• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Giant Pumpkin+veg. GLOG!!!

yes in summer things fly along because of the long days, but can go bad quickly because of the harsh sun.  
The pumpkin vine is actually a vine now and it has now reached the trough for secondary roots.   We are headed for a heat wave now looks like we are going to have a few 106 degree days in a row.  I've made a little shade for the vine tip, but I'm sure I'm going to lose some leaves here, what isn't covered will get hurt.
Yikes! I guess as long as the growth tip isn't fried you'll be good. Still pretty cold over here so I am very jealous of your summer conditions, . The days are getting a bit longer and we are seeing some warm days ahead... So what seed is this new plant you have going? I imagine you're still going for orange :D
Orange for sure! I've had all kinds of failures sprouting seeds this season, so in the end the one that worked was the Rahe 823 again!
Those Rahe were the fastest for me as well. Simply amazing genetics. Haven't seen much from Mr. Rahe, heard he was having some problems with his plants last year.
Vine has completely taken over back yard.

Hydroponic Secondary roots all along the main vine.

Open pollinated pumpkin growing off a secondary vine, I'll cut this off sooner or later, I want all the energy to go to the main pumpkin.

Main pumpkin on the main vine.  Really starting to take off now!  This sucker is going to be big!  I'm certain I've sorted out all my hydroponic issues, I've been spraying for powdery mildew.  All good to go!!  This is IT!!
Looks like you'll have a nice round one! So are you finding that by burying the secondary roots, you are having faster growth on the plant and the pumpkin itself?
Does better in the heat! the leaves dont droop as much.  Not noticing a major difference in pumpkin speed, coming up to basket ball size now, so it should really take off soon.
Awesome! Things are on the up and up over here. Including the temperatures. Should be able to plant out my tomatoes and giant sunflowers here in a week or so.
Whooo! That's a big boy! Hope it keeps up that 25lbs gain!

Things aren't going well with any of my plants right now. Going to need to start my tomatoes over.

Glad things are going good for you! :D. I'm jealous.
Bugs got to em. I had them inside under a grow light. We get fungus gnats real bad over here. They lay larvae in the soil then the larvae feast on the roots of the plants. I had them inside because it was too cold outside, but now that it's warming up I will be able to get some started and moved outside here in the next week or two.