• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

GNSLNGR's Not the shortest grow log anymore!

This isn't really a grow log, just a few pics of a grow in progress....the seeds were started Mid February, and went into the ground a week ago.......


Purple Bhut

Red Brain Strain

Chocolate Scorpion(Cappy)

Douglah x Butch T

Monster Infinity


Trinidad Scorpion Red x Giant White

Peach Habanero

Overwintered Jam Hot Chocolate

40 in the ground with 20 yet to go! Overwintered plants: White Bullet,Yellow 7's,Chocolate Bhuts,Giant Bhuts, and a Naga...are all podding up;)!
Eating all that hot stuff on a ship??? I hope you have a private toilet :onfire: !!!!!!Great pics BTW. Red Stripe is some gooood stuff :beer: . I drink it during the Jamaican Day Parade and the festivities here in NY/NJ area. Get back to work Soldier... Im guessing your a soldier undisclosed private beach and all :think: :confused: :silenced:
Dang Dave those pods are scaryyyy!!! And Red Stripe, mmmmmmm!!! :) Let me know when you are ready for those black scorp tongue seeds! Going to do a SASBE offer on them soon, but I will make sure to save you some!
Always fun to read about your adventures, Dave!
Wish I had some pods to send you; hate to see
you experiencing capsaicin deprivation.
okay....another brief exile period, but one steeped in a brief hurricane, plant remediation, lots of harvesting, drying.....and working on Brown 7/Black Naga/Douglah sauce, and a Hot Red with Infinities/Primo's.It also came with a blue screen of death.....so no real THP time again, except responding to messages on the iphone.But thats behind me now, as I'm back at work for some office time in Houston, and my blue screen of death issue was fixed with new computer.I will update later in the week, but for now just a "still life"
of my hotel nightable....centerpiece is a tupperware full of Brown 7s,Douglahs,Black Nagas,Choc Habs,Yellow 7's, Fatalii's,Douglah x Butch T's,Infinities,Choc Scorps,Bhut Jolokia Red x Giant White Habs and a few others.Every plant suffered some decapitation from the storm, and then I topped em all....and they loved it.Recovery took about a week, slowly getting the stems back to vertical a little bit every day or so. The cut backs seemed to stinulated another growth spurt....and they are going pod crazy now. Time now to have a little chat with Mr Daniels,test drive a Bhut Jolokia Red x Giant White with chow,and crash.
Geez Dave! Sounds like you're having some fun down on the Gulf coast...hurricanes and mosquitoes are about the only things I don't miss. You can expect a better late than never 43R care package (x2) soon. Can't wait to see the update on the freshly groomed plants!

Take care brother!
Nice pocketknife.......

Pistol close by?

Well sorta...look to the left.... AR .45"Super Express"; a fine tool -usually fed with Plain Jane .45 ACP....but for knowledge sake, it will toss out 240 gr at 1200 FPS when it eats the Supers ;)....but thats usually the "camp round", as thats just too much punch(ie I don't need em to go through bad guy, and then a few walls and end up tapping an uninvolved party)for general purpose, thats almost on par w/.45 Automag.The eyes are a Trijicon reflex-It is dialed for crossing first line of sight at 25m, and dropping back through at 50 approx . If decide to go with a mag full of Supers-that changes the second LOS crossing to 75 m.

I damn it -I'll see about getting my update over here as well before the weekend is up , otherwise a sneak peak is on CG;)..wink wink.
Okay slippin it in....

First, a toast to all...first day back in about a week before Isaac came calling.

My main sidearm, "Uno" makin her JDAM face...

The one Bhut Jolokia Red x Giant White Hab plant that threw the first awesome pod, was on deaths door for a long time,so many aphids it looked salted.It threw
the one pod, nearly succumbed, curly leaf,horn worms,clogged drip ...but I would NOT give up on this one-and it never quit on me.When I checked it this time it was covered in blooms, have 4 pods and several "podlets".They are smokin pods too;) same heat level as bhuts, but a wicked instant throat burn if get to frisky.

One of the pre storm harvests...

Brown 7's....

The "not" a Purple Bhut, taste similar to red habs

Spikey Primos...big fat one should facedown but......

These SHOULD be Impacts, but may Be Armageddons-only Vlad could tell....

Mystery Pod...some of these are pretty big, nice flavor.....

And I leave you with another mystery -Looks sorta like a bonnet(doesn't taste like one), maybe a mutt from the Fat x Cleo cross seeds

And the storm came- to prep ;all pods from the top third of every plant were removed "runners" were cut down to be level with the rest-avg height between 4-5', but there are several 3 footers that spread vs tower.
There were already row stakes with a 1/4 poly rope tensioned between these stakes at the 16" level. Each plant gets a lose "collar" that is stopper hitched the main line-while raised rows and loose soil with lots of organic matter and drip lines are awesome for growth-they tend to allow lots of movement-so everything basically was leaned over from the wind, with lots of topping during Isaac.I cut the broken limbs back, and slowly uprighted the plants using line tension and lots of water(RAIN), Then they all decided to BOLT ;)....plenty more to come.
Next thing I was gonna mention about about great loose soil w/drip systems is that the roots don't go to china-I don't like the smaller root balls, and have since switched to flooding the natural "canal space" between the rows(thats how they usually water row gardens when irrigated, this makes the roots go down and reach.
On the plants I pulled when thinning out -the root balls were half the size of the ones that completely fill a 7 gallon pot from a smaller plant.Drip systems unless buried substantially make for a lot of surface roots(you feed and drip from the surface -thats where the roots go!).

