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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good Late Morning Everyone...we have some rain with the sun trying to peak out..60's..not bad.I heard on the radio that we should have
a milder winter compliments of La Nina...will see.
Catherine we love going to New Hampshire/ Vermont  its so beautiful..we went a bit beyond  Montpelier...then we wished we had our passports.
Lots of greenery...wish the winters were a bit friendlier...also they don't offer much in terms of tax breaks for people to stay  there,
not that the Nutmeg state does either,but  I "believe" that will be changing & people will come here as I see some relief
in the works...then maybe we "MAY" look froward to staying here ...they have budget woes here as most places do.
Anyway,we enjoy roaming around here and the leaves were at their peak color..my husband mapped out a route & that worked.
I like Maine also..we love going there...not so much Mass.& RI..crowded as here. ;)
New England is beautiful  especially at this time.My Husband absolutely  loves the Connecticut River and we followed it as much on our route...its fun to go driving around especially when I don't have to do the driving.  ;) 

"Catherine we love going to New Hampshire/ Vermont  its so beautiful..we went a bit beyond  Montpelier...then we wished we had our passports."
Wiri - I grew up 10 miles from the Canadian border, but Canada's scenery is just as great as Vermont/New Hampshire's. Maine is gorgeous also and has the yummy lobsters! I miss the colors, trees, but not the humidity. Still have family there so we can get free room and board with great scenery when we drive the 2K miles! And there there's the maple syrup and candies.
Glad you could enjoy the beautiful colors! And thanks so much for the pics.
Good morning. Its Friday! Hope you all have a great day. Busy. Will be working this weekend.

Sandy, those pics look fantastic. Im glad you and your husband got out to enjoy the Fall colors. Never been that far north. Lived in Virginia Beach for a couple years (not fun). I want to get out there someday.

Have a great day. Enjoy!
Good Morning Everyone...its nice today.sunny 60's but tomorrow &Monday will be quite windy..have some plants around still
so will have to go flip the pots on their sides so the wind will not affect them..
Chuck...thanks,you should visit NE sometime, its very picturesque especially in the Spring& Fall IMO..the biggest draw here for us is that
we don't worry about droughts/and too much turbulent weather..yes we get snow & cold  as one  have to get some sort of precipitation
regardless of where one live,righto?..and of course employment.. "extremely fortunate" to find great opportunities here.
Andrew...hope all is better..the dentist is probably the least liked person around..hope its all remedied pronto with the least pain.
Catherine...a lobster dinner sounds great...I  also like dungeness crab..hard to find around here...seafood yes!
Well enjoy the day everyone...hope LAD evens out the series tonight...not a fan of the Astros.esp., Gurriel & his antics,can't do that in CUBA...the joys of freedom should not be taken too lightly esp., when we know what the opposite is. :hell: