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Getting Fit!

sicman said:
What happened? Lots of posts are gone?
Maybe the lack of interest from other people could be part of the reason. :mope: But that doest affect me much of anything, i will keep trying to improve till there something worthy of discussing.
my workout regimen consists of entirely rest days. 
Played with my smartphone and found the setting for the timer and took a picture of my back. Not too fit or anything, but i have noticed the nice increased back thickness with all the heavy kettlebell training i have done in the past 3 years:

I have ways to go with the back wideness and started doing a lot of band assisted wide pulls up to get more of that wideness, but the genetics i have been given leans more to the thickness of the back more than the wideness. That is why the deadlifts have been always the move, where i was at my best.
But all in all, i am much happier with my body now, that it was when i was thin like a twig...I have gone few times to the local bath house in recent times to use the water pressure massage things to massage my muscles, got many strange/pissed off looks from the men, that i must be on some drugs or using something to enhance my grow, but the truth is that all of this is all natural years of hard work to get to this level i am now, as this body was never given to me in a silver plate and then i get these funny looks especially from the ladies...My country women are funny, they dont say anything usually, they just stare at you and i like teasing them.... :rofl:
Just because we all are getting older doest mean we should just stop training our muscles all together. Instead of all cardio workout, maybe include some kettlebell full body training few times a week to the training, it is like cardio and weightraining combined in the same time with a bit higher reps like 10 to 20 reps range.
Checked my training log and the last time i touched any of the regular weights was in 15.10.2013 as regular weight training just didnt work for me. So i have been training with heavy kettlebells and the bodyweight stuff for about 4 years now, so better start believing they work great for building muscle and strength. Also the ladies have been awfully talkative towards me lately, maybe the reason is my good jokes/intelligent sounding talking and the confidence i have build up over the years, also the way better look dont hurt either. :woohoo:
Here's what I work on these days! 

Lol, semi kidding... I have been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for the last ~6 months to add to my repertoire.  In 2017 I also put in the work to get certified to teach JKD and Tai Chi after studying those arts for the last 8 or so years, as well as my NASM personal trainer's certification.  2018 will be the year of nutrition, and maybe some BJJ comps.  We'll see. (Probably just another year of more gimmicky static holds though if I'm honest)...
Rawkstah said:
Here's what I work on these days! 

Lol, semi kidding... I have been training Brazilian Jiu Jitsu for the last ~6 months to add to my repertoire.  In 2017 I also put in the work to get certified to teach JKD and Tai Chi after studying those arts for the last 8 or so years, as well as my NASM personal trainer's certification.  2018 will be the year of nutrition, and maybe some BJJ comps.  We'll see. (Probably just another year of more gimmicky static holds though if I'm honest)...
Hey, i can do that too..Here hold my milk glass. :rofl:  Nice balance and strength, myself have had some basic Taekwondo training when i was younger and still can do some of those basic kicks with not so good form, i bet with my current leg power combined with some proper training they would hurt really bad. But i prefer to talk myself out of trouble, as i am not a violent person at all, but will defend myself or protect the ones i care if it comes to that.
I enjoy seeing people get better at the things they do, regardless of what work, hobby or sports they happen to pursue. My cousin have his own dojo here in Finland and he teach bujinkan budo taijutsu to his students there.
This kind of stuff:
Cool stuff! I'm not really a violent person either.  I like to tell people that my spirit animal in the elephant, even though I'm 5 foot nothing.  An elephant is peaceful, playful and calm, but you threaten an elephant or an elephant's loved one and you better watch out. 
I hate to admit it but I need to do more HIIT and cardio in general.  Not that I am huffing and puffing, just with the holidays and then a trip to Jamaica I pretty much packed on enough weight to move up a weight class.  I was teetering on the edge of a division before hand but now I'd definitely be up a division, and in some tournaments, where you weigh in with your uniform on(an additional 3-5lbs, 1.4-2.4kg) I'd probably be up even 2 divisions! Yikes.  I'm aiming to shed about 5 lbs in the next month, and then I have to decide if I want drop down an additional weight class for the uniform wearing weigh-in tournament by shedding the extra 3 lbs for a competition at the end of March (have to register the latest by 3-16, choosing my weight class then). 
Ya'll are my accountability club now!  What are some of the other goals floating around this thread?  How many miles are ya doing with year Sic?  
Besides heavy kettlebell training in the rep range of 8-20 usually and the bodyweight stuff, i have not done anything special with my cardio. Only change i have done lately is that instead of cycling everywhere, i just started walking everywhere with my small backback hauling various stuff back home and have not done much sitting lately either because i have Piriformis syndrome in my left buttock area that started two years from too long muscle thighness mostly created by the work i did for 6.5 years. I now know how it can be healed given enough time. So now i am just standing most of the day and i am only sitting when i eat something.
I am not really trying to lose too much weight for now, my main goal is trying to improve my strength/muscle endurance and overall body balance. Losing any extra fat because of it is a nice side effect.
I have a whacky back too.  I bought one of those swiss ball chairs for my desk.  it doesn't necessarily make the work day more comfortable but it doesn't have a back for leaning in, making me more likely to get up and stretch.  It also forces you to sit straighter because you're on a ball not a flat chair.  Are you familiar with myofascial release foam rolling?  And are you doing stretches? If not let me know I'd be happy to PM ya some correctional flexibility stretches and foam rolling tips to loosen the area up.  
Rawkstah said:
I have a whacky back too.  I bought one of those swiss ball chairs for my desk.  it doesn't necessarily make the work day more comfortable but it doesn't have a back for leaning in, making me more likely to get up and stretch.  It also forces you to sit straighter because you're on a ball not a flat chair.  Are you familiar with myofascial release foam rolling?  And are you doing stretches? If not let me know I'd be happy to PM ya some correctional flexibility stretches and foam rolling tips to loosen the area up.  
I have pilates roll and that double ball thing, had to learn to use both to massage the problem areas. Can also do pigeon yoga moves for opening the hips and other hip opening yoga moves that most people dream, but cant do without years of practice.

I do alot of other stretch moves maybe two times a day, because i just have to do it to keep the piriformis syndrome at bay and maybe one day fix it.

I also found out that hanging from a bar also helps.
But thanks anyway for thinking about my well being. :P
You two look really fit, what are you eating to cut the weight? I have been on the kale and espresso, been on two plateau's at 200 and now at 190. Looking to drop 20 more.