More to come..."The After the storm recoveries"....
Have a good one-
Those plants are survivors! I'm sure you'll be getting pulls until December down there. Would like to see your canal row system...or have I missed it on a previous page??? Drip is about all I can afford out here in Cali...water is almost as expensive as gas these days!
Shane , the short answer is no pics per say, but I'll see what can be realized from the sea of pics on my phone.The easiest way to envision it, is raised rows are typically created by using excavated soil from between the rows-by applying a slight gradient to channel water flow/levels you direct said flow.The gradient must be slight enough to allow "canals" to hold the water in place until it soaks in, easy enough to do by not providing an outlet.You must have level ground or your rows must be contoured to a level configuration perpendicular to the slope. It is by no means conservative on water, but requires little to no mechanical equipment generally if you have a water source at a corresponding elevation.Probably not so practical in the capital of bottled water though. I had intended to make 18" diameter rings around each plant with 1/4" drip line supplied by 3/8" or so supply line buried under each raised row-but I did not have an acceptable timeline to do it in.;)
Gotta be careful how I answer this one -we'll get a war started!LOL. I thinned my plants out earlier this year-one thing immediately apparent-was the smaller root ball size then any container plant I have-the plants were fairly healthy, so no stunted growth. If the drip hole was a bit to the left -roots were more evident on that side, if it was to right , same thing. This got me wondering.....so I pulled one of my not a Datils from out in the yard landscape, and the roots occuppied the whole of a five gallon sized hole(easy to tell-everything is clay under 6").Technically speaking -this is not enough of a number to be considered valid . The garden plants have been quick to respond to dry surface soil-ie, they'd droop as soon as the soil is dry when the heat goes up-quicker even then the container plants.Not so with the deeper rooted ones out in yard.So...I had left the hose on and went off to do a quick little something, and came back to about 4 "-6" of pooled trench water(ie-between the rows)...and one of my long dormant brain cells popped in "duh-its called irrigation!"hmmm.so while I was home the last 2 trips-I would row irrigate , and rain helped the rest of the time. Now when the upper layers dry they don't seem to droop as fast. I'll be pulling several this winter-be very interested if I'm pointed in the right direction.I'll keep my drip in place because my other half really means "I looked out the window and they were still standing, but I'm not going back there unless I HAVE to." when she says "They are doing great, I just checked em yesterday" LOL! My plants would be long gone, or in the standard "suspended growth" that was the norm before I put it in.I would leave thinking "oh yeah ,when I get back I'll be rollin in pods" ...snap a few pics....and come back in a few weeks-they look almost exactly as left, and so dry there were pots laying on their sides from just getting blown over-when dirt is crispy powder dry-and grass is growing in the pot drain holes...well you don't have to be a genius ;)!
So don't take my drip advice as gospel-it depends on a lot things-flow rates , how many orifices you have(now that sounded funny!hehe) near each plant, whether its buried or exposed....and so on.
I just wish I could grow pods that don't grow sideways all the time.....snicker snicker(refering to my growlog pics :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: )
Thanks for clarifying. I see what you mean now. We have a totally different type of soil here which I'm sure also plays a role. I think I could probably water everyday or do as I did and didnt water at all. I probably would have had riper pods sooner if I had watered more. I thinking "stress, stress, stress." Lesson for next year! Next year I am going to water a lot more and use my fish shit from the beginning to see If I can have a harvest sooner.
Your irrigation thoughts remind me of something I learned this year from some farmers. When corn is in its earlier stages of growth, there is a time when they don't want too much rain because all of the surface water will not encourage the deeper growth of the taproot. They want the taproot to grow nice and deep because later in the year it will get dry on the surface and the corn will need that deeper taproot to get moisture from further down. Peppers, in general, are more shallow rooted than corn, but I think this sort of thing would apply.
Also, your description of the "canals" remind me of a permaculture technique where they make "swails" which are basically flat - perfectly flat - lanes that hold water, and the water will move perpendicular to contour. The goal is to keep as much water on your property as you can, so you don't have runoffs, instead you have designated spots where your goal is to absorb the water.
Anyway, just some thoughts. Interesting experiments you are doing - gets the brain going.
Gary, we adopted 6 Cairns when a friend passed away, this was many moons ago-but you talk about a "Band of Brothers".Lost a few to coyotes(only people who love coyotes have never seen or heard their kills-they like to "gut" their prey alive, to disable it. and then they all start eatin while its still alive), enter "Koda" ,a big silver and white, black masked 132# Akita... he would howl to trick em into coming in at night, and then streak off w/out a sound-being young and dumb, I let him everytime. Coyote problem disappeared.Uno is an 18# Jack Russell that thinks she's an Akita !

I 've been at the Hive in Houston for few weeks-and will mobe out sometime in the next week.....and I WILL FINISH MY GLOG UPDATE FIRST LOL!