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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning everyone. Nice to see the yummy morels. Got a lot planted yesterday before the cold and rain hit on W, T, F, S. Plants will still have to wait another week, but the seeds got planted at home, now to get the community garden started.

At least I'll have a few days to portion out the plants to friends since I have way too many to plant.

Keep safe today and show these crazy drivers how to drive correctly!
Good morning all :)
well we got rain last night, and supposed to rain off and on all day, so i guess i wont be doing any prep work in the garden this evening :mope:
gotta take the little furbabys to the vet this morning for there annual checkup, and weigh in.  
i'll probably transplant the peppers out of the aerogarden into some larger pots  they are getting crowded in the aerogarden.
I really want to do some gardening even though its all wet and mucky out.
Hope you all have a wonderful day, and dont forget to S.M.I.L.E.
'Mornin' folks. I haven't been too awful active lately, but just in case anyone was wondering, I do NOT have any cancers that they can find. I have been diagnosed with a genetic blood disorder that is going to cause some lifestyle changes (no more venison? Are you KIDDING ME?!?) and I'll be giving a couple units of blood a month for the foreseeable future, but the diagnosis explains a lot of strange physical stuff going on.
It's called hemochromatosis, and it ain't no liver cancer, so take a moment and tip one up for me!!! :drunk:
Good morning all, today is wife and I's 9 year anniversary, she took the morning off and we are going out to brunch :)
mpicante said:
What are morels? I haven't had or seen these.
Florisa, Morels are... 
Well, Morels are the elusive amazing delicious Mushroom that only pops up for around a month here each year and only when the conditions are right. Typically here when the lilacs start showing purple, and the dandelions are popping up, then you should start looking for them often along the roots of dead trees, but sometimes fairly far from trees too. Dead Elm is the tree most morel hunters look for, but they can also be found near Ash, Poplar, Oak, Sycamore, Aspen, and i imagine many more, and you can often find large flushes of morels the year following a burn. If you find one, careful where you step as there are often more nearby.
There's something special about finding something so expensive and yummy and spoiling yourself :D
TIP: never eat wild mushrooms you can not 100% positively identify
well other than the rain, today's gonna be a great day :D 
stay awesome everyone, and be excellent to each other 
S.M.I.L.E. :D

Good morning. Cold front is here. Going to hit freezing tonight and tomorrow night. Crazy! Its been in the upper 80's. Back to good temps next week.

Good luck with the property huntIng, Frank. Sounds fun. Find something with south facing Sun.

Jane, I hope all is well. I heard Denver got hit with some crazy hail lately and supposed to get snow. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Sicman, I see you've got peppers for sale. Congrats!
Good morning everyone. Crazy weather! My plants want out and so do I.

Chuck, Denver is screwed this May, but June will be beautiful, I'm sure. Thanks for offering help, just take the snow.

My favorite mall has closed for repair and doesn't plan on opening until Christmas. A friend is out of a job until then.

Enjoy this beautiful day however you can and share your bounty. Drive safely.
Good Morning Everyone..today we will have some real heat as the mercury climbs to the 90's..but its short lived as we return to more acceptable spring-like temps over the weekend.hope the weather improves for Catherinew soon  ,and I see tornado potential in some parts of the country.Be safe all.
Drive safely and enjoy the day as best you can. :P
Good morning all :)
enjoyed a wonderful day without work, just hangin with the Wife.
Cherry Crepes for breakfast, it rained off and on all day, so no gardening.
Saw the new Guardians of the Galaxy (if you like the 1st one you may even like the 2nd one more. it's pretty good)
Then made her; stuffed Morels, steak, lobster tail, and baby asparagus w/ slivered almonds for Anniversary dinner  :drooling:  ate like a king  :dance:

it's not raining today, and currently in mid 50's F so the peppers will be going back out for more sun today 
10-day forecast doesn't show nights going below 45F, now if it would just stop raining long enough for me to get out there and do some gardening  :party:
and now it's time for some more coffee, S.M.I.L.E. and have a wonderful day
