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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning everyone. Sic- you are one busy guy with animals, plants, and a bike to keep you busy, not counting your volunteering at the roo farm.

Well, yesterday's weather took a toll on many of us in the Denver area. The hail hit hard here and shredded lots of plants that will recover, most likely. Hubby's car got hit with golf ball sized hail and has lots of large 'pongs' to prove it, besides broken wipers, paint, loss of logo on trunk. I knew the storm was coming so came home early and started staking the gangly tomatoes. The hail hit quickly and hard, and I hope to survey the damage more this AM.

Similar weather is predicted today, besides lots more rain. We're used to having a few lighter hail showers every year, but this one . . .
They even closed 2 malls because of all the damage to the roof/rain.

Anyway, the world is beautiful, rejuvenated by all the rain. My garden planting will just be delayed another week or two.

Enjoy your day and share the bounty with those less fortunate. And smile.
Good morning everyone. Woke this AM to rumble and rain after a quieter day yesterday. It's going to be a zoo with the insurance companies assessing people's car/etc. damages from the hail. Told hubby to find the car of his dreams and we'd buy it already dinged!

Quiet day ahead w/this rain. Enjoy your day and coffee. Share your smiles. Don't forget Mothers Day is around the corner.
Good morning and happy Wednesday all :)
Hope everyone is having a great week so far 
Weather has been cooperating, but we've been busy so haven't got as much done in the garden as i'd like. Dirt day is coming up quick though :dance:
S.M.I.L.E. :D and have a wonderful day 
 Mmmmmmmm espresso 
catherinew said:
Good morning everyone. Sic- you are one busy guy with animals, plants, and a bike to keep you busy, not counting your volunteering at the roo farm.

Well, yesterday's weather took a toll on many of us in the Denver area. The hail hit hard here and shredded lots of plants that will recover, most likely. Hubby's car got hit with golf ball sized hail and has lots of large 'pongs' to prove it, besides broken wipers, paint, loss of logo on trunk. I knew the storm was coming so came home early and started staking the gangly tomatoes. The hail hit quickly and hard, and I hope to survey the damage more this AM.

Similar weather is predicted today, besides lots more rain. We're used to having a few lighter hail showers every year, but this one . . .
They even closed 2 malls because of all the damage to the roof/rain.

Anyway, the world is beautiful, rejuvenated by all the rain. My garden planting will just be delayed another week or two.

Enjoy your day and share the bounty with those less fortunate. And smile.
I'm glad you have a great attitude. I'm sorry about the hail. It gets me every year. Last year twice once in April and I think again in July? I just got the plants into the hoophouse when it hailed here the other day. Let me know if you need some plants. I've got extras for just this reason.

Have a great day you all. Off to work. Looks to be sunny out. Woohoo! No working in the rain.

Oh, good morning!
Good morning everyone! It's still raining this AM, though they predict sun sometime this afternoon. Thanks for the offer of plants, Chuck. I have a bunch of extra plants. too. People with our weather just know to plant extra - just in case. I keep saying I'll cut back on planting seeds, but it hasn't happened yet. There's always next year.
Chuck, I hope to see your front yard filled with extra peppers in pots this year!!!
Hope everyone has a great day. Share your joy and smiles, and pepper plants!
Good Morning Everyone...the weather here has been cooler than usual with intermittent sun..but no hail ;) ...we do expect more rain for the weekend & then it really warms up to more likeable levels.Today cloudy/some sun & in the 50's.Hope your weather is kinder/gentler.
Have a safe & nice day. :P
Friends,hope your  plants rebound & the damage is at a minimum..the weather  as we all know can wreck havoc..so fingers crossed.