepared. Thanks on the picts, but merely still an apprentice. Learning as much as i can, so one day.... I can teach young Danielson, plant kung fu.

Cool tobasco flower!

And I'm out
Everything is looking great Jason. Will be keeping a eye on this glog to see how things go. Wanting to go big on my grow next year hope it turns out half as good as yours has.

WOW Jay! What a an awesome variety of color bro! I'm extremely impressed with what you have going man. Nothing short of superior. I just got back again from TN. WHat a beautiful part of the country you boys live in! I can't wait to be permanently down there. GOt a couple more MoA's down there too. Man that clay is hard!
JasoninTN said:
Everything is looking great Jason. Will be keeping a eye on this glog to see how things go. Wanting to go big on my grow next year hope it turns out half as good as yours has.

Thanks Jason! Go big!
Jamison said:
WOW Jay! What a an awesome variety of color bro! I'm extremely impressed with what you have going man. Nothing short of superior. I just got back again from TN. WHat a beautiful part of the country you boys live in! I can't wait to be permanently down there. GOt a couple more MoA's down there too. Man that clay is hard!
Thanks Jamison! You got to invest in a pickaxe! It will be your best friend. My tiller wouldn't scrape the surface, yet alone till. After hitting itvwith the pickaxe i could till. Then add a ton of organic matter, some aact and let it cook and you will be good to go.

Check out these orange (not) primos.


One plant makes slightly oranger yellow pods than the other. Shapes are all over the place on both, with the more yellow throwing out more primo-like pods.

Not brown 7, datil (from semillas), BOC. Madballz 7 red pheno, BB Yel Douglah. And Wild Brazils below.
Man those "orange" primo look awesome regardless. Peter from semillas also said something about it on the "hot pepper talk" section about those primos not coming in orange. They still look good tho, hope we can get a taste review soon.

Those wild Brazil look seriously wild lol. Beautiful plant and very prolific.

What can you say about the BOC? I read up somewhere that it's some kind of protected strain and found in Europe? Just curious tho.

, Walter
Spicegeist said:
Madballz looks very bhut-like, does it have a bhut aroma?
They do look very bhut like. Will let you know once i crack that one open.
Vegas_Chili said:
Man those "orange" primo look awesome regardless. Peter from semillas also said something about it on the "hot pepper talk" section about those primos not coming in orange. They still look good tho, hope we can get a taste review soon.

Those wild Brazil look seriously wild lol. Beautiful plant and very prolific.

What can you say about the BOC? I read up somewhere that it's some kind of protected strain and found in Europe? Just curious tho.

, Walter
I really the the yellow c. chinense, so I'm ok with the primos being yelliw. :D will let you know these taste.
Wild brazils are killer. I have been taking a little bag full to work each day and snacking on them every so often. These start off a bit tart and then taste great. I enjoy the bit of heat the leave with a great after taste.
I had my first BOC for lunch today. I would guess its a bhut crossed with a Bahamian goat by the taste. I had my first Bahamian goat yesterday and they taste very similar and are almost the exact same color orange. I thought the BOC would be orange like an orange bell, but it's more like the baham goat's color. There is this foral, fruity taste along with something i haven't been able to put my finger on, that i tasted in the baham goat. The BOC had that same flavor, just way way more pungent, but a slight tangerine /orange smell mixed in with how the baham goat smelled. Didn't get any orange taste as mentioned by some. And the BOC was quite hotter than the goat. Had serious placenta throughout and visible oil inside. It really got my tongue hurting for a few minutes there. A nice pepper, almost strange though is the flavor. Haven't decided if i like it or not yet.
Not sure if the guys has a patent in Europe or not, but did have the disclaimer say can't resell seeds. All the plants have been making fairly consistent shaped pods and two more plants are ripening orange. I was wondering how stable they are, and they seem good. Here was my lunch shot.


stc3248 said:
Those orange not primos are some freakin cool looking pods! Like a meaner version of the Yellow Cardi!...
My aren't as awesome looking as Jamie's, but i take them. More yellows, not complaining!
Great pod shots of that bad boy! I think orange pods have about the perfect flavor. Nice mix of the sweet fruity yellow with the strong but sweet flavor of the red...mmmm. Those little beads of oil look perty!
You must of had fun chomping on that placenta lol. Looks good tho.

Next year I'm only gona grow what I tasted. Tons of varieties and I don't like some and some I do. I'm saving seed from the pods that I like or at least that strain.

Yesterday I had one, but not sure what it was. Looked like a choco hab, but the aroma was pretty strong and it had an incredible taste and bigger. Heat was up to par with the red savina that came in the box as well as size. Crap I guess I just get all fired up when I'm gona eat one that I end up forgetting to take pics lol. (I took a pic of the box I'll check later if it's there maybe you'll know what it is)

, Walter
Jason, dat Orange bhut Copenhagen is simply breathtaking, love the shape & color, how is the taste? I just love all the varieties and colors you have going, the tobago seasoning looks amazing mon! Your garden is on fire with beauty, colors and great taste hat’s off mon \o_

PS forgot to mention that the pics are great too, but that should go without saying so, hehehe.
You've been a busy lad Jay, and I'm lovin' the colors your getting on your pods now! Looks like we're in the season for taste reviews now, and I'll be checking back for yours. Cheers!
It's been a way busy week for me going back to the office after almost two weeks goofing off...and I see you've been way busy!
Glad to see all the color and the harvests! Nice pics and nice pods!
In fact everything looks great, you're killing it!
Hey if you're tired of the rain do the Walkgood seaweed dance and send some this a way!
Have a great weekend